Editing your post doesn’t change the outcome of the dice (hooray!). Also cool is that it remembers results across edits (if I edit a d12 roll to a d4, then back to a d12, the original result of the d12 will be displayed. In this post, I originally rolled a 5. When I edited the post to add another roll [roll=d12] <- adding this piece [roll=d12] It showed I rolled a 9 and then a 5 (expected behavior). But when I added a roll to the bottom, like this [roll=d12] [roll=d12] [roll=d12] <- adding this piece 6 It shows I rolled (in that order) 4-9-5, so “new” rolls always appear at the top. Ultimately it’s the same thing (3 rolls = three numbers), but this might be something to keep in mind if someone’s making posts with multiple rolls (or, for example, editing a post to add a check they forgot, you have to add it to the top of the post and not the bottom or it would mess up all the other rolls).
Posted 03/23/17, edited 03/23/17
[@____] Hmm, it looks like this needs a little bit more work (try throwing some of those rolls into e.g. list elements >> deeper nested tags essentially “grab” from the bottom). I’ll update when roll ordering is preserved “as expected” when adding additional rolls to a post :) EDIT: There we go! Die rolls are now evaluated in the order in which they appear in a post :) Note that any rolls you may have made before now may have changed as a result! EDIT2: *sigh* except now they’re also evaluated inside code tags. Will update shortly ^^ EDIT3: there we go :) die rolling should work as expected now!
Posted 03/23/17, edited 03/23/17
Hoooray! Thank you glitch
Posted 03/23/17