19:40 ST
[Raffle] Another little raffle to tide you over
Welcome to another little raffle

Continuing our tradition of smaller monthly raffles to tide us over until the large ones, welcome to January’s raffle!

Like last time, this raffle will include one winner who get to choose a date sometime in the next 12 months to display the pet of their choice in our Feature Pet Spotlight! Please note the pet you choose must be on your profile when the raffle is drawn for it to be eligible for the spotlight, and that it is possible you may not get your first choice (there is currently one future date already claimed from our last raffle).

As usual, your first ticket will cost 100 nuggets, and each subsequent ticket will increase in price by 10%. This being a smaller raffle, there is a cap of just 20 tickets per player, which means the most you can pour into this raffle is about 5700 nuggets (approximately 20% of our normal raffles).

The full prizelist for this raffle is:

  • 1x Teal Pondshroom
  • 3x Pondshroom
  • 5x Changingshroom
  • 7x Cave Capsule 2013
  • 7x Cave Capsule 2014
  • 7x Cave Capsule 2015
  • 10x 7 gems — enough for a “Forever” Mycenian!
  • 30x 3 gems — enough for an Out of the Shadows item!
  • 1x Choose a day to spotlight your pet!

You can begin purchasing tickets today, January 22, and the drawing will be held on January 29 at 00:01 ST. We will be pulling the tickets live at the raffle page!


Get your tickets here!
Posted 01/22/17
Awyiss just what I need: something to mindlessly throw my money at. XD Gosh I love raffles. IT’S AN ADDICTION. AN AFFLICTION.
Posted 01/22/17

You currently have 0 tickets in the bowl.
There are a total of 90 tickets in the bowl, belonging to 8 players
Your estimated probability of winning a prize is 100%

Posted 01/22/17
[@queen elsa] hahah! Basically right now there are more prizes than participants, which makes the calculation a little silly. I should probably have a check for that in particular though…
Posted 01/22/17
I love that there are more raffles going to be happening. One suggestion, switch it up with the items? Especially with 2013 items I’m worried that they will lose their rarity
Posted 01/22/17
Posted 01/29/17
Congrats winners! ^_^
Posted 01/29/17
glitch Thanks so much!
Posted 01/30/17
Ahhhhh! Thanks so much! ^.^ Congrats to all the winners!
Posted 01/30/17
sweet, now who wants to buy this 2015 cave capsul? what is it even worth?
Posted 01/30/17
Woo, congrats to those who won prizes! This was my first raffle here, and even without winning it was really fun to participate and see the results come in! :)
Posted 01/30/17
Fie95 Point taken! This one was a little rushed because we forgot about it until day-of, but generally speaking we do mix the prizes up a bit :)
Posted 01/30/17
I think an openable with a chance of giving any previous OotS item could a be a good prize for these monthly raffles, winners would still have a chance (albeit an increasingly small one) of getting a 2013 item but with so many other items in there as well it wouldn’t really effect the rarity of the 2013 items very much. Then the 2013 capsule could be saved for the big raffles without making players feel like they never have any chance to win the 2013 things (which the majority of the player-base legitimately didn’t have a chance to buy when they were first released).
Posted 01/30/17