All sprout flowers ready for delivery must now be picked up from the Sacred Tree!
![]() In the past, the Sacred Tree had no purpose because artists delivered sprouts to player’s accounts directly. This often made the process cumbersome to organize when there were special requests such as specific delivery dates or multiple sprout deliveries because of the variability of artist’s schedules and because of varying queue speeds. As these requests have become more commonplace, we wanted to find a solution that would enable players to more easily time their sprout deliveries while better integrating the Sacred Tree’s lore and easing mechanics on the artist’s end. Under the new system, artists will upload a new sprout whenever they have finished working on it. Instead of being immediately delivered, however, the sprout will appear on the Sacred Tree as a generic ‘bud’ image. Once it has been uploaded, players will receive a notification inviting them to visit the Tree, and may then claim their flower at any time they so desire. No details about the sprout, such as its appearance, species, pose, or artist, will be visible to any player until it has been officially claimed. Claiming a sprout will automatically deliver it to its owner’s account, and its flavor text will appear in its profile. This will set the carve date of the sprout and begin the grow timer. If players want a specific carve date, or to have their sprouts delivered as twins or triplets, they may leave their sprout on the Tree as long as necessary. The buds will wait indefinitely until they have been claimed. In addition to helping players select their own delivery date, this system will also ensure that a sprout’s grow time is set at a convenient, manageable time for each player. It also means that the owner of the sprout is the one who will get to see it first! Players should also note that their sprout queue timer will not be affected by claim date — your timer will reset once your sprout has been uploaded to the Sacred Tree, whether you wait a day, a week, or several months to claim it. We hope that this new system will make sprout delivery more convenient, and fun, for all involved!
Posted 10/09/17
doragon The buds will be visible to all players. If the sprout belongs to a geness that you’re part of, the background is highlighted yellow (as compared to the normal grey background if you’re unconnected to that sprout). If the sprout is yours in particular, then there’ll be a button to claim the sprout. :)
Posted 10/09/17
Oh cool! I have a few questions: 1.
Posted 10/09/17, edited 10/09/17
Jacq A geness can’t be broken while it has a bud on the Tree; the sprout needs to belong to the original parents when it is delivered to the player’s account. If you’re a patient person, there is currently no limit to the number of buds one player can have on the tree. There is also no overall limit to the number of buds on the Tree!
Posted 10/09/17
Ohh this is super cool! Thanks!! I’m a bit curious though… my notification has been updated to say that my sprout has budded on the sacred tree, however there’s nothing there? Is it because it’s still being held under the “old system” since Avis and I requested our sprouts be uploaded at the same time? o: Just want to make sure I’m not missing something haha. ;;
Posted 10/09/17
Myla oops I guess I have another question though - is it acceptable to list that you are intending to get twins/triplets on the geness page, or does that fall under “Profiles should contain no hints or requests about the sprout’s appearance.”? Obviously it’s always been up to the artists whether to incorporate something like that into the ‘look’, but with “knowing” there are families on the way, it was possible to have something like kids with shared coat themes, which are super cute.
Posted 10/09/17, edited 10/09/17
Myla Okay, thanks! And ahaha I’m very thankful for you noting our last couple orders. ;o;
Posted 10/09/17
Corvani glitch re-purposed the “your sprout has been sent to myla and will be on your profile in 24 hours” to the bud notification! It looks like you hadn’t cleared that old notification so that is why it was updated to the new text. If you clear that, the bud notification will pop up again once it has been delivered to the Tree! :D
Posted 10/09/17
Myla Ah, okay! I’ve cleared all my notifications, but a new one still hasn’t popped up yet? I don’t mind waiting if it just needs a minute, but again.. just want to be sure. ;;
Posted 10/09/17
Corvani The new notification will appear once your bud goes to the Tree; it hasn’t been put on the Tree yet but I imagine it’ll probably be there within the next ~24 hours or so since it’s already finished. :D Let me know if I’ve misunderstood something!
Posted 10/09/17
Myla Oh! Ahh, I think I just misunderstood a bit since it was already done so I just thought it’d pop up already. That makes total sense. My mistake! Thank you so much! c:
Posted 10/09/17
omg Alpaca THIS WILL MAKE TWINS SO EASY IF WE WANNA DO THAT LATER ALso this is so cute and I love the tree having a purpose now. And yeah I’m definitely gonna wind up waiting just to get THE PERFECT BIRTHDAY. Thanks for being enablers to my obsessive birthdate needs. xD
Posted 10/10/17
I have a question/clarification about this. We can “store” sprouts on the Sacred Tree as buds, and not collect them until we want the to start growing (for example, in the case of waiting so 2+ sprouts can have the same birthday as twins or triplets, etc.) But on the sprout page (here), the siblings still appear in the order that they were uploaded to the site, yeah? If I don’t pick up my bud for 3-4 months, any sprout that’s been created/uploaded after mine was will appear higher on the spout page, regardless of birthday/siblings/etc? mostly I’m just wondering because I frequently peep the sprout and custom pages to coo over the new pretties lol and things seemed to be a bit out of place sometimes.
Posted 01/17/18
Probably preferable to have someone official answer u but yeah I think this was brought up in chat at some point. A spoot’s ID is assigned as soon as it’s uploaded onto the tree, whereas its growth is only timed after u grab it, so any completed after urs will have a higher ID even if you grow urs later.
Posted 01/17/18
Jacq Sprouts are assigned a coat ID when the artist uploads it to the site (even though the sprout isn’t yet listed on sprout page and the information about them is masked). Once sprouts buds bloom into flowers, they appear on the on the sprout listing page in order of coat ID. If a bud is held a long time, then there will likely have been sprouts blossoming in the meantime with higher coat IDs. This, in turn, makes the lower coat ID but younger-staged sprout appear lower in the sprout page listing when the player decides to have it blossom into a flower. In short, the listing order is dependent on coat ID/upload date and is unaffected by birthdays/siblings which is why the sprout listing page often doesn’t flow as nicely from flower > baby > adult staged sprouts as it did before. :) Edit: ninja’d by sid 8)
Posted 01/17/18, edited 01/17/18