March is here! This month’s OotS is the vibrant Divine Caster, along with its Mage Scarf and Flowering Staff. This month’s set was brought to us by Chou, and is available for purchase in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! ![]() New Seasonal It may be blizzarding up a storm, but despite the fresh snow falling throughout the Cave, spring is on its way! On March 20th, Bruc will be stocking a new Spring Seasonal mushroom in his shop, and will be replacing the winter collection with some fresh new options. Be sure to pop in before the thaw if you wanted to get your hands on one of the Winter Seasonal coats, and keep an eye out for upcoming previews of our new Spring Seasonal!
The Creative Collective We’ve concluded another round of the Creative Collective! Unsurprisingly, this month, participation in the Roleplay Circle was particularly intense! Thank you to everyone who posted a submission, engaged in a roleplay, or offered some feedback this month. The raffle has been drawn and new prompts are up. Additionally, another new item is now lurking within the Bag of Wonders! If you’re particularly lucky, you may pull a handful of dirt from within this magical bag, which at first glance doesn’t seem… particularly exciting, but we assure you, Traveler’s Dust is an excellent accent to those Mycenians who tend to do a lot of journeying. ![]() ![]() ![]() Season of Connections The Season of Connections CeLOVEbration has mostly wrapped up. Peent’s pop-up boutique has closed its tiny doors until next year, and Star Surfer has been successfully wooed. All eyes are upon the Sacred Tree now, eagerly awaiting the delivery of the Sprout Raffle sprouts (and semi-customs). Delivery is expected in the early weeks of March! New Shop Items The Rikur’s Identification Station and Darcy’s Cozy Comforts player-inspired items have now been released! You can find five shiny new mugs stocking in Darcy’s Confection Perfection and an otherwise unassuming magical knife hidden among the shelves of Fungimental Magic! ![]() ![]() ![]() Update to Username Change Policy Within the next few days, we will be updating our policy on username changes. Rather than allowing players to change their usernames freely once per 60 days, all future username changes will cost a 10 gem fee in addition to the 60 day cooldown period. Additionally, this update will make usernames unique across time, meaning that no player may set a username previously used by another player. This includes usernames you have personally used in the past. These changes are aimed at discouraging the username change option from being used frivolously, while still allowing players who may desire the fresh start of a new identity to utilize it. In order to allow everyone the chance to settle themselves accordingly, the fee will be waived for a 10 day period following the release of this feature, or for 10 days following the end of your current cooldown timer. Quest for the Icy Soul Event The Cave Chronicles: Quest for the Icy Soul RP event is in progress, and will be running through March 11th. Any Mycenian who has yet to start on their journey is advised to do so soon — time is running out! For those of you who have already completed the event, we will soon be ready to begin collecting feedback! An announcement containing the link to the feedback form will be released soon. Thank you for your participation — we hope to use your feedback to make this upcoming feature the best it can be!
Posted 03/01/18
Quick question regarding the new username change policy! If I want to change the capitalisation of my username (keeping it spelled the same), will it cost gems? As far as I know I can’t change the capitalisation of my username under the current system without changing it to something else and then changing back so I’ve been putting it off lol.
Posted 03/01/18
I love everything else about the update but the changes to the username policy soured the whole thing. It seems meant to target a really small minority of users who change names frequently with an over-the-top “discouragement” that hurts everyone else, like swatting a fly with a bazooka.
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
Additionally, this update will make usernames unique across time, meaning that no player may set a username previously used by another player. This includes usernames you have personally used in the past. What if a username I used in the past is currently being used right now? Will this user be forced to change their name? With that said, unless I’m misunderstanding this, this seems unnecessary and unfair? If a username is currently not in use, why should a new user be prevented from using a name?
