15:37 ST
[SURVEY] Mycena Cave 2017 Item Survey

Just over a year ago, we conducted a survey using our Dory system (named after Dory in Finding Nemo, who asks lots of questions!) to determine what items our player base was interested in seeing released on site. We received a tremendous amount of input and feedback and have referred to the results throughout the year when designing new items for events, shops, and activities. 

With our site continuing to grow, we wanted to revisit the item Dory this year. From now until March 15th, we are collecting ideas for what items you would most like to see on site. You may only submit up to three ideas to the Dory, but may vote on as many listed ideas as you would like! Please review existing ideas before posting something new — someone else might have the same thought as you!

All posted ideas should meet follow the following criteria:

  • Text only — no mockups or image links
  • 30 characters or less
  • General item ideas — sword rather than pink-hilted, jewel-encrusted sword

As a general disclosure: we cannot guarantee than any item suggestions see official release. While we use the dory results as a reference in our item creation, we may not utilize all ideas submitted — our primary goal is to gain better understanding of our player preferences!

Posted 02/26/17, edited 02/26/17
Random: ‘contact for one eye’ is rapidly climbing up the list and I was wondering if it’d just be easier to make the contacts we have now toggle-able, so you can click one on or off?
Posted 02/26/17

Dove So I think my phone glitched and submitted my suggestion twice. I guess it entered Scalara once and Full scalara contacts once whem it was supposed to be only Full scalara contacts.

Also, will this replace the old list or be used in conjunction with?

Posted 02/26/17
“More butt apparel” made me laugh. I just felt the need to point out my appreciation for the suggestion and also the wording xD
Posted 02/27/17

Yay glad the Dory is back :) You guys did use it pretty well last year, so I’m glad it will be refreshed! Thank you for listening to us! <3


i put in:
More pondshroom colors/similar items
more craftable items
bowties/neck ties/neck kerchiefs


Posted 02/27/17, edited 02/27/17

“Great job! You’ve voted on all of the ideas. Check back later for more!”

Vaguely proud of myself. I love the repeat suggestions. Like they know other people suggested them but maybe you didn’t understand how badly they need this thing.

Can I like, support [@Lady Hawkwing]‘s suggestion btw because that’s literally all I want. Like that’d make it so easy to combine contacts so you don’t habe to buy a gazillion ones. And it makes sense in an item way? Like I’ve never encountered a contact that forced you to wear two of them. That’s what glasses are for.

Posted 02/27/17

What I’d honestly love to see (and would probably be less work for artists) would be time of day-based variations of backgrounds! Recolors, too! Like how we have different shop item colors, it would be super neat to have, say, firefly night as a sunset version and phoenix roost under the night sky? *O* I wasn’t sure how to phrase this in 30 characters, so I posted here xD

edit: Ended up submitting a poorly phrased version of this anyway lol

Posted 02/28/17, edited 02/28/17
Would it be too much work to have someone go through the entries and periodically clean them up? (Find duplicate entries, select one and apply all votes to it, then delete extras?)
Posted 02/28/17
Gives ten thousand ^^^^^^^^ UPvotes to Jacq’s suggestion!!!! 
Posted 02/28/17

While we’ve been sure to consistently keep the item survey from last year in mind when thinking about new items, our goal with running this survey again is to develop an updated list of the types of items you guys would be interested in seeing. Going forward, our focus will likely shift to keeping the results from the current survey in mind.

Unfortunately, this is not something that we’re able to do at this time. With the whole list available for perusal, we suggest using ctrl+f to search for key phrases pertaining to any suggestions players are interested in submitting to ensure that it isn’t already there. Other than causing a few redundancies on the voting side, these duplicate submissions are pretty harmless.

Posted 02/28/17

It’s already covered under wigs I think(?), and I know I’m NOT a hair person at all, but I think the “more wigs” suggestion would be cool to expand to more styles and types of hair, as well as “head stuff” that isn’t necessarily hair but still functions like it. Curly hair, mo/fauxhawks, kerchiefs, crests, buns, locs…

Thanks for the info! I guess I was looking at last years results and thinking that the top 50 were more like the top 20-25 with duplicates. I’ll try to go back and be consistent about my votes ^^

Posted 03/02/17, edited 03/02/17
Crow  Is staff able to view the entire list?  I just remembered there being duplicates in the top 50, (I’m going to make this up because I’m too lazy to go look up the exact amount of duplicates)  so say wings x3 and wigs x4 when there could have been other items desired.  The duplicates took spaces that could have been open to other ideas. 
Posted 03/02/17

I’m certain that if we were curious about other popular results we could get Myla or glitch to pull the list for us, but as it stands now we can only see the same list you guys can. I do see that there are some duplicate suggestions in there, but in the grand scheme of things I don’t feel as though it makes a huge difference - I don’t know the reasoning behind showing the top 50 vs. the top 15, as are listed on the active Dory page, but I’d assume part of it is to make up for some of the duplicates.

