01:34 ST
March News Discussion

maybe i can try and run the campaign im doing with people here too… its pretty loosey goosey taps chin im already running it with two groups tho

id be very interested in playing a thing tho if someone wants to run it!!!

Posted 03/23/17, edited 03/23/17

Editing your post doesn’t change the outcome of the dice (hooray!). Also cool is that it remembers results across edits (if I edit a d12 roll to a d4, then back to a d12, the original result of the d12 will be displayed.
BUT there is some weird behavior if you edit and add more rolls to the post.

In this post, I originally rolled a 5. When I edited the post to add another roll

[roll=d12] <- adding this piece

It showed I rolled a 9 and then a 5 (expected behavior). But when I added a roll to the bottom, like this

[roll=d12] <- adding this piece


It shows I rolled (in that order) 4-9-5, so “new” rolls always appear at the top. Ultimately it’s the same thing (3 rolls = three numbers), but this might be something to keep in mind if someone’s making posts with multiple rolls (or, for example, editing a post to add a check they forgot, you have to add it to the top of the post and not the bottom or it would mess up all the other rolls).

Posted 03/23/17, edited 03/23/17

[@____] Hmm, it looks like this needs a little bit more work (try throwing some of those rolls into e.g. list elements >> deeper nested tags essentially “grab” from the bottom). I’ll update when roll ordering is preserved “as expected” when adding additional rolls to a post :)

EDIT: There we go! Die rolls are now evaluated in the order in which they appear in a post :) Note that any rolls you may have made before now may have changed as a result!

EDIT2: *sigh* except now they’re also evaluated inside code tags. Will update shortly ^^

EDIT3: there we go :) die rolling should work as expected now!

Posted 03/23/17, edited 03/23/17

Hoooray! Thank you glitch

sorry i always have to try to be the first to break things

Posted 03/23/17
[@____] good thing you did or the RP event would have gotten…... interesting ;)
Posted 03/23/17
Out of curiosity, will there ever be a ‘preview’ button for geness pages? There is one for echos, forum posts, and normal bios, but nothing for the geness.
Posted 03/24/17
That’s a good idea, Arintol! I’ll try to get one up shortly :)
Posted 03/28/17

:o Thank you! <3 <3 ^-^

Posted 03/28/17
Has anyone seen the April Fools Day prank? I can’t find it and it has me feeling paranoid… There is always an April Fools Day prank on the site somewhere. Or, there has been every year since I joined… Am I missing something obvious here?
Posted 04/01/17