Posted 03/01/18
Azurrys Yoshi
Posted 03/01/18
“Additionally, this update will make usernames unique across time, meaning that no player may set a username previously used by another player. This includes usernames you have personally used in the past.” Honestly not a fan of this particular point, considering this really enforces the feel of “I can’t change my username, what if I regret it? Now I definitely won’t be able to get my old one back if I change my mind.” The cool down was already achieving this but in a much fairer way. This change honestly just seems to ruin something that was a nice option. And regarding people reserving usernames, after this change they’d have to pay 10 gems for each reserve plus wait the cool down. If this 10 gem fee is being added wouldn’t that already discourage people reserving names? Especially since they’d have to pay 10 gems every time they wanted to change (plus wait for the cooldown). Sure there would still probably be people who’d do it (there always will be) but I think it would be pretty rare. edit: changed minor typo
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
I don’t really understand why users wouldn’t be allowed to use previously used names by anyone. Although this is a personal dilemma that I know many people won’t be facing, this policy change is going to affect something that I wanted to do because of how this rule will be implemented. I discussed resuming partnership (“cave partners”, if you will) with Juney as we’ve done across other sites for many years. However, with this change implemented, it brings up some issues I have. I don’t mind the fee it takes, 10g is reasonable, I don’t like that we could never get back our usernames. When the merge is done & she’s settled down in my account, we’d change our usernames. Hers, from #82, to the new account owner’s username & mine (i.e. to Juney & Ally, to reflect that we both own this account), from #17, eliminating the future usernames of “Ally” & “Juney”. My only concern would be future events, namely if there ever comes a time when one of us “retires” from the site. If either of us were to stop playing, I wouldn’t want either of us to have to come up with an entirely new handle (edit: unless we’d need a new handle because another user is currently using one of ours). I personally would want the handle to be changed to something, because if I or she weren’t playing actively I’d want the other"s name removed. This isn’t to say that I would want to reserve it, if another player joined in the mean time I’d understand if one chose “Ally” or “Juney” & that’s why either of us couldn’t change our handle back.. but why does the UN have to be permanently eliminated from use by anyone just because it was used by someone at some point?
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
Posted 03/01/18
As a suggestion, why not instead implement a tiered payment scale for name changes like they have on many other sites? The first change is free, second is 3g, third would be 6g, fourth and on would be 9/10g. That way it doesn’t penalize a new player or one who has never changed their name and does affect the people (I’m assuming this) who has been making things hard by changing their name every time their cooldown is up. Also, I would prefer names to be available no matter what. If you -must- have names locked down, do it how WoW does their character names and lock past names to the account. That way, if someone should change their name and then realize it was a big mistake, they can change their name back after waiting for the cooldown to end but no one can steal their name in the meantime.
Posted 03/01/18
I really like Malis’ suggestion if we must implement something. I’ve only changed my name once, but I don’t like the idea of being locked in and then not being able to return to “Corvani” some day? This is also a bummer if you’ve been kinda hoping a UN you wanted would be cleared some day… you no longer have that option and just get stuck with whatever is left. As the site grows that’ll become a serious problem and more people are gonna have to resort to underscores and numbers, etc. Which seems… silly if the preferred option for them isn’t in use anyway. I’ve never noticed name changing to be anymore commonplace here than other sites even with the relative freedom allotted to us. edit; the more I think about Ally’s point the more I wonder how this will affect account trading/selling? If UNs are now locked you can’t keep your UN when you swap accounts even if you’re willing to pay, right? It’s effectively gone for good. That’s.. not ideal. :(
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
I don’t really have any good ideas concerning suggestions or the like, but just wanted to echo what’s been said here, especially the bits about locked usernames being unused, etc… I’ve not noticed this to be any big issue here? :0 As people grow, they change… Sometimes a username you picked just doesn’t vibe with you anymore or can be downright awful to still go under. ^^;;; I will also say I feel like 10 Gems is really steep and especially on top of the cool down period. (Also ironic because I have very nearly changed my username twice in the past month, but since I chose this name because it’s who I am on Digis, decided against it… :0)
Posted 03/01/18
In regards to username changes, I like the idea of a tiered pay scale rather than 10 gems every time… I’m not about to change my username but if I ever wanted to, it would be nice to have one freebie before having to pay. And as for unique usernames, it would be nice if at least the person who had the username in the past had the ability to buy it back. So for instance if I changed from LaraAelric to…. idk… anything else, I could pay to get LaraAelric back. But I’ll admit I don’t really understand the ‘reserving usernames’ thing since you’re not supposed to have multiple accounts, and only one person can have a username at any given time. (On a more positive notes, I’ve said this already but I adoreeeee the Monthly pet!)
