08:21 ST
May News Discussion
May is here!

This month’s OotS is Festival, along with their Twinkling Shrine and Festival Kanzashi. The coat and kanzashi were created by Plasma, and the background was a collab between Plasma and Myla. This set will be available for purchase in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!

The Creative Collective

April’s Creative Collective has drawn to a close! Thank you to everyone who posted a submission, engaged in a roleplay, or offered some feedback this month. The raffle has been drawn and new prompts are up!

Mycenail Salon

April fools brought with it the all too short-lived Mycenail Salon. Mycenians throughout the cave were pampered with free face masks, warm towels, and mani-pedis! We held a few mini-activities to go along with it, which resulted in many fun submissions and several new nail polishes becoming available for purchase.

New Items

Several new items have joined the inventory at Sullie’s Closet! You can now purchase from Sullie’s exclusive line of nail polishes, each inspired by the raffle winners of last month’s Mycenail Salon activities, as well as some stunning new neck bows to fancy up your Mycenians’ looks.

A look for every occasion!

Ruori’s Retirement

It is with great regret but warmest well-wishes that we announce Ruori has decided to step down from her position as a Mycena Cave artist. She contributed some truly gorgeous artwork to the Cave, and was a joy to work with. We wish you the very best in all your future endeavors, Ruori; thank you for everything you’ve contributed to Mycena Cave!

Policy Update & Player Profile Options

Beginning May 10th, Mycena Cave will no longer be permitting account trading of any kind. More information on this policy change can be found in this announcement.

Additionally, players may now replace the default human representation on their profile with one of their pets! Any pet which is eligible to be your forum avatar is also eligible to be your profile representative. More information about this update can be found in the second half of the same announcement as above!

Spring Bloom Jubilee

Spring has finally sprung, and Bone Monster has been a bit dozey lately. Why don’t you help Seelby brighten up the Cave after the long, snowy winter by sneaking out and gathering flowers from just outside the entrance? You can learn more about this event and how to participate here!

Posted 05/01/18
New items!

Black Flutter Wings and Black Ruff can be bought in Val’s Modern Composition!


Posted 05/04/18

Mmmm blaaack *immediately grabby hands*

...is it just me, or is anyone else not only enjoying the steady influx of new item/color releases, but also playing in the magic puddle and oohing at unreleased things to come? :3 (I keep wondering about events and bag of wonders and such that some of them might be related to, too! *coughDRUIDCAPEcough* xD)

Posted 05/06/18
Tsaiah Druidic Cape is indeed the next item being added to the Bag of Wonders! :DD
Posted 05/07/18
Ohh my gosh, those lavender and teal wings are very nice and I absolutely cannot wait for this new shop that’s been talked about to finally open. I’m so psyched for all these new special item recolors.
Posted 05/07/18
New item!

Puffy Clouds can be bought in Land’s Within!

It’s not a full background, but rather a background component that you can layer over a background or use by itself. Enjoy!

Posted 05/10/18

Whoa, the item icon is really pretty! I kinda wish it had that sky too! Those clouds look delectable~

I’m still kind of a turbo newb… Are there any background items that look kinda like that? :3c

Posted 05/10/18, edited 05/10/18

....lays back and admires the clouds…. oh look!  There goes a Pony =D

Ruori  sad to see you step down, but Thank you so much for all the pretty artwork on here <3 Best wishes!!!  And I hope you are staying around the Cave c=

Posted 05/14/18
-FLOWER- not presently, but there will be…soon! there’s a lot of items you can see here that will be released at some point in the future, once the new shop is done and stocked :D
Posted 05/14/18