08:17 ST
[RAFFLE] Sprout & Semi-Custom Raffle! (Over - Raffle Drawn!)
The Sprout & Semi-Custom Raffle Begins!

As is tradition this time of year, we are once again holding a Sprout/Semi-Custom raffle! We will be drawing six* winners total. You are able to start purchasing raffle tickets here starting now, and the raffle will be pulled on February 22nd at 12:59 ST.

Your first ticket will cost 100 nuggets, and after that, the price will increase by 10% for each subsequent ticket. Each player may purchase a maximum of 35 tickets for this raffle.

If a winning player selects a sprout:
  • The player must have one of their own genesses selected at the the time of the raffle drawing
  • The winning ticket will produce one sprout, regardless of how many players are represented in their geness
  • The resulting sprout will be a light edit sprout. Some examples of lightly edited sprouts are: here, here, and here
If a winning player selects a semi-custom:
A semi-custom is a type of artistic freedom custom that we sometimes raffle off as an alternative to sprouts. They allow very little player input compared to normal customs - typically not much more than a color palette or theme. This option may be preferable to newer players without genesses or to players who want more color input, but is of course open to any player desiring a semi-custom Mycenian over a sprout!
  • The resulting semi-custom will be an ineki with edits of approximate equivalence to a light-edit sprout.

  • The player must echo Myla within 24 hours of winning**, confirming their selection of a semi-custom. They may also include the following optional information:
    • Type of ineki (cat, dog, or fox)
    • Pose (active or upright)
    • Mouth style (open or closed)
    • Color palette - must be sourced from a palette maker such as Design Seeds
    • Coat name

*If staff member’s tickets are drawn, additional non-staff winners will be added
**If a player does not notify Myla of their preference within 24 hours, the artist will get 100% artistic freedom

All raffle semi-customs and sprouts will be uploaded together. An approximate arrival date for them will be announced after the raffle is drawn. Good luck, everyone!

So many possibilities!

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/22/18
Can users participate if they already have a sprout order with some PP purchased for it? I have not entered the queue yet.
Posted 02/14/18


I’m pretty sure that since raffle sprouts are handled outside of the queue, having a current order doesn’t affect your eligibility to win!

Posted 02/14/18

Thank you, Purr! :D

Posted 02/14/18, edited 02/14/18
Miku Confirming what Purr said! :)
Posted 02/14/18

In case anyone’s curious, you need ~27,102 nuggets to get all 35 tickets (value may vary slightly depending on rounding and potential miscalculations)

Sorry if I’m, like, not supposed to post in here, tho.

Posted 02/14/18

Oh yeah! I know about this joke!!! This is something incredible!!! I want 1 more child *-*
* in love with and gradually buys tickets * I love spend nuggets :)

Posted 02/16/18

Congratulations Lullaby, Verryroll, Salem, OregonCoast, Nyfeaena, and Azael!

If you’ve selected to receive a sprout, I have your information!  If you’ve selected semi-custom, you will receive an echo from me requesting further details.  We’re in the process of assigning winners to the artists who were able to participate this year.

All pets will be delivered the same day, and I will edit this post tomorrow with the tentative delivery date!

Thank you everyone for your participation! <3

Posted 02/22/18
Yeah! What happiness!* screams with joy * it’s something!!
Posted 02/22/18
I’m still screaming so loud, that you can probably hear me on Mars. AHHH, I FEEL BLESSED!!! ; Q ;
Posted 02/22/18
Congratulations to the other winners and I’m STILL in shock!  And extremely happy!!!!! =O I can’t wait for Noms! to meet his sibling <3
Posted 02/22/18
Congrats to all the winners :D I can’t wait to see all the new pets!!
Posted 02/22/18


im so pleased to have won!!!!!!!! ;__________;

this is my first “big” raffle win

get ready for PINK PINK PINK sprout

Posted 02/22/18

Whooo go Salem go

And everyone else who won! Congrats!

Posted 02/22/18
Congratulations to those who won! ^^
Posted 02/23/18

Myla “All pets will be delivered the same day, and I will edit this post tomorrow with the tentative delivery date!”

Any chance of an update of the tentative arrival date? =)  <3

Posted 02/26/18
OregonCoast:  Tentative date is around the 9th of March!
Posted 02/26/18
Myla  Thank you!!! ^,^  <3
Posted 02/26/18
Sprouts and semi-customs have been delivered! <3

Congratulations Lullaby, Verryroll, Salem, OregonCoast, Nyfeaena, and Azael!

Posted 03/08/18

I ALREADY TOOK MINE AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Oh gosh, amazing baby!!! * o *
Thank you so much Myla, you brightened my day! I wish I was at home, so I could scream more… I am crying from happiness. ;QQQQQ;

Posted 03/09/18

=O Merry Noms! has a sibling and they’re FANTASTICALLY ADORABLE ~ Sweet Sundae!!!!  ^,^  thank you so much!!! I’m excited to see them grow, such an adorable sprout and a Rhyme baby too =D I still can’t believe I won a sprout <3 <3

Azael your custom is amazing!!! *,*  I love it!

I can’t wait to see the other sprouts growing too =) 

Posted 03/09/18, edited 03/09/18
Eeee, I’m so glad you like them, Lullaby! <3 <3 <3
Posted 03/09/18

SWEET DEMISE….......................


i love the color scheme cant wait to see how mine turns out!!!!

and the others look really nice too… cant wait to see em grow! the semi custom looks awesome too!

Posted 03/09/18
All of the babies (and the custom) are so pretty, I love them! Thank you for my precious child, Meru! *gently smooches their red petal*
Posted 03/09/18

OregonCoast Danku! Hush did an AMAZING job on ‘em!

And congrats to everyone! It’ll be exciting to see those sprouts grow! <3

Posted 03/09/18
I’m glad to see you’re happy with your sprout, OregonCoast! :D
Posted 03/09/18
Congrats everyone!! The sprouts & custom look so pretty! I can’t wait to see everyone grow. <3
Posted 03/09/18