April flutters in! This month’s OotS is the beautiful Gilded Garden, along with its Long Gilded Tail and Drifty Enchanted Necklace. This month’s set was brought to us by Morgan, and is available for purchase in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month! ![]() New Seasonal Now that spring has sprung, Bruc has once again rotated his Fungimental Magic stock! Old favorites have returned, joined by this year’s new Spring Seasonal coat: Eden! These mushrooms will be stocking until Summer arrives, so be sure to pick them up before the weather gets too warm! ![]() The Creative Collective March’s Creative Collective has drawn to a close! Thank you to everyone who posted a submission, engaged in a roleplay, or offered some feedback this month. The raffle has been drawn and new prompts are up! ![]() ![]() ![]() Mycenail Salon Due to the overwhelming popularity of Mycenail Salon, we have quickly worked through our stock of clay masks and lipstick. We hope that Mycenians enjoyed their free beauty treatment yesterday, and apologize that most of the finer cosmetic touches have apparently washed off overnight. When it comes to beautification, you get what you pay for, it turns out… At least the nail polish shouldn’t chip off for a few days yet! Before we shutter our salon entirely, be sure to take advantage of our remaining activities! Dress to impress and match your stunning new nails with Rikur, try your hand at creating your very own nail polish colors with Carol, or leave Mycenail Salon a review on Welp! These activities will conclude when Mycenail Salon closes up entirely at the end of the day on April 7th.
Item Survey The results of our 2018 Item Survey are in! You can view the top 50 submissions here. Thank you for submitting ideas and voting, everyone! While we cannot guarantee that suggested items will be created on site, we have found these survey results to be incredibly helpful for gauging interest in potential item releases. Item Updates Several previously species-specific items have had their compatibility expanded to include all Mycenians! These items include the Neck Bows, Anklets, and Scarves, all of which are available for purchase in Sullie’s Closet! Additionally, a new item is available for purchase in Fungimental Magic — the Rose Candles!
Quest for the Icy Soul Feedback After reading through lots of data, we’ve released our feedback compilation from our Quest of the Icy Soul event! Your contributions have provided us with invaluable data, and we look forward to progressing with this system as a new feature! You can read through our feedback summary here. Upcoming Spring Event The snow is finally melting and the sun is growing warmer each day. That faintly floral, unmistakable scent of spring is in the air! Each year around this time, the Bone Monster gets a little bit dozey… and after enduring that blizzard, he must be eager to get in a nap. By our best estimation, he’ll likely be fast asleep in a few weeks — the perfect time for a little foray into the flower fields beyond the Cave’s entrance. More information on the upcoming Spring event will be available soon!
Posted 04/02/18
Good news, everyone!
If you check on your drifted pets, you should see that they’re back to the colors they were before :) As you may recall from last month, our drifted pets have been having a bit of a color crisis. We got the bug reported to the developers of the image processing software we use and were anxiously awaiting a fix. The good: they were very quick in reproducing the issue and coming up with a fix Since that kind of timeframe just won’t work for us, I’ve spent the last couple weeks learning far more than I ever cared to about colorspaces, matrix transformations, interpolation and whatnot. After a stupid number of hours devoted to it, we now have a workaround in place that does not mess with the proper output colors. Problem
After a recent software update, hue shifts would have a tendency to “overload” pixels, which would then turn black. Here’s an example of the bug striking in a particularly undesirable way: Solution 1
The initial workaround we came up with was to perform the hue shift in a different color-space. Unfortunately, this resulted in the slightly “off” colors that drifted pets have been having to put up with recently: Solution 2
So here’s one of the first examples of fine-i’ll-go-build-it-myself. It turns out that shifting hues is a little more complicated than you might expect, especially when transparency is involved. Notice some weirdness around edges and at the bottom of the hourglass. It was also way too slow (e.g. ~25 seconds to generate this image): Solution 3
Many attempts later, taking some ideas and facts learned from that process, I wondered if I could “trick” the original hue shifter into “accidentally” not overloading pixels. This met with partial success — notice there are only a couple black pixels scattered around this image (one in a corner of an ear, one at the top edge of the wing nearish the heart): Solution 4
Finally, we have things back to normal (actually this is closer to solution 12 but I skipped most of the boring steps): yayyyyyyyy
Posted 04/08/18, edited 04/08/18
MY BABIES ARE THIER COLORS AGAIN!!!!!!! YAY!!! Thank you SO much for all your work fixing it Glitch, truly! I know that drift is like… a small part of the site and its not important to everyone, but this really really made my day today. I love drifting my pets and I’m so pleased to see them back to the hues that are perfect for them!
Posted 04/08/18
Yay, my oversized fox geness is back to normal! Thank you for working so hard to fix the drifting feature, glitch - I really appreciate it!!
Posted 04/08/18
New Items
Thank you to Avis, Promise, MafiaVamp, FlyingSquirrely, and Malis, respectively, for designing them as a part of Carol’s Colorful Creations activity!
Posted 04/09/18
Thank you SO much for slogging it out with the coding for the Drifted pets glitch. I got a giggle over “fine-I’ll-go-build-it-myself ” I do that a lot, but am thankfully not up against complicated coding. Although it seems like a small portion of the Cave, I’ve never seen Drifted pets on any other pet site, so (to me at least), it’s a very distinctive feature of MC. I’m so glad you were able to sort a workaround until the proper software can be updated. Mindboggling they’ll let it go an entire year without fixing, but whatevers, your efforts are massively appreciated <3 <3 <3
Posted 04/17/18
Posted 04/26/18
Mycena Cage (everything was Nicolas Cage) in 2014, I remember 2015 was something about Long John Silver’s…. ahhhh I don’t recall 2017’s at all, RL was crazy at that time. >< But yes. It Mycena Cage was, in my opinion, the best - but, also the most horrifying hahah. (Also, I remember glitch doodling on some forum avatars at one point, was just so random - he’d written “I can diglett with my shovelett” on mine and doodled a shovel. Wish I still had that image saved, bah)
Posted 04/26/18
Madara 2017 was a pass year due to a lot of other events coinciding iirc, but 2016 was mycena shave! those mole rats in the critter shop? mycena shave... 2015 glitch filtered every bit of text on the entire site including user-written bits into exaggerated pirate lingo (mycena cove) it was great :D
Posted 04/27/18
Hyasynthetic Yayyyyyyy! 8D Thankssssss! snafflewyrm I feeeeel like that was maybe the 2015 long john silver thing, but my memory is terrible so I don’t know XD
Posted 04/27/18
Posted 04/28/18, edited 04/28/18