Whoa, did ___ change?glitch yes, ___ changed back to Jacq
thats the first thing i thought of when i saw that :P
Posted 04/25/17
Crow Oh, it’s in the shop? Oooooooh. *buys one* I knew it was an avatar background, I just didn’t realize it was in the shop, I just saw it in the miscellaneous items section! XD Thank you!
Posted 04/26/17
The ordering issue with pet and player pickers has been resolved :) (see here for details on the issue). Also, because fuzzy string matching in the search boxes was causing more confusion than it was helping, it’s been mostly disabled — it may correct the occasional very-minor typo, but won’t aggressively try to figure out what it was that you were trying to type.
Posted 05/03/17, edited 05/03/17