19:39 ST
February News Discussion
Welcome to February!

This month’s OotS coat is Morgan’s Star Cross Fox, which is now available for purchase along with its Serenade Staff and Ornate Horns. This set is available in the Out of the Shadows shop until the end of the day on February 28th, so if you intend to add one to your collection, be sure to pick it up before then!

The Mycenaissance

January’s Mycenaissance raffle has been drawn, and the spotlight chosen! We’d like to once again thank Tsaiah for providing January’s prompt and helping to comment on submissions. Congratulations to all our winners!

This month, we’d like to explore some of the peripheral figures in your character’s life. Their friends, their family, their mentor — tell us about the effect at least one other person has had on their life.

February Raffle

After holding several smaller raffles over the past couple of months, it’s finally time for the stakes to rise once again! February’s raffle will be a Sprout raffle, as is tradition around this time of year. More details will be available closer to the middle of the month - good luck to everyone who decides to enter!

Winter Watch Ongoing

The Winter Watch is ongoing through 23:59 ST on February 2nd! If you haven’t already, swing by the festival booths and enjoy the variety of activities for a new avatar background and the chance at a glowing changingshroom!

We urge caution for any furry friends straying too near these crafty cats, though!

Custom Queue Changes

We released several updates to our custom queue this month. Players familiar with the process may notice that the order forms for customs and sprouts has been reorganized. You are now able to select your desired level of involvement in the custom process!

Also notable, there will now be a one gem deposit required on the first custom or sprout order an account creates. Once the new pet is delivered, the gem will be refunded and the player will not be subject to the deposit again!

Check out the original announcement for a full list of changes made!

BBCode Guide Revamp & Updates

Our BBCode guide has been revamped! There have also been a few updates to our BBCode arsenal - for example, images contained within spoilers will now only load when you open the spoiler (save your precious data, mobile users!), and it is now possible to ping someone in a quote! The full list of updates can be found in this post.

Kelph Item Compatibility

We are continuing to work on making more of our old items compatible with the Kelphi! As a reminder, item compatibility can be determined based on which icons are displayed in the upper right hand corner next to the item image. Keep an eye out for more icons labeled with the Kelph bubble over the next few weeks!

We’re just some of the items that are waterproof now! :D

A Staff Goodbye

Due to the demands of her exciting career, Juney has decided to step down from her staff position so that she can give it her full dedication. She’s been a huge asset to our team over the years, and her analytical contributions will be sorely missed, but we wish her the best in her professional ventures.

Thank you for everything you’ve contributed to Mycena Cave, Juney! You’ve been an invaluable member of the team!

...And a Staff Welcome

For the past few weeks, priz has been hard at work with her mentors to become a full member of the staff team. We are thrilled to announce that she has officially concluded her trial period, and is joining the ranks of the staff artists! You will begin to see her work in the custom and sprout queues as well as around site. You can also now add her to your custom orders, and she will be automatically added to orders which have all the artists selected!

Please join us in congratulating priz — we can’t wait to see what beautiful art you contribute to Mycena Cave!

And finally…

Our Valentine holiday shop will be returning once again as we get closer to the 14th. Peent will be bringing back our old favorites, as well as a couple of new additions!


Posted 02/01/17, edited 02/01/17

Juney, we miss you already! oAo Congratulations on your exciting career developments though, hope everything goes well for you~



doragon GALACTIC BLOOM KELPH COMPATIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 02/01/17, edited 02/01/17

Thanks for all your work, Juney! Best of luck with your career! :D And a big official welcome to priz!!! Congrats! ^-^

Ooo what a lovely OotS set! I’m definitely wanting those items…! and aaaa I’m so excited for Peent to swing back around! <3

Here’s to a great February!

Posted 02/01/17

I noticed that little bubble that designates the item as kelph compatible isn’t there on the items that have been updated.  Below is a list of the new kelph compatible items!  I’ll get the icons updated at some point today.  Also, a few of the items below have also been reworked so that they are visible in the avatar now. :)

  • Ghost scarf
  • Black and grey lei
  • Suspiciously red paws
  • Eye burn scar
  • Forearm burn scar
  • Leg burn scar
  • Cobwebs
  • Bone Bracelet
  • Whipped Cream
  • Rosy Cheeks
  • Icy Magic
  • Poofy Mittens
  • Aviator Goggles
  • Torch
  • Traveler’s Cloak
  • Fragrant Flora
  • Blue Rose Collar
  • Lab Coat
  • Dorky glasses
  • Beaded organic necklet
  • Beaded organic necklace
  • Beaded organic bracelet
  • Beaded organic bobbler
  • Staff of the Guardian
  • Ankle Bells
  • Lightyear Plushie
  • Bottle of Stardust
  • Spacy Shawl
  • Galactic Bloom
  • Serpent Tattoo

Edit:  And it also seems at least some of them aren’t previewing in the puddle so I need to investigate that too. :|
Edit x2:  This issue should be resolved now!