Posted 03/01/18
Hello! Thanks for weighing in with your thoughts. Staff has had a fairly extensive discussion about this behind the scenes over the last several weeks in which we brought up many of the same points as I’m seeing in this thread, so I can answer to many of them directly. I’ll try to address all of the concerns I’ve seen in this thread, though may not address your comment directly if your comment was mirrored by someone else. I apologize in advance for the wall of text hidden in the spoiler — there are a lot of points being brought up which don’t have trivial answers.
If I want to change the capitalisation of my username (keeping it spelled the same), will it cost gems? As far as I know I can’t change the capitalisation of my username under the current system without changing it to something else and then changing back so I’ve been putting it off lol.Azurrys Addressing your second question first: I’m not aware of this bug, and trying it out on our test instance of Mycena Cave doesn’t present any problems. What makes you believe you can’t change capitalization of your username directly? To your first question — capitalization is a bit of a special case, since letter case is not considered in uniqueness checks: my username being “glitch” means you cannot set yours to “Glitch”, and the login system accepts any capitalization of usernames when logging in, etc.). As a result, changing the capitalization of your username does not have negative impacts on any of the problems we’re solving with this change, so I think it would not be unreasonable to allow capitalization changes without incurring the fee (though it would still trigger the 60 day cooldown period). It seems meant to target a really small minority of users who change names frequently with an over-the-top “discouragement” that hurts everyone else, like swatting a fly with a bazooka.Jacq I understand that it feels this way. Our view is somewhat from the other direction — several people on staff (myself included) felt that the ability to change usernames at all was a mistake, as it causes relatively significant headaches on our end. The feature to allow username changes was not something we discussed when first implemented — someone asked for it and I thought to myself “yeah i can do that” without really thinking about the consequences. For example, the following are all real examples of issues we have to deal with as a result: people change their username and then forget what they changed it to are angry that our login system is “broken”; people change their username temporarily and find someone registers with their old username are angry that their username was “stolen”; many backend issues where we have to refer to players by their IDs which leads to issues when numbers get transposed; etc. However, after some discussion, we reached consensus that not removing the feature would be ok provided that its use was limited to only very important instances. Regarding your QoL edit, this will help indirectly without any further changes, because username changes becoming very infrequent will result in many fewer broken links. That being said, these changes would enable avenues to maintain pings through username changes that we can (and plan to) explore. This includes usernames you have personally used in the pastCrow There was some (not unjustified) confusion about what we meant by that statement. This comes into effect after the change is pushed — so usernames that have been used in the past but are not currently in use are still available for use. This is in part by necessity, because we do not have consistent records of peoples old usernames. “I can’t change my username, what if I regret it? Now I definitely won’t be able to get my old one back if I change my mind”@tracer To a certain extent this was already an issue — if someone claimed your username while you were “temporarily” using a different one, you’d be in a similar place (this has happened multiple times). That being said, what you describe is desired behavior. We want to permit username changes only if you are really sure it is what you want. If you’re concerned you may change your mind, we do not want you to change your username. I don’t really understand why users wouldn’t be allowed to use previously used names by anyone. Although this is a personal dilemma that I know many people won’t be facing, this policy change is going to affect something that I wanted to do because of how this rule will be implemented. [...] why does the UN have to be permanently eliminated from use by anyone just because it was used by someone at some point?Ally Not being able to go from “Ally” to “Ally + Juney” back to “Ally” again is indeed an unfortunate side-effect of this change. With regards to re-using old usernames, there are two scenarios:
In order to “reserve” a username, wouldn’t another account need to be created?Yoshi For reasons above, we do not want to allow the situation where one player uses the username that a different player has used in the past. The question then remains: do you get to use usernames that you have used in the past on your own account? If so, this would be reserving usernames for yourself (without creating new accounts). See the second bullet point immediately above for why we decided “no” on that. Why not implement a tiered payment scale [...] first change is free, second is 3g, third would be 6g, fourth and on would be 9/10g?Malis We discussed this to some extent, but ultimately decided against it for two reasons. First, in terms of effect, the difference between the tiered system you suggest and the one we decided on is that it is less effective at discouraging username changes (which is counter to our goals with this change). Second, our research outside of Mycena Cave indicated that creating mechanisms which have permanent negative effects on you (e.g. an account that has changed its username twice is “worse” than an account that has never changed its username, and you can “never go back”) almost always results in people being very unhappy, so we have strongly avoided ever putting Mycena Cave players in that kind of situation. the more I think about Ally’s point the more I wonder how this will affect account trading/selling? If UNs are now locked you can’t keep your UN when you swap accounts even if you’re willing to pay, right? It’s effectively gone for good. That’s.. not idealCorvani Like Ally’s concern above, this is another unfortunate effect, and also one we determined to be the lesser of two evils. It is indeed unfortunate that you can’t buy someone else’s user ID and rename their account to the username that you used to use on your previous account, but given the extreme rarity in which that happens (i.e. I believe we’re at around four or five in the history of Mycena Cave) this is not the case we are optimizing for. Between being able to do this and preventing two unrelated accounts from occupying the same name at different times, our decision strongly fell towards the latter option. Sometimes a username you picked just doesn’t vibe with you anymore or can be downright awful to still go under. I will also say I feel like 10 Gems is really steep and especially on top of the cool down period.-FLOWER- We agree that sometimes you just need to change your username — this was exactly the argument that swayed us from removing the feature entirely. That 10 gems is pretty steep was brought up as well. The purpose of this change is to dissuade username changes except when the player really cares. We decided that if the player does not care as much as they care about 10 gems, then we feel that they care little enough to make do with the old name. We used a very similar consideration way back in 2013 setting the price for theinitial Digis Customs Recreations. So for instance if I changed from LaraAelric to…. idk… anything else, I could pay to get LaraAelric back.LaraAelric I understand the appeal of having “an out” to get back. That being said, doing that is fundamentally incompatible with the goals above: preventing two different players from occupying the same username at different times, and not having “hidden powers” associated with accounts (e.g. a hidden list of usernames that only you are allowed to use).
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
I understand the appeal of having “an out” to get back. That being said, doing that is fundamentally incompatible with the goals above: preventing two different players from occupying the same username at different times, and not having “hidden powers” associated with accounts (e.g. a hidden list of usernames that only you are allowed to use).glitch
Edit: Nevermind, I read answers to this higher up. Edit 2: I am actually unimpressed with this. A big issue for you guys seems to be the idea of squatter’s rights on usernames. If Purr becomes Espurr and I become Purr, then confusion will occur and eventually now-Espurr might want Purr again. There are fair concerns, but that doesn’t mean it can only be handled in the way proposed. You could temporarily lock the names. Maybe no one can be Purr for 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, whatever. But eventually someone can be Purr again. By that time Espurr will have done much in the way of broadcasting they are not Purr. And as a safety measure against people out of the loop or who don’t frequent the forums or chat, then there can be a record kept for each account that lists all of their usernames (from this time forward if need be) and when they had them. And of course impersonation should be punished no matter who is being impersonated, not just staff. As for people who want their name back… I mean ultimately you’re creating a system where they will NEVER get their name back. In comparison, if you let people float from username to username, one owner at a time, they could see their favored UN in their possession once more. It doesn’t make sense to approach the issue of people being locked away from their UNs by forcing things so that potential scenario becomes an inevitable one. The hidden powers argument is fair but again you can just not have that by keeping all the names free.