While this is nothing we can do much about at the moment, I will check with Myla to see if maybe knocking duplicates out of the top 50 of this year’s results after voting is complete is something that would be possible.

Posted 03/02/17

Crow  thank you so much c=  I felt overall MC did a great job of looking over the Dory and finding items for events/release that were desired from last year. 

Posted 03/02/17

Yes! I do feel as though we released a good number of items that fall into the desired categories. :D I think the Dory results have been very helpful overall!

Posted 03/02/17

We followed the same format last year!  We had the top 15 displayed during the survey period and then released the top 50 for everyone to look at after we finished up. :)

We can certainly curate the top 50 list a bit once the survey is over by removing duplicates, suggestions that aren’t actually possible given our templates (e.g. expression changing items), or aren’t Mycenian items (e.g. coat suggestions). ^^

Posted 03/02/17, edited 03/02/17
Myla Wait, then what do things like Lickity Split and the Eyelashes fall under? And Starry Eyes and (sort of) the gazes?
Posted 03/02/17


When Myla says expression changing items, I think she means things that by a technical level are impossible. For example, a closed mouth item. You can’t make that work. You’d have to edit the underlying template (while items are just overlays).

The only way you could try to make it work would be a blob of colour that blots out what lays underneath and then the expression. Which still wouldn’t work because realistically the chin needs to move upwards which this does not address, and it wouldn’t be coat compatible.

Posted 03/02/17, edited 03/02/17


Yes, I realized my wording was poor in my last post.  If there are any specific things in the list such as “closed mouth item”, we’d remove something like that just because it isn’t possible for the reasons Tracer mentioned.  The one in the top 15 currently, “expression/eye edits,” is worded vaguely enough we could interpret that as items like eyelashes/eye glows and wouldn’t need to be removed from the list. :)  I hope that clarifies what I meant!

Posted 03/02/17
We’ve just pushed a small update to make voting a little easier: if you use the votebox thing right above the list of things to vote on, it no longer refreshes the page etc :)
Posted 03/04/17

glitch  THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!  That was so much easier to whisk through the Dory, filling out my responses =D

Question, why don’t you have the Dory mentioned at the top of the page with a link like you do for say raffles?  I’m not sure if people would even know it’s here to submit ideas or vote if they haven’t read the Announcements forum?

Posted 03/04/17
Im excited to see whats in the top 50 this time around. I wonder if any of mine will :3
Posted 03/14/17
Hmm ... it’s all very entertaining. Any of you would like to have a look at the children’s everyday appearance or the ineki event? it is very interesting to me :3. It would be very nice to see the kids in the magic pool and next to see an adult and a sprout yorma. And what other ideas could you offer that will lead to editing the site :D
Posted 03/14/17
Daria The dory is for new items on the site, not features. if you wanna suggest it you can always post in Mycena Cave discussion :)
Posted 03/14/17

I feel like I need to link the discussion in this thread about expression items in my “edit noncustoms” thread. (I’m sorry I’m laughing too much and hoping Myla got some dry amusement there too.)

More on-topic, it’s pretty amusing to see the repeats from last year! I guess we know what we want and we still want it. And more of it. MORE, I SAY, MORE.

And—I hope the discussion about making contacts into two separate eyes (you don’t even need to make them toggleable, we can just drag the contact under the head in layering!) makes it to staff ears. I know that’s not a small amount of work, but it would be super awesome, and knock the desired heterochromia item(s) outta the ballpark!

Posted 03/15/17
2017 Item Survey results are in!

The results of this year’s item Dory have been cleaned up and are now available for viewing. Thanks for your participation, everyone! It’s super helpful for us to have a more solid idea of the types of items that our community would be interested in seeing.

You can view the top 50 results here!

Posted 03/23/17