Posted 02/01/17, edited 02/01/17

looks just as good as id hoped ;O;

Posted 02/01/17

doragon ITS BEAUTIFUL…......

Posted 02/01/17

>...> I am so here for Peent’s new lovely items. I can’t wait.

Just curious, I’m wondering if there will be a new analyst now that Juney is leaving? Though I’m not sure what all exactly she has done, but that seems a lot to simply be picked up by other staff who have other jobs.
I her all the best in her career. ^^

Posted 02/01/17
raus  We don’t have any immediate plans to look for someone who could do what she did, though we would likely welcome anyone who could do a fraction of what she did for us.  I honestly seriously doubt if we could find someone else like her — she really carved out her own niche and spent countless hours analyzing data for us in ways I never knew possible.  I can’t stress enough that we were very lucky to have her attention for the amount of time that we did. :)
Posted 02/01/17, edited 02/01/17
8.8 Juney i’m so proud of you and happy that your career is taking off but i just wanna cry because you’re really the first staff here that helped me be comfortable on site
Posted 02/01/17

Best of luck on your career, Juney, and thanks for everything! ; ; <3

Yay priz!! Congrats!!

Ohhh I’m so in love with the new OotS * o* <3<3

Posted 02/01/17

Juney :(

I’m glad she is doing so well, but sad to see her go.

Posted 02/01/17

!!! Peent !!! PeentPeentPeentPeeeeeeeeent!! *excited flailing*

Posted 02/02/17

Wow! What a big month! hooray! Lots of stuff to be stoked about (the new bbcode guide is fantastic).
All the best to Juney! It’s sad to see her leave the staff position but it’s great that her career’s picking up too. oh no who am I going to nerd out about data and videogames and music with.

Welcome to official!Priz! I wonder who will get the first “custom __ by priz”?

glitch-  The formatting guide link form the “edit Post” page still links the old post :)

Posted 02/02/17, edited 02/02/17

[@____] thanks for the heads up!

edit: ...now to try the brute-force approach in determining how many underscores are needed to ping you properly >>
edit2: ahh there we go ;)

Posted 02/02/17, edited 02/02/17


Sorry to ping you both, but a question just came up in chat-will this sprout raffle be like last year’s where there was only one sprout per geness (unlike the older model where if one person owned the geness there would be one sprout and if two or more people owned the geness there would be two sprouts)?

Posted 02/04/17

I believe we will still be following the one sprout per winning geness model. I’m sure we’ll have a raffle announcement go up prior to the raffle’s launch with exact details, though!

Posted 02/04/17

[@espurr] Crow
Confirming that it will be one sprout per ticket.

Posted 02/05/17, edited 02/05/17

Sorry if this has been asked, but will the raffle be for one sprout?  *honestly can’t remember how many winners last year’s sprout raffle had…

Juney  D=  I’m having conflicting emotions!  I’m so sorry to see you leaving, BUT I’m so thrilled to hear your new career is taking off so well!  Wishing you the best of everything in your new adventures ^^

priz Congrats on becoming official!  I look foward to seeing your customs and sprouts =)

Posted 02/06/17

OregonCoast It’s not just for one! Last year had 7 winners total. Not sure how many this year will have but it should definitely be more than one! :)

And thank you to everyone! <3 I can’t wait to start doing more customs and items around site! (and if you have an existing custom order and have anyone deselected be sure to add me if you want me on your order! :3c)

Posted 02/06/17
priz  Thank you so very much for looking that up for me!  I appreciate it =)
Posted 02/07/17

Thanks, everyone! I’ll still be around, so feel free to reach out if you ever feel like it :)

[@____] Feel free to nerd out to me any time ;)

Posted 02/10/17
Ahhh, Juney, I’m so proud of you! Over the years I’ve seen the dedication you’ve put into both your education & now career. I know you also put a lot of work into this site, & while we’re much busier people now, we’ll always have love for this cave! I’m hoping this will free up some time for you, I know you’ve always been a busy woman.
Posted 02/11/17
I’m squealing about these adorable items oh my gosh
Posted 02/13/17
Peent De Amor, Peent‘s Valentine Shop, is officially open!

This shop is a temporary addition, and will be around until end of February 21. In addition to this year’s Valentines Day items (as well as a mushroom!) it has all of last year’s items as well. Make sure you check it out before it goes away! The link is in the Shops dropdown.

Posted 02/14/17
I love the cloud nine coloration!!
Posted 02/14/17
Posted 02/14/17
Must…. resist… buying… more… wigs @0@
Posted 02/14/17
Awawawawawaw I want to buy all the items and tickets right now. But I must resist. Just wait a few more days, Squirrely, a few more days.
Posted 02/14/17
Loving all these new items! They’re all so wonderful!
Posted 02/14/17


time to grind so I can buy ALL the items and tickets 8D

Posted 02/14/17