16:04 ST
October News Discussion
Welcome to October!

October’s OotS is Elysium by King! We are also featuring the Faerie Chimes by Eluii, and the Midsummer Fantasia, which were a collaborative effort between the two. They will be available in the OotS shop until the end of the day on October 31st, so be sure to pick up one (or forty) while you can!

New Mycenaissance

September’s Mycenaissance has come to a close and the raffle has been drawn! October’s prompt is now officially open for submissions. In the spirit of the season, we want to hear what scary stories your character has to share… whether a campy campfire favorite or something genuinely terrifying!

Fall Seasonal

Bruc is now selling a new Fall seasonal! Death’s Embrace was created by Rhyme, and is our first Kelph seasonal. It has a number of edits that can be toggled on and off for additional customization options!

I, however, prefer my edits on. Nudity is uncouth!

Our previous fall seasonals, Lammergeier and Grim Harvest, have also made a reappearance in Fungimental Magic at an increased price! All three mushrooms will be on sale until December 21st.

Summer Event Wrap-Up

August saw the end of our Into the Caves event. We followed up with an event survey and raffled off some extra prizes to those who shared their feedback! You can see the results of that survey and raffle here! Most notably, we implemented a new system in our prize shops. If a player has not spent all their prize shop currency by the time the shop closes, their points will automatically be spent on a random selection of prize items adding up to the value of the unspent points. We hope you enjoyed the event & this new feature!

Thank you again for diving…


Raffle Time

We hosted a raffle at the end of August, and 75 players walked away with cool new prizes! We also released our new raffle-drawing system… which pulled the winning tickets live on the raffle page! This feature will continue to be used in any future raffles, so keep your eyes peeled.

A Day in the Life

Tamshir is currently hosting the Day in the Life forum activity! This activity will run through October 9th, and asks that you share what an average day in the life of one of your characters or you as a player looks like! Players will earn a Timelapse avatar background for participating, and may submit up to two entries for inclusion in a raffle for a semi-custom with a circular background edit. Submissions for character entries should be posted here, while entries about the lives of our players are to be shared here!

Let’s do the Timewarp again!

Bloomshroom and Immatureshroom

Kerric discovered some unique new mushrooms during his recent travels. The Immatureshroom reverts Mycenians who consume it back to their baby stage while the Bloomshroom reverts them all the way back to their flower stage! Both mushrooms are now available for purchase in the Fungimental Magic shop.

You can read more about this update and the mushroom mechanics here!

Our magic only works on Mycenians that already have baby & flower forms!

Fall Event

Marcy would like to invite everyone out to his annual Harvest Festival at the end of October! This will be a Scrabble-style event filled with food, games, and all sorts of fun prizes. He would also like to assure everyone that there will be no unpleasant surprises this year… the Scholarcrows have been behaving themselves very well!

We’re reformed ‘crows… trust us! 8)

Posted 10/01/16, edited 10/01/16
And this month is going to be awesome! :D
Posted 10/01/16
Y must you tempt me with all these cool and prettyful things!? xD
Posted 10/01/16
*eyes those scholarcrows* Ok, you’re reformed… What about the rest of the garden ornaments? Gnomes are a bit suspicious…
Posted 10/01/16
I’m so excited! I joined during the Fall/Halloween event last year and loved it. Can’t wait to see what yall have planned for this year.
Posted 10/01/16
:0 I need this all in my life.
Posted 10/01/16
Scrabble eventttttttttttt <3
Posted 10/01/16

oh my goddddd i need twenty OotS
king has outdone themselves for the bajillionth time -heart eyes forever-

Posted 10/01/16, edited 10/01/16
“We’re reformed ‘crows… trust us! 8)” Yeah, riiiiiight… Looking forward to what’s gonna happen tho, whoo!
Posted 10/01/16
Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!! My birthday month and holy shit this coloration is gorgeous!!!! Love the items, too! Aaaah!! <33
Posted 10/04/16

As the bells toll midnight on the eve of Halloween, a shadow sweeps across the face of the moon. In the distance, the shrieking of bats and howl of nameless predators blend in creepy chorus. It seems the Cave’s monstrous inhabitants have their own festivities in mind.

On a branch high above your head, the shadow lands abruptly. Two beady red eyes assess you from the depths of the darkness, cold and critical. You shiver as it gives a caw that sounds suspiciously like laughter… what could this forboding creature possible have in store for you?

Midnight Collection

Howard has descended into the Cave to open a shop with a few items from his creepy collection!  The shop is temporary, open only until the end of November 7th Server Time, so be sure to get any items you want before Howard vanishes back into the shadows! The items will likely return in seasons to come, but may be priced higher when they re-appear.

Posted 10/31/16

uglysobbing my crappy vampire oc just got impossibly hot topic-y-er…tysm hush & rhyme

Posted 10/31/16, edited 10/31/16
For some reason, despite “drifty” not being in the item name, my spoiled mind thought the monster claws might be another drifty item. They just look so perfect for it? x3; I’m going to stock up on all of these items; I might even like them more than the event items. That moon! Cute ‘lil pumpkins! Bat wings that look really neat combined with the bat gliders! Many thanks to the artists! <3
Posted 10/31/16