07:26 ST
[UPCOMING MINI-ACTIVITY] Meet the Mushrooms (Pre-activity Dory)
Coming Soon!

In a couple of weeks, we’ll be running a forum-based mini-activity aimed at learning more about the Mycena Cave community.  We’ll be asking the community some questions and, inversely, you’ll be asking us questions!

In preparation for that, we’re gathering some information through our dory*. We’d like to know what you’re most interested in learning about our individual staff members. Each staff member will choose and answer several questions from the most upvoted submissions, depending on which ones spark their interest. In return, staff will be compiling a list of questions aimed at getting to know you guys better (some of which we’ll likely be taking from the dory questions), and you’ll be able to choose whichever of those interest you most!

(*named after Dory in Finding Nemo, as she has a lot of questions)

For the dory:

  • You may submit up to three questions
  • Questions should be aimed at learning more about staff members as individuals and not focused on topics such as upcoming features
  • You can submit and vote on questions until 00:01 Server Time Monday, September 18th

Thank you for helping us out!  We look forward to learning more about the community and for you to learn a little more more about us!

Posted 09/10/17

Very important question for staff.

How accurate is this chart? >8V

(i love all of you staffers, but there are only 9 slots on the conventional alignment chart and way more than 9 of you now </3)

Posted 09/11/17, edited 09/11/17

W-why am I evil. ;o; What did I do???

Posted 09/11/17



Posted 09/11/17

I say Crow and Glitch need swapping.
Programmers are by nature lawful. And glitch is by nature evil.

(I will never forget The Saga of Glitch Smells like Feet).

Posted 09/11/17, edited 09/11/17
Chaotic Evil? Most excellent 8) mua ha ha ha /rubs hands together.
Posted 09/11/17
The descriptions made me giggle ^,^  I’m looking forward to seeing the questions posed c=
Posted 09/12/17