08:04 ST
November News Discussion
November has arrived!

This month’s OotS coat is Vintage, proudly displaying their Peachy Cream Wings and Cream Ruff. We can thank the marvelous Hush for the entire set, which is available for purchase in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of November!

Letters from the Lost

The Lost are trying to send messages from beyond the Veil, and the eccentric Griselda needs your help in making sure they’re heard! This scrabble-style event is running through the end of the day on November 14th! You can lend Griselda a paw here, or play some games with Mabel at the Fairgrounds! Of course, no good deed goes unrewarded, and there are several new prizes at stake for your efforts!

Moonlit Collection returns!

As if ushered in by those chilly autumn nights, the Moonlit Collection seasonal shop has returned! Old favorites have been joined by a handful of new arrivals among Howard’s stock. If you’ve been considering adding a frightening autumn decoration to your favorite Mycenian’s ensemble, be sure to act quickly — the shop is set to disappear at the end of the day on November 7th.

The Creative Collective

Month three of the Creative Collective saw a number of fantastic submissions!  Thank you to everyone who participated in October’s prompt, submitted feedback, or accomplished some roleplay!

New prompts for November have been posted, and the raffles for last month have been pulled! Prizes will be distributed shortly. Additionally, another equippable item, the Bow of Aegis, was added to the ever growing Bag of Wonders — what will our winners find this month?

A Meeting of Mushrooms was held

We hosted the community activity Meet the Mushrooms! This activity involved players asking and answering various questions of each other. It was a great time getting to learn a little more about everyone, and we received a lot of positive feedback about the activity structure… which we will keep in mind when planning future community activities! All participants walked away with a new Mushroom Meeting frame for their time, and two new Glowing Changingshrooms were raffled off!

Buds have started sprouting on the Sacred Tree!

Now, rather than sprouts being delivered directly to your account by the artist, they instead appear as buds on the Sacred Tree. This new process has many benefits. It ensures that your sprout is delivered at a time that is convenient for you, and that you will be the first person to lay eyes upon it.

You can learn more about this update in this announcement.

Could I be yours??

Posted 11/01/17, edited 11/01/17
I adore this new coat and I’m loving the event so far!!<3
Posted 11/01/17

I said it in the preview thread but I’ll say it again…

These are sooo gorgeous!! ;O; I gotta save up some extra to get maybe TWO pairs of those wings. Eeee!

Posted 11/01/17
New background!

Cavern of the Lost which was created from our lovely event collection background is now available in Lands Within
This was created by Rhyme (design/lines/colors) and me (shading/effects)! Enjoy!!

Posted 11/02/17

I love it \o/

Posted 11/02/17
New items!

Silver Chanfron and Golden Chanfron are now available in Sullie’s Closet! :D

Posted 11/06/17

Wow, very fancy! :D Thanks for the lovely new items~

I’m glad the Cavern of the Lost got made into a background equip! As sad and lonely as it is, the art is quite beautiful. <3

Posted 11/06/17
The Halloween shop, Moonlight Collection, closes tonight!

Be sure to stop by if you haven’t already done so!

Posted 11/07/17
Hey Myla? Are those other chanfrons gonna be in the shop or do you have other plans for them?
Posted 11/12/17
Tamako They are tentatively destined for a shop in the works that has some different stocking mechanics (along with the two sea wave circlets that haven’t been released, the two new magic streaks, and more “recolor” type items you’ll see popping up in the list seemingly without a home)!  We will release official details once we have enough items and flesh out the plans more! 8)
Posted 11/12/17, edited 11/12/17
Ooh, sounds exciting! I recall reading something about this now that you mention it. Regardless, thanks Myla! ouo
Posted 11/12/17
I hope I see more colored rufffluff items, I love the cream one but I need a black one for my new Vintage 8D !! I’m so excited I love how all the dark stuff looks on it
Posted 11/15/17
New backgrounds!

New Direction Background and Harvest Background are now available in Lands Within!

Updated background naming!

All full backgrounds have had “background” added to their names so that they are easier to find. :D Let me know if I forgot any full backgrounds in my sweep through the items.

Item updates!

Little bat wing items have been updated to be toggleable. :)

Posted 11/15/17
Oh I’m so excited to see “background” added to the item names! That will make it so much easier to be able to find them. Thank you! <3
Posted 11/15/17
Nyfeaena I actually used one of your posts with the backgrounds listed to help me find them all, so thank you!! 8) <3
Posted 11/15/17
Posted 11/15/17
Heyyyy, this makes me so happy! I was just talking in chat a few days ago about how I wish backgrounds had the word “background” in them so we can find them easier! Thanks for making my dream a reality! ; 7 ; <3
Posted 11/15/17
Whoa! Nice, I had just posted about this earlier in the month asking for cool backgrounds because it was tough to tell without already knowing their names… Definitely a great idea! Thanks! :D
Posted 11/15/17
glitch for lack of a better place to put this, it looks like Samsung just pushed an update through and now chat is accessible. So… there’s that.
Posted 11/16/17
LadyHawke Yay! Glad to hear it :)
Posted 11/16/17
Ух, ты интересно
Posted 11/17/17