If you had unusual stones left over from the event, they have transformed into event items.
Posted 09/11/16, edited 09/11/16
Raja that happened to me for the Shimmers Event! The singular bugged me to no end. Nothing to buy with it, but I just couldn’t walk away from doing the activity that would grant me the single event point either xD glitch Thank you for taking the time to explain the reasoning behind wanting the finite timeframe for the event shops. I like the idea of the loot turning into randomly picked items. It seems a fair solution.
Posted 09/11/16
I am given to understand that Neopets keeps their event shops open for a very long time, and this has generally resulted in people hoarding their points for as long as possible to see which items end up being most “valuable” down the line. We don’t particularly want to see that here, so we’re unlikely to make a drastic change in how long our event shops are availableglitch
In my honest view, you are not giving that system enough credit. I have played Neopets since 2001 and you’re not really painting an accurate picture here. When an event ends and the prize shop opens, people don’t just not redeem prizes for years deviously plotting how best to profit. Yes, some people do hold off for a while but they are not the majority. Something to consider is that on Neopets it is not even safe to spend a long time not redeeming your prizes. One prize, the Altador Strength Potion, did actually appreciate nicely over a couple years. (But tons were redeemed right off the bat and over several months, to the point where appreciation was slow and people greatly benefited from the mass amount that were initially available.) However they began depreciating rapidly because of things Neopets was doing to depreciate battle pets, and in turn this affected items like ASP which was a stat increaser for your pet. It’s not accurate that people playing the speculation game hurts their prize shop system. In fact, I would say it helps keep prices low. Let me explain. Say 1000 people complete an event here. But woops, 100 of them fell asleep or lost internet for a week or were sick for a few months and couldn’t get back to the prize shop in time. 900 get into the prize shop and grab their items. You have effectively locked the item generation for the prizes of this event. Barring activity on your part, no more of these items will ever enter the economy. Now 1000 people complete an event on Neopets. Those 100 people who would have been locked out of the prize redemption come back, often at different times, and are able to redeem prizes and help keep inflation in check over time. I’m really curious to know how you think the prize redemption waiting game goes on neopets. It’s always balanced out by other sellers and what buyers are willing to pay. And very often people could redeem dozens of the good items, so they ended up super plentiful. Of all the things wrong with the neopets economy, I’d argue that it was actually never the prize shops’ fault. That was one of the few things they got right.
1) Items generally don’t vanish from the economy on MC. Either it’s a permanent item or, in the cases where it’s a shroom, the item becomes “a pet.” And as we know, shrooms actually sell harder than pets anyway. Appreciation is inherently slower than any comparison you could make to Neopets.
Posted 09/12/16, edited 09/12/16
glitch Ooh, I was wondering where the loot messages came from! I read up on the pervious posts in this thread, and I’m a bit surprised that there were quite a few people for whom the shop closed too early too. Thank you for going out of your way and still granting us (random) loot!
Posted 09/12/16
glitch OMG, I’m so happy! Even without being able to choose, it feels so good to get something for my points when I thought I’d missed my chance. Thank you so much!
Posted 09/12/16
Into the Caves Survey Summary Overall Results We had 261 surveys submitted, 243 of which included usernames. This means that 13 prizes have been raffled off! Winners are mentioned below: Some Statistics
Common Comments
Posted 09/17/16, edited 09/17/16
That’s some very interesting statistics, thank you for sharing! Regarding the Spellstones activity:
Posted 09/18/16
I’m a bit sad that my feedback, which I felt was really, really important, apparently wasn’t mentioned by a good amount of other people. I mentioned my frustration with the coat yet again not being shown until later. I thought this would have stopped after the huge amount of discontent during the Scholarcrow event. But I guess not. >: I’m a person who plays primarily for the coats. But at this point I feel like a small minority. I know I’ve said it before, but this site feels more and more like a dress up the customs game. Anyone else in my boat feel the same? On the subject of spellstones, would you believe that it actually got me better at the game? Also damn you people are efficient. It usually takes me half an hour to get 500+ points. Ten minutes? Am I just bad at all the games? I was really slow at cave in, too. It always takes me about one to two hours to max out my nuggets in a day. Which is why I find myself not doing it often.
Posted 09/18/16
I like to play for coats! A lot of them are so pretty. I didn’t mind this one being a surprise, but the only really frustrating bit for me was wondering if the coat would be the shopkeeper/the one in the banner or something else. And we had the opportunity to do everything after seeing the coat, if we wanted to wait and see, so I think it was pretty fair! I don’t really see a point in keeping it a surprise, but I was not very frustrated by it.
Posted 09/18/16
Hello! I’m plopping in here to say that while we do have to balance directions towards a large audience with very varying wants while keeping things fresh and trying new things, we do listen to individual player feedback and take it into account (even if a particular opinion isn’t widespread). When we write out summaries, we aggregate them to the more widespread opinions simply to keep the length reasonable, but we do think about and consider singly-voiced opinions and thoughts :) We’re always working to make Mycena Cave better for our players, and so we very much appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts in official surveys, discussions in the forums, and echos that we receive. If there are things you want to discuss but maybe don’t want to do so publicly, please do feel free to talk to us by echo too!
Posted 09/19/16