04:39 ST
February News Discussion
February flutters in!

February’s OotS brings us under the sea to visit Tropical Splash with its Golden Trident and Bright Bubbles. This month’s set was brought to us by Eluii, and is available for purchase in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of February!

The Creative Collective

We’ve concluded another round of the Creative Collective with some great participation! Thank you to everyone who posted a submission, engaged in a roleplay, or offered some feedback this month. The raffle has been drawn and new prompts for February are posted. Have fun and get creative, everyone!

Pet Pockets

We released a new feature aimed at helping players organize their pets. Pet pockets work very similarly to the current inventory pocket system — pockets can be named and organized as desired, and pets can assigned to a pocket with the shift+click command.

To learn more about this update, see the original announcement here!

Updates to Lone Mushroom & Kinnen Proposal

Two notable updates were made to our family mechanics:

  • Mycenians who are in a geness with children attached may now be separated from their family by using a Lone Mushroom
  • Kinnen may now be proposed to non-adult stage Mycenians

More information may be found in this post. We hope that these changes are helpful in setting up and maintaining your Mycenian family ties!

New Shop Items

Bobtail tail modifications, created by Meru, can be purchased for nuggets at Val’s Modern Composition!

Drasillis Tail Separation

All site coat Drasillis tails have now been chopped off and placed on their own layer! This should fix any remaining issues with using the Bobtail items (and any future tail mods) on them.

Due to the sheer number of unique Drasillis coats on site and the amount of work it would create, customs and sprouts have not been affected by this update. If you own a custom or sprout Drasillis and would like to apply this update, this can be done via the edit queue for a charge of 1 PP.

Winter Watch is Ongoing

The Winter Watch II event is in progress, and will be running through the end of the day on February 7th. Stop by to visit some familiar Mycenian faces and enjoy some small activities! Players who participate in this event will be rewarded with the new Frostbite item, and may potentially take home a Glowing Changingshroom or Bag of Wonders if they’re lucky!

Calling All Adventurers!

In addition to the Winter Watch, Ambrose has set himself up at the Stone’s Throw Tavern to help adventurous Mycenians prepare for an upcoming expedition into the great unknown! The expedition will take the form of an RP event with similarities to last year’s Quest for the Lost Chamber adventure, and is planning to set out soon after the conclusion of the Winter Watch.

More information about this upcoming event will be made available soon!

Season of Love

Peent will be reopening her wildly popular pop-up shop, Peent de Amor, for a single week only starting on February 14th. Her stock will include items created in years past, as well as a few new selections!

In addition, we will be hosting our annual sprout raffle in February. Keep your eyes peeled — we will be posting more details soon!

Posted 02/01/18, edited 02/01/18

*stares* It’s already February?



I’m definitely going to buy several items. *^* Water theme is <3. It’s my element.

Posted 02/01/18
Posted 02/01/18
*her eyes widens as soon she saw the Announcements* Oh, yes. And they are gorgeous. I’m keeping my eyes peeled for the events.
Posted 02/02/18

glitch Just in case it’s not something on my end, the monthly OotS preview image on the home page is broken for me ><

Edit: as well as on the OotS page itself, apparently o:

Posted 02/04/18, edited 02/04/18

glitch Just in case it’s not something on my end, the monthly OotS preview image on the home page is broken for me ><

Edit: as well as on the OotS page itself, apparently o:Diglett

^Me as well. hm..

Posted 02/04/18
I was gonna start some WInter Watch stuff today but it seems that a lot of the images are broken that I need to use (notably snowy companions) are broken. Is there an ETA for when they will be back up?
Posted 02/04/18

I’m guessing this is an unforeseen consequence of the downtime we had last night. I’ll poke Myla - she probably just has to reupload them. We’ll try to get things fixed asap!

Posted 02/04/18
Crow That’s what I figured! Thanks for the response! Hopefully they can come back soon. For now I’ll start with working on Rikur’s Idenitification Station!
Posted 02/04/18


I’m sure it won’t take much long for them to be reuploaded however I do have the workbench image saved from when I made mine if you’d like to start now c: (I don’t have the individual pieces though)

Posted 02/04/18
The individual pieces still appear to be working fine for me - do they appear down for you guys?
Posted 02/04/18


I just had a look and they appear like this right now (for me at least).

