18:04 ST
Hello and welcome!
I’m kinda hoping that I’ll be able to trade with whoever gets account 136. But then again, I like the account number I got. Nice and even, ending in a 0. ^^
Posted 06/21/13

I must say I’m surprised at how many people were here already when I joined!  I was busy setting up a yard sale, so I didn’t check in to register until like 9:30 and I’ve still not had a chance to look around much.

Thank you all so much for the hard work!  It looks great (from what I’ve seen)! I can’t wait to look around some more.

ALSO!  Curse you guys for making it so difficult to decide which coloration to get as my first pet!
-halfheartedly angry fist shake-

AND also!  >8|!!!!!!!! Why can’t I have an exclamation point in my name, eh?!  I was vastly disappointed.

edit: Haha heeeeey, Toxxy,  8D;;;;

Posted 06/21/13, edited 06/21/13

*waves* hello everyone!

Like many others I have been stalking the main page, and my email.  Glad to see the site open. I’m a little surprised by how many people have joined already. I can’t wait to see everything up and working.

Keep up the great job guys!

Posted 06/21/13

Wow, there are so many people already here!  Hi everyone!  (For the record, I’m shezelle on Digis.  I have this thing where I don’t like using the same usernames for different sites XD)

Thank you for working so hard to get this site up so quickly!  You’re all amazing!

[Edit]  Just noticed my ID number.  Very cool!  I like successive numbers like that ^^

Posted 06/21/13, edited 06/21/13

I can only imagine all the hard work all of you put into this site, and I just want to thank you!

Plus that game is a killer! How will I ever write up a script for the Avengers 3!?

Posted 06/21/13
Hello everyone :) I’m so excited to be here, everything looks great and it’s wonderful to see all these familiar faces. Thank you for getting it all up so quickly!
Posted 06/21/13

Ahhh, so awesome!
I went to bed before it opened…. but… my soul was here. xD
Thank you so much you guys!

Posted 06/22/13
XD Darn! I wasnt able to get my same number ;p oh wells! XD Hi everyone!!
Posted 06/22/13
It’s great to see all of you here! :)
Posted 06/22/13

I love all three of the pets, Myla, you did an amazing job coloring them. It was so hard to pick!
The Sunbeam’s spots are gorgeous (I love spots) but I couldn’t pass up the Cave Shadow cause well.. teal. e.e

Oh and by the way I love the tab code :|

Posted 06/22/13
Posted 06/22/13
Hi everyone, glad to meet you!
Posted 06/22/13

From Digis to here! I’m so glad this cute little place is open. I hope it grows really fast.
I will agree though how dare you make it so hard to pick my first pet! They were all so adorable!

I am so excited for when this place gets fully up and running! My next goal is to get a cutie sunbeam!

Posted 06/22/13

I am not sure which one I want next:
A male sunbeam or female cave painting

I think I might go cave painting since she will be a new OC and I’ll have both a male and female on my account.

I’m really interested in how many nuggets equals a gem, though!
I hope it’s not too bad.

Posted 06/23/13
I didn’t like my number until Jingles pointed out that it’s one-ate-nine, which made me lqugh. Now I love my number. I would have liked to be a 2 digit number though.
Posted 06/23/13

I actually traded for a 3 Digit; I wanted one with a three and 103 is beyond perfect. -was 1103 on digis-
:D -hugs Meesh-
-continues hugging past the point of sanity-

I need more of them.


Posted 06/23/13

Oh, look, more time to spend in the internet~
Like I needed an excuse. Hullo all, well this is fun.
Digis to here, even if I was never active much on digis, it’s good to see the community again after so long.

Posted 07/10/13

“I will have to edit this properly later, because I’m still mid opening-preparations :D But welcome everyone!!

EDIT: there, I edited it =P”

... Really Glitch? Really? XD

Posted 07/11/13