19:39 ST
Important: The Heartbleed Vulnerability, and what it means for *you*
Thanks for having our backs, glitch. <3
Posted 04/10/14

*edit* I REALLY appreciate this information. I do all of my mom’s banking, and… I don’t even want to think about how bad it would be if someone got a hold of that information. D: So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. You’d think with this being as big as it is, some of the other sites I frequent would have mentioned SOMETHING, but I didn’t see anything about this at all! I really appreciate the heads up. Thank you so much. <3

Posted 04/10/14, edited 04/10/14
Thanks for the information, I already know it because of 4 other websites, but it’s nice to see that even such a small site informs their players ^^
Posted 04/11/14
Thanks for the heads up!
Posted 04/11/14
Glitch, what about accounts that are connected through other things? Like if I’m connected through Google+ or Facebook?
Posted 04/12/14
Lena I don’t believe those are a problem
Posted 04/13/14
I didn’t have to change my banking password. They weren’t affected by it xD
Posted 04/16/14