Posted 02/04/18

Ahh… dang. Okay, I’ll ask Myla to look into that, too! And I’ll poke around for any other missing images. :’)

Posted 02/04/18

Mine is the same as Tracer’s above!

thanks for the re-upload of the big one!! I will use it when I’m done with these items!! Oxton

Posted 02/04/18
Yep, same as Tracer’s. XD
Posted 02/04/18

DiglettReggi  Thanks for the heads up.  It’s fixed!

SalemOxton  Workbench images have been restored.  Sorry about that! 

There are still a couple missing example images from some of the other activities but we will have those restored soon too!

Mycena Cave was down for about four hours yesterday

To keep everyone in the loop about what happened yesterday in case you didn’t try to visit, we experienced an unexpected downtime yesterday due to the failure in one of our drive partitions, causing the loss of most of the files involved in serving Mycena Cave. Affected files included images, layers, HTML, scripts, and backend code.

Glitch had to transfer and restore 13 gigabytes of data which ended up taking about four hours.  Thankfully, we did have backups which saved Mycena Cave from true disaster, phew!  Definitely a good reminder to backup everything regularly. :D

We kept everyone updated with Facebook updates.  Our Facebook page is here.  When we have unexpected downtimes, we post there as soon as we know we are down with an update as to what is going on and an estimate of how long it’ll take to fix!

As we are finding out, there was a ~2 week (Jan 12 - 26thish) time period that we weren’t able to restore a small subset of data.  That data was staff uploaded images, so custom previews from that time period, some event images, this months preview images, etc.!  If you see anything else that is missing, feel free to echo me or ping me here and I will fix them at first opportunity since we do have copies of everything elsewhere. :)

Posted 02/04/18
curious noises??? what could this mean…
Posted 02/13/18


esp that bg…..

Posted 02/13/18


*heavy breathing*

please please please can this mean more spacey-themed stuff hnggggggggg

Posted 02/13/18
Posted 02/13/18

Just to keep you all in the loop, we just ran some updates that are currently causing some issues (we went down for a few minutes) but we are working to get that sorted out. :)

Edit:  Everything should be fixed now.  Thanks glitch. :D

Posted 02/13/18, edited 02/14/18

Woah. With the weirdness going on last night, did it perhaps affect the forum mentions page? I’m seeing no mentions at all, despite seeing three I should have untouched. The number is showing fine in the top bar, but when I go to the page,  no mentions show at all. Is this just me?


Posted 02/14/18

I am having the same issue

Edit: I’ve also noticed a lot of lag since yesterday?

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/14/18
Ah, same with the lag. I thought that was the problem with the mentions page, but it’s just the worst with the lag. Others are laggy too.
Posted 02/14/18

I’ve also been having issues with lag, the site will be running fine and then suddenly hang for a good while when moving to another page. It seems to do this randomly and not with specific pages.

Edit: The lag is the most obvious with the mentions page though.

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/14/18


Pings are fixed! 

glitch has been working on the lag issue since yesterday and still doesn’t know what’s causing it, but we are aware that there is something going on! <3

Posted 02/14/18
Awesome, thanks for the update Myla! c:
Posted 02/14/18

not sure if this is the place to put it, and i know it’s a pretty minor issue, but when you’re “gifting” an item, it still has the blue notification box saying “only stuff in your main pocket can be moved”. that’s no longer the case obvs so it’s just a cosmetic issue but i thought i’d point it out anyway.

Posted 02/14/18

Thanks doragon! Stuff like that is super easy to miss when updating functionality, and also super confusing for people who read it (the only thing worse than no documentation is documentation that lies). I appreciate the heads up, and will fix when I get home :)

Edit: holy moly this lag is annoying

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/14/18

As an update, we’re still working on the lag!  Glitch has found some ways to make the speeds a bit better, but unfortunately we still don’t know the root cause and so the lag persists.

It’s FIIIXXEEDDD!! *throws confetti* Thank you, glitch!

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/15/18