Welcome to our November Raffle! ![]() With the Harvest Festival in full swing, the time seemed perfect to host another raffle! This round, one lucky winner will have the rare opportunity to select a date in the next 12 months to display a pet of their choice in our Feature Pet Spotlight! Please note the pet you choose must be on your profile when the raffle is drawn for it to be eligible for the spotlight. In addition to the spotlight slot, we will be raffling off cool prizes to 75 additional lucky winners! You can begin purchasing tickets on November 13th, and the drawing will be held on November 20th at 00:01 ST. We will be pulling the tickets live at the raffle page! As usual, your first ticket will begin at a price of 100 nuggets! Tickets will then increase in price by 10% for every ticket purchased. There is a cap of 35 tickets maximum per player. Here’s our full list of prizes for this raffle:
Get your tickets here!
Posted 11/06/16
The page seems to be freaking out for me, almost like it’s automatically refreshing over and over? I’ve tried it on a couple different browsers and it happened both times. It’s even doing it on my phone. Obviously, there’s plenty of time to buy tickets so it’s not that big a deal, I just figured I should mention it in case I’m not the only one having this happen.
Posted 11/13/16
EccentricBerber If you’re purely interested in reselling, GCS -> 2013 -> 2014 -> 2015 -> 7g -> Spotlight is probably the way to go. If you’d prefer to buy a new pet rather than resell / save up for one, you’d probably want to put gems a little bit higher (maybe higher than 2015).
Posted 11/13/16, edited 11/13/16
Posted 11/13/16
Dove I want to buy tickets for the raffle, though it seems to me, as several other people have mentioned, that ithe page keeps romantically refreshing to the point that grabbing tickets seems impossible. Any chance you guys are fixing that soon? ^^
Posted 11/14/16
It seems some browsers — most notably but not exclusively iPads — are constantly refreshing the raffle page making it impossible to buy tickets. We’re working on a fix and will have it up asap. in the mean time, if you need to get tickets before the fix is pushed (because you want specific numbers maybe) then give it a try with Google Chrome which isn’t affected. EDIT: this issue has been resolved :)
Posted 11/14/16, edited 11/14/16
Quick reminder that the raffle is being drawn TONIGHT in approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes :) Like last time, we’ll be drawing it live on the raffle page.
Posted 11/19/16
Congratulations to all those who won! Your prizes have been delivered. Aaron Dove ItsASomething Keilin Alyr Fie95 Pooka brando1229 Vely Rorii GenimD pisha [@Chidori] Jacq Solminol Falkinsey Vulpen Condor Chaosmic [@Reili] Chickpea shib KasaiKitsune Jigawatta Jordii CarmineCranes Mozzi Nate Wulfric EccentricBerber Kiwi OregonCoast Tsaiah celebi thewordeater Yume Lord raus Emeralda Coretta Madara [@Faith] Malis tester mdom RedlaSunShowers029 angelfrmhvn Riaa Plasma Feli Skyblaze Celestine -Aku manimani KeeperGreymuzzles Ashlar Kali blackfoxette Skye Deliball WillowWhisp Glaive Oxton [@Natsutaka] Lala Collie Losty JustTopaz thalassiq Arintol doragon Chibi Envy Chan Miranda ScienceGal8 Pine Dracule Demone Rhyme DelightfulDragon
Posted 11/20/16