Nephele and I have an odd question since neither of us have played this type of game much. We know we ping the bone monster to start the encounter but do we ping at the end of the encounter (solving the problem) or after we have traveled along a bit and are ready for the next one or both?
Posted 03/28/17
Hi Nanna! You ping the Bone Monster again whenever you are ready for a new encounter to be generated. This may be right after concluding your current encounter, but if you want to make a few more transitional posts to roleplay a little further, you are more than welcome to do so! Just shoot a ping whenever you want the next encounter to be posted. :)
Posted 03/28/17
Hello! I was just curious - once we finally complete our third encounter do we ping the Bone Monster again to signal we are done? I’m not entirely sure how the last bit of encounter goes in terms of receiving a clue and what not, so I was just curious if that’s something we do ourselves or ping someone for.
Posted 04/03/17, edited 04/03/17
Posted 04/04/17
Crow Dove Per post: Player rolls a d20 to see if their character suggests the correct path. Each character must achieve one success in order to find the labyrinth exit.”
Posted 04/04/17, edited 04/04/17
Posted 04/13/17
Question, for the “ending” after finishing 3rd encounter is there anything special we should do other than ping the Bone Monster? I just pinged in our (me & Lycan’s) thread but it seems like a fourth encounter rather than the end
Posted 04/13/17
*pokes in If anyone is running CET and would like to potentially speed through an encounter or 3 via multiple posts a day I am available to do that. Please PM me ^^
Posted 04/15/17
Tamako The Bone Monster was very sleepy from doing so much hard, Bone Monster work! He has corrected his error, but growls grumpily just for good measure and to keep up appearances!
Posted 04/21/17
[@Faith] Please read this announcement! Everyone has until the end of today to fill out this form! You must fill out this form to receive your prizes!
Posted 04/28/17, edited 04/28/17