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/01/18
I never really understand the—mm, big deal? I guess, of unique usernames. Personally I like when the username used to log in with is the only one that needs to be unique; I really like when sites let me change my name to suit the season and stuff (for example: since I go by One Smart Chicken usually, I like to change “Smart” into various adjectives, like Spooky for Halloween). But I’ve never actually encountered someone having a duplicate name in order to impersonate someone. That’s what the ID numbers are for, in my opinion, even though obviously it’s harder to remember a number than a name. On the other hand, if this was a site I’d been on for a decade, I’m sure I’d love to be able to change my username since ten years ago I had terrible taste. And hey, maybe I’ll eventually stop being Chicken (...ha no probably not. I’ve brought that irl I’m never escaping this name.) ...I dunno. I keep rambling in search of a point but I guess my only question is: How big of a problem was this? Was there a rash of people impersonating others that I missed? Did someone lose money on some really conniving individual? Because that would make sense. I just don’t understand why someone shouldn’t take their username frivolously. I don’t mean that in any kind of sarcastic way. I mean I really don’t care if you want to be called something utterly stupid or change your username 62 times in one day. That’s up to you, and as long as you’re prepared to handle the confusion, or lose a username, etc, be frivolous. Why is frivolity bad? I guess it makes me think of—like Skype’s…nickname(?) option? There’s pros and cons, of course, but that tends to be close to how I consider display names: a string of letters and/or numbers that might involve words, names, etc, that you want associated with you.
Posted 03/01/18
I really don’t know what to say about all this. And I also hate bringing in outside websites to Mycena-issues, but as I’m a transplant from Flight Rising who changed their UN not that far back, well… here’s my two cents. ON FR, (again, hate bringing in external site info but its a good example), you can change your flight/element ONCE for free. same for your UN. After that, there’s a charge, and it’s not cheap. from both a coding/administration side, I can see that it’d suck at an ongoing rate. But I also didn’t mesh with my old username anymore either. My usernames on literally anything online become part of my identity and who I am. Right now, I most commonly go by Silent or Chaos (and more recently, Vairocanna). We as people grow and change over time. New names can also represent that. “I can’t change my username, what if I regret it? Now I definitely won’t be able to get my old one back if I change my mind”Tracer Perhaps a two-day grace period or something should be implemented, and if needed, the change could be revised? Sometimes a username you picked just doesn’t vibe with you anymore or can be downright awful to still go under. I will also say I feel like 10 Gems is really steep and especially on top of the cool down period.-FLOWER- I don’t mean this in a bad way, but this also seems a little harsh in terms of attacking someone’s identity and invalidate someone. IDK, personally I’m okay with the charge of 10 gems, but telling someone to essentially “suck it up” is a little unreasonable. I wouldn’t want to be uncomfortable in my own…skin, i guess? So for instance if I changed from LaraAelric to…. idk… anything else, I could pay to get LaraAelric back.LaraAelric Why can’t usernames be locked to accounts? while I can understand that this falls under a category similar to “reserving usernames” (in which case, okay, that makes enough sense) but should the need arise, could it not be considered in the least? TLDR; I can understand why you feel the need to bring in these changes, but some of it also doesn’t make sense to me? idk it’s midnight and i have an exhausted brain so i’m trying to process it as best I can. If I don’t feel like I mesh with me anymore, what’s gonna be easier to me as a player? Paying the 10 gems to change my name? Living with a name I don;t like/care for/can’t identify with, or taking my leave of MC for an undetermined amount of time? Some people will shrug (me being one of them), but others are definitely visibly upset. Perhaps this needs to be looked at a little more and/or have some community feedback as opposed to bringing the hammer down right away and just… “nope this is it this is what’s happening.”
Posted 03/01/18
I’m wondering why not implement the same feature other sites tend to have, which is having a core username but also a display name that can be changed? For example, if I decided to make my account name “saltsplash” for login purposes I could still have the freedom to make my ‘nickname’ Kippie, or Kelph Queen, or anything goofy like that - any and all pings for “saltsplash” would work perfectly fine, could be displayed underneath the nickname on the profile side so no one has to pull open the profile, etc. Seems like it would maintain ease of keeping track of players with a permanent UN and permanent login, while still giving people the chance to have a shorthand nickname (or just have the same nick as their UN if they don’t care). And of course you could apply rules about appropriate content for nicknames so people don’t get vulgar or suggestive, naturally. Might be more work to actually code it, but wouldn’t there theoretically be less of a long term headache? EDIT: to add to this, I would also personally find this an easier system on me as a user as well, since being able to recognize a username would help me keep track of people as well (when I’m pinging them or talking to them, etc etc) and the addition of a nickname system would let people be cheeky and fun and match for holidays or whatever goofiness they wanted without anyone actually losing track of who that person was. I really think this sort of thing should be considered as an alternative because it’s free and it would handle a lot of the back-end bookkeeping problems you guys cited as an issue, without monetarily punishing people.
Posted 03/01/18, edited 03/02/18
I appreciate the response, but my opinion hasn’t changed - it’s still seems over-the-top compared to the issues identified. Are users impersonating others with the intent to harm really so common? Or someone changing their name, forgetting what they changed it to, then forgetting both their new un and the email they used to log in? How common is that compared to the number of un changes that proceed without incident/headache, I wonder. If you got rid of everything on site that caused headaches for staff there wouldn’t be any users left. I’m also a little disappointed with the whole “we had this huge discussion behind closed doors before we decided how we were going to implement this sweeping change that doesn’t affect staff” (afaik, staff aren’t able/supposed to change their username, or at least haven’t in as long as I’ve been on site / can remember). Isn’t that a little like discussing what to do about bike lanes without inviting cyclists to the table? If you had said “hey y’all, we’re having some issues with username changes the last while, and are discussing ways to make it less of a headache on our backend” - what would have happened? Wouldn’t it have been OK to let us know there was this huge problem brewing that needed a $10-per-user-per-instance solution? Would letting the people who were doing the impersonating and complaining know that it was an issue maybe modified behavior, to be less headachey while other solutions were figured out/discussed? I understand that at the end of the day, as users it’s by the grace of glitch we go (heh), but this isn’t the first time it’s felt like when one or two users do something annoying, the entire userbase gets punished for it.
Posted 03/02/18, edited 03/02/18
This doesn’t even affect me, since I’ll never be changing usernames…but I can also see where others are coming from, in regards to it. I was hesitant to talk about a different site too, but since it’s already been brought up, and is relevant as an example of an alternate approach to the issue: FR has a first-change-free, second change and onward there’s a doable, but decently steep charge. The charge doesn’t increase per change; it doesn’t have to—the cost is already enough to prevent casual or lightly-considered changes. You have to work for it, or spend real money, and either way, if someone does it, they probably mean it. If you change your name there, it frees up your previous name for anyone to use, too. There’s no appealing to staff about getting your old name back—because it’s understood that in changing your name, that’s a risk you inherently take. I don’t feel like that should ever have been an issue for staff of any petsite in the first place, honestly—taking that risk that someone will change to, or newly sign up with, your previous username is, and should be, on the player. That risk is also part of the incentive to not name-change lightly. I know a person who changed names multiple times (paying the same fee after the first free one, each time), and lost her original username to someone else before she got back to it. She understood, though, because once she let that name go, it wasn’t hers to control anymore. I also have a friend there who didn’t start out with her desired name, but after a couple of years, was able to change to it—because the original holder changed away from it. She’d been checking on the name every so often, and was delighted to get it when it came free. If the previous owner of that un ever comes looking for it, he has no case—he took the risk of giving it up to begin with. All of this seems fair, and leaves the onus on the player, and what decisions they make, and all without locking away previously-used, but currently unused names forever—which seems like the biggest issue here, from my pov. (Noting that I also believe FR tracks users by their numerical user id’s, which ofc cannot be changed, no idea how feasible or not that is here.) *** I also think part of the problem here, is that from a non-staff point of view, it feels like this is applying a fix to something that…isn’t actually broken? Obviously from staff’s end of things, this doesn’t seem to be the case, or the issue wouldn’t have come up to begin with. But from the players’ end…we don’t know all the inner workings of the site, the cogs and gears that make it all magically, to our eyes, stay in motion, or what headaches y’all have to go through to keep it that way. (That said, this site has the most freely-shared information on such things I’ve ever encountered—and it’s very much appreciated!) It’s getting pretty clear that numerous users are unhappy about the proposed changes as they stand, though. /my two cents, fwiw ^^;
Posted 03/02/18, edited 03/02/18
Separate post, for actually squeeing about other March things: I love the new mugs! (And omg, that acid one is about to inspire some new lore… xD) And the Traveler’s Dust is a whee of an addition, too—I like being able to show when my characters get dirty, hue. And the Icy Soul event continues to be literally the best event ever. C: (Also looking greeeeaaatly forward to the possibility of being able to set up player-made adventures with this new mechanics system, some day! *fingers crossed*)
Posted 03/02/18
tbh a lot of the posts here read to me like the main reason behind these changes being implemented has been totally missed. From what I understand, any time a user changes their username (frequently or not, whatever the intention), it causes a sizable backend headache, one that we (the playerbase) even see the tip of in things like broken pings, links, etc. I am curious how this would display if you tried to check a username’s availability by going to a profile and replacing the username part in the URL with the one you’re trying to check, if it’s locked out but also not in use? In general though I don’t really see the warrant for the huge and honestly, passive aggressive at best reaction from many of the comments here..? I’m kind of….idk, infamous in main chat for constantly changing usernames (I’m probably part of the reason for this honestly >>) because i’m terribly fickle and gain/lose interest in things quickly, so that 2 or 3-ish times a year hobby of mine is now shut down. That said, the change doesn’t feel like a huge deal and if I’m understanding correctly it’s not so much an actively punitive/pre-emptively punitive measure against users as it is a metaphorical tylenol for the backend headache. I agree with Tsaiah for the most part. I’ve also been on a site where unchangeable usernames (a bit more complicated, there were display names like Chicken and Kippie mentioned, but also a name tied to a pet-sort-of that was tied to the account until that pet died or was retired, again, with a pretty hefty cost for early retirement - otherwise it would last 15 ingame years/180 irl days assuming the player logged in daily the entire time), once used, were locked to that account until for whatever reason, was released. What ended up happening was there being a mad rush for ‘cool’ names whenever a new fad came around, or once the name was taken, a ton of barely discernably different and/or obviously same names (using one accented letter, etc) would pop up and it created a ton of fuss and drama. On the flip side, people who weren’t well-liked would sometimes be impersonated due to the display name being freely changeable and non-unique with the sole purpose of defamation. Although tbf that site was 1. kind of a large hellhole to begin with and 2. placed equal importance on display name and the sort-of-permanent name, so it’s not really a good comparison. Just wanted to provide examples of bad things happening on what each side wants |D;;;; At the end of the day though I think the best solution to this would be to separate account names and nicknames, as long as both are easily found on the player’s profile, since IDs are already stuck right next to usernames almost everywhere. But, that would probably be a hilariously + awfully huge coding project for a frankly tiny site (2 coders???) without ad revenue, monthly premiums, or any sort of FR/Pokefarm/etc kind of funding that is bothersome to the userbase. Most of the site’s income, from what I’ve heard?? comes from the site’s portion of artist-earned PP (rather than gems which are supposed to be the site’s main income as PP is supposed to support the artists, I think), so if the userbase decides it reeeaally wants to have changeable usernames we probably wouldn’t have any new content other than standard OoTs for like…probably a year at least? On top of other things the userbase is constantly pushing for, like new games and QoL updates and even just now when we got the huge d&d/RP quest system. I mean, there’s a few far-between sites like sylestia that caves to almost everything the vocal minority within the userbase wants and it’s constantly a disaster of patching issues created from indulging those wants and then patching drama that occurs from having to backstep a bit or change things around the next time. On the other side of the spectrum you have FR whose staff rarely does anything the users actually want, so despite having some major-ish personal salt with some MC staff decisions in the past, I feel like they’ve generally been fair and consistent. tl;dr, I don’t really think it’s fair to say the staff is just doing whatever they want to fix their own self-caused headaches and not listening to the userbase. iirc glitch said the icy soul event mechanics were a humungous thing and it’s planned to be integrated more in the future - could be wrong that’s just what I thought I heard. Regardless that kind of questing mechanics is something the community has been vocal about wanting since at the latest early 2015 (when I joined). Coming from sites like pokefarm/chicken smoothie/lioden/flight rising, etc, I for one feel like we have some pretty great staff and they don’t deserve this kind of aggression ; O ; </3
Posted 03/02/18
To start off with, I want to say that the new update doesn’t make any sense to me. For starters Mycena Cave, and all virtual petsites, are at their core, games. Which means that ultimately the only reason that we have Usernames and User IDs is to identify one user (or player) from another. Which brings us to my lovely list of points that may or may not have been said, questions that may or may not have been asked, and responses to answers that may or may not have been pointed out already.
I’m going to look at the very first post- The Announcement itself. 1) Why does this 10 Gem Fee exist?/Why is it 10 Gems? 2) Why does the 10 Gem Fee exist AS WELL as the 60 day cooldown? I want someone to please provide me with a reason why allowing someone to spend 100$ on something that has no impact on the game is a bad thing. 3) Additionally, this update will make usernames unique across time, meaning that no player may set a username previously used by another player. This includes usernames you have personally used in the past.” I saw a lot of confusion about this, so incase anyone is still confused (and to provide the opportunity to correct me if I am wrong) here’s what it means: So, because of that, I now start referencing the Questions/Points already Asked, and the responses given by glitch. There were two questions asked, and both answered by glitch. The scenario that Tracer is describing applies if you change your username with the intent on changing it permanently. In which case the problem then becomes, as Glitch pointed out, if someone takes the old username in the meantime. However, something stands out to me in Tracer’s phrasing “Now I definitely won’t be able to get my old one back if I change my mind”Tracer
‘Definitely’ Ally asks about this point in the announcement as well. Glitch answered them in two parts, with two scenarios. The first being the one touched on in Tracer’s question (with someone else taking the username) and the other being that you want to change your username back. Again, I will 100% admit that Glitch is right. It has also been particularly unpleasant for players who have changed their username and had their old one claimed by someone else.glitch
I am sure it has. Emotionally, Usernames are Names. Names unique to you. Which, on the surface, this makes the Update look more reasonable until… User ID#s are considered Now, I want to take this moment to mention that I have only changed my username Three Times. The third time, and the only time I’ve changed my username on Mycena was when I temporarily shared an account with Ishy. Not being able to go from “Ally” to “Ally + Juney” back to “Ally” again is indeed an unfortunate side-effect of this change.glitch This is not a side-effect. This is a replacement. Related to earlier, all this means is that your old username is guaranteed to be gone if you want to switch it back. There is literally no chance to switch back. When someone changes their Username, they should be fully aware of the chance that someone will ‘take’ their name. glitch does talk about an alternate option to this permanent ban, and also talks about why it is not used. If we want to allow this but disallow the previous point, then once you’ve ever used a username it must be reserved such that only you can use it.glitch
The obvious issue with this is the possibility of someone “reserving” a bunch of usernames on their account by changing their username over and over. Except here’s the thing. I don’t even need to get into the details past that. I don’t need to dig into the details of ‘what about account/trading selling” (Corvani) It doesn’t matter if a username doesn’t ‘click’ with you. What is it? Only allow one reserved Username Meaning that LUDICROUS idea of a perma-ban on a name is absolutely pointless
Now, this still leaves the problem of: ... then it should not be the case that I am allowed to change my name to Charlie while you are not without having any visible indication of this power / restriction ...glitch
Then, heck list it on their profile, even under their name on the forums! (aka: (“UN #2”)
You have a solution to that already, too. To address The Fee again, since this is the biggest bullet point here. Malis offered a great idea, in my opinion, with the proposition of a tiered payment scale. It seems meant to target a really small minority of users who change names frequently with an over-the-top “discouragement” that hurts everyone else, like swatting a fly with a bazookaJacq Malis’ idea would only target those who change frequently/a lot, given that it would only become expensive to change if you did it more than a few times. Glitch answered that it is, in fact, less effective at discouraging username changes. There are many ways to have The Fee work, and work in ways that I don’t think would upset people very much. Addressing the problem of just reserving a name so they have another taken: Secondly- if you use The Fee logically…there’s a million ways to deal with this. There are a million variants, as you’re probably seeing. You could have Malis’ idea play into that: have the wait time increase with how often you can change your username. Not the fee.
Posted 03/02/18