21:26 ST
[EVENT] Legend of the Lost Trove (August 18th - August 31st)

ohhhh thats good to hear, thank you! I’m relieved ouo;;

Posted 08/19/17, edited 08/19/17

About the bottle puzzle

It should not be somewhere that cannot be seen at all times. If we’ve already done our fishing turns and can’t see the page until the next rollover, that’s not right. It should not be on that page then, OR the fishing map should be visible at ALL TIMES, but clicking on it just says that there are no more fishing turns left. This is a very very VERY frustrating thing to do to your players.
Posted 08/19/17
BittyKitty That was actually not an intentional mechanic for that bottle location. It has actually been corrected, as seen in Myla’s post, and should now be functioning correctly!
Posted 08/19/17
Dove Thank you! I do appreciate it.
Posted 08/19/17
Prose Aah!!! I had no idea that existed, thank you so much for linking to it! It would be awesome if we could have a link to that video in the game’s instructions too, since if people are like me, searching the forums for help isn’t their first idea. xDD
Posted 08/19/17

Is anyone else having trouble winning against Belle in the dice game? ;-; Is there a trick I’m missing or is it just luck-based?

Edit: Aa nvm. I just spammed the roll button and won eventually. Gosh that was really annoying XD

Posted 08/19/17, edited 08/19/17
Dice game is really annoying and seems rigged if you ask me. :/
Posted 08/19/17

hey yall, i have a hint that will really help with Belle i think (if you feel like youre gonna be rolling and rerolling forever and are sick of it)

pay attention to her original rolls, and maybe if they change by the end so that she comes up higher. if you notice that happening, you can click on the die that changed to call her out and then it’s all about finessing the piece from her
Posted 08/19/17

I’m not sure what that means. I figured this is purely random (well, except for the rigged part).

I’ve never played real dice so I don’t know how this works. :(

Posted 08/19/17, edited 08/19/17

Just followed the advice at random (even though I still don’t understand it) after every loss and finally encountered a dialogue, but apparently made the wrong choices. It didn’t offer me the dialogue again for some reason.

Then won purely on accident. *rolls eyes*

Glad that’s over. Wasn’t fun.

Posted 08/19/17, edited 08/19/17

AHHHHHHH. Managed to get 3000 points on spellstones before rollover.
I do appreciate that they were cumulative, unlike last time we played it…. But that took me HOURS. I hate that game rip.

Posted 08/19/17

If it’s not too much help to ask, can someone let me know if I at least got the correct letters from the crossword? I’ve already spent so much time the first part (pirate knowledge is not my thing, apparently)... I’m dying on this one. 8D;


Posted 08/19/17
Pooka Yeah, they look right :)
Posted 08/19/17, edited 08/19/17


Yup, I see all the letters you need! ^^
Posted 08/19/17
Thanks you two! Much appreciated. <3
Posted 08/19/17
I really want the conquest, logic games, and the dot thing to be regular site games if possible? :D They’re really fun.
Posted 08/20/17
I’ve managed to get almost everything. Even the “find the item” one, which I’m awful at. However, I’m stuck on one of Captain Crookskale’s word things. I got all of the others, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what “Go deaf con duck” could be. I can see maybe “conduct” for the last part or “god of” for the first part? I don’t know. And it’s frustrating. Could anyone maybe be able to give me a hint, please?
Posted 08/20/17
Meredith Here’s a hint!
A set of rules that pirates abide by.

I need help with my last captain’s clue too! “Wise there um hall way scone” I’ve been trying to figure out for 2 days! D:

Posted 08/20/17

LOL. I literally had two of the three words already, just couldn’t see it. Thanks so much! I wish I could help you with yours, but apparently I’m more awful at these than the item finding, which is saying a lot.

Posted 08/20/17


i was stuck on that one too!! but then some peeps on another board were super nice and helped me out

its a popular phrase from pirates of the caribbean if you’ve seen it!

the answer is: why is the rum always gone
Posted 08/20/17
I am really loving these lil games! Thanks for putting this togther!
Posted 08/20/17

Meredith Glad to help :)
Miranda Ohhh omg! Thank you!

Posted 08/20/17

My god, I cannot for the life of me figure out the crossword even with all the letters. Like, at all.

Edit: I’m a moron. I literally had it all but the words were in the wrong order. Go me.


Posted 08/20/17, edited 08/20/17

I don’t know where to put this but the game with Belle Simone feels rigged. It’s almost impossible to get higher rolls against her when the dice keeps flipping to a different number on the third roll. I’ve watched her dice go from say a 3 to a 4 or 5 to 6, etc. at least four times in replaying against her.

I don’t know if this is a browser issue or what but I’m using FF.

Posted 08/20/17

Okay, so. I love the items. But I have a small complaint* Why are we fat-shaming Harold? 8||| Let Harold live his seagull life.

*note: not an actual complaint

Posted 08/21/17, edited 08/21/17

That scaley scallywag! That low-down rum-chugger! That dirty pirate!

Try clicking on those dice to call that dodgy dras out on her cheatin’ ways. ;)

Posted 08/21/17, edited 08/21/17
Okay, I’ve searched every single page in the menus at the top, the blue menus in the middle, and everything on the very bottom of the page. There is no link on the main page that I have not clicked. I’m missing two bottles. I hate treasure hunts. Who do I need to talk to to get my last two bottles?
Posted 08/21/17
Ok so I never understood the gem vault puzzle. Does the combination change after every try? Because I try to hone in on the correct combo, but the markers change even when I put the same colors in the same spots…
Posted 08/21/17

when you’re done the event and there are days left.

If anyone needs help I’ll be in the event chat or you can pm me for a slower, possibly more detailed response.

Posted 08/22/17
Hey perhaps a silly question, but for the Spellstones game, do we have to get 3,000 points in one single game or can it be multiple games that all add up to the point requirement? :0
Posted 08/22/17