The runestone participation prizes have been handed out! Didn’t get the wild magic that you wanted? Head over here to make an exchange with Kerric! Did you forget to fill out the form in order to receive your participation prizes? The due date has passed, but you can still echo Myla your encounter links and she will get you your participation prizes! ![]()
Thank you for participating in Cave Chronicles: Quest for the Lost Chamber! We hope you had a good time, and look forward to seeing you again for our next Cave Chronicles adventure! As a reminder, this is order of events that have occurred so far:
What exactly does the Sorceress’ message mean? We ask that denizens of our Cave continue to consider her clue so that we can get to the bottom of this mystery before these magical fluxes tear asunder our homes, destroying life in the Cave as we know it. This problem doesn’t seem to be going away on its own, so it’s up to us Mycenians to act! Stay tuned for the next Cave Chronicles event, in which we will delve deeper into the magical mayhem that’s rocking the Cave! In order to receive your prizes, please fill out this feedback survey. You are not required to answer most of the feedback questions if you don’t want to, but you must complete the last 2 questions if you would like to collect your Runestones. This survey will remain open until 23:59 on April 28th, after which prizes will be distributed and the post-event raffle will be drawn. As this is the first time we’ve run a roleplay event quite like this one, we would highly value some feedback on your experience! Though your username is required in order to facilitate prize distribution, all feedback will remain anonymous when we compile the data into a summary post. Edit: This survey is now closed. :) Thank you for responding, everyone! ***As a closing note: if you are interested in keeping or continuing your roleplay, please contact Crow or Dove and they will be happy to move your thread into the Mycena Stories subforum!***
Posted 04/22/17, edited 04/30/17
This was a fantastic event, thank you so much! (And the dice roll options were a great touch…going to be using those at certain moments from here on, I do believe. xD) Thank you extra for offering to move the threads to the stories subforum on request—we were already discussing continuing one of ours, so that couldn’t have been more perfect. :3
Posted 04/22/17
Posted 04/22/17
I said as much in my feedback, but I loved this event. Love, love, loved it. I want there to be more. I need there to be more. The dice mechanic, in particular, was brilliant. Besides looking forward to my partners posting, I was looking forward to *my* next post! It kept *me* on my toes, and it inspired me to consider different branches of how an encounter could go. How my characters could develop following a success or failure. I felt a little rushed towards the end, but I don’t think the length of the event was the issue. The event was very do-able for those who work and still go to school. It’s just a matter of communicating with your rp partner(s). I was privileged enough to have some awesome friends on this site, and we all had a mutual understanding on the quality our posts should stand and what days we should load up on posts. Communication was never an issue, so as someone who works close to full time and goes to class, I was a part of an rp thread of 2 other people, and we finished all 3 trials. Understandably, it was a little challenging, but what kind of event shouldn’t be? It was fun and, again, do-able. GREAT JOB, MC TEAM! <3
Posted 04/22/17
This event lined up terribly for me in terms of real life events, so unfortunately I didn’t get to participate at all, and was hardly online for the majority of it, which is a shame. I don’t feel I can really judge the event fairly because it was just more undue stress for me and was unfortunately timed. I apologise to my team for not getting in touch and probably ruining their experience too. One thing I do want to mention is that the feedback survey is very geared towards people who managed to participate vs those who tried but couldn’t for various reasons. I understand those who did have more input regarding the format of the dice rolls etc, but I think those who didn’t could still deliver their thoughts on having more roleplay events in the future. Edit: I mean, having more roleplay events as in having them be more of a common thing.
Posted 04/22/17, edited 04/22/17
I just submitted my form…. but I remembered something else to add right after haha, so I’ll post it here! I think that the banner link for this event should have stayed up (alongside the Spell Sling link) as a reminder for us in the back of our heads! I was able to stay pretty on top of my RPs but I think it would have been nice. Also for people who hadn’t started yet, you could have definitely gotten in three encounters from the time that the Spell Sling started and maybe new people or people who haven’t been on or hadn’t started yet didn’t realize.
Posted 04/22/17
Thank you for such a fun event! I’ve been around on this site for probably a year now but have never really gotten into the RP/character lore side of things before deciding to give this event a go. Now I have a character that I really want to develop more, as I loved getting to know her while RPing with my partner! This event also made me feel more invested in the site’s lore as a whole, and I’m really interested to see what happens next. :) I mentioned it in my survey response but I really enjoyed the optional dice rolling. It not only spiced things up but actually helped me to develop my character even further, as it gave me something to build off of each turn. We successfully managed to reach the sorceress’s chamber on the last day of the event; the event itself was the perfect length, though if it had been a few days more (or if we had gotten there a few days earlier!) we might have each continued for a few more posts but I like where we left off as well. Another fun thing is that it let me get to know some more people from this site! I had a great time and am happy that despite the fact that I haven’t RPed in a long time, I didn’t feel like a novice, and I also feel like I got to work on my own skills. Thanks again!
Posted 04/23/17
So for the fun of it (and because I was curious) I’ve made a fun compiled list of all the encounters for each of the explorer paths and noticed something strange about one of the encounters that I was really wondering about. The smooth ground beneath your feet gradually gives way to softer ground; a rich soil that would be perfect for gardening. Sieni’s fungus glows steadily as you make your way forward, the distant, faint sound of whispering voices carrying down the tunnel. Encounter: Blue lillies. Your group stumbles across an area carpeted with blue lilies; flowers that appear to be whispering with their own distinct voices. When you stop to listen more closely, you discover that each lily is whispering a sad tale, seemingly paying no attention to you or its neighbours. You decide to move on, but a member of your group accidentally steps on a nearby flower, and all of the lilies turn their heads your way, their petals rustling angrily and shifting to a dark red. Every movement from your group inspires them to spew fireballs at you, making it impossible to progress or retreat, and it quickly becomes apparent that you need to find a way to calm them down. Perhaps you can use their stories as inspiration? Optional play:
This one says to roll a d20 but only lists options for 1-5 and 6-10, and with the options it gives it really feels like there should have been more. Strangely enough though after digging through the various player adventures I did manage to find another roll for this encounter but it too only has those options. Was this something on purpose or? And sorry for digging this up but it really is confusing me. o.o
Posted 04/27/17, edited 04/27/17
Posted 04/27/17
Oooooooh, okay thank you! I’ll shift it over to a D10 in my list thing. Thank you! Also another quick question though, are we still allowed to use the encounters in the unfinished Event Rp’s (or maybe new ones not yet started) we’re still writing for? I wasn’t sure so I haven’t yet, but figured now was as good as any time to ask about it. :D
Posted 04/27/17
Campi I don’t see any problem with you continuing to use the encounters! Staff obviously won’t be able to post them for you, but if you’ve got them all compiled for yourself anyway, feel free to utilize them! :) I’m glad that you enjoyed them enough to want to continue using them.
Posted 04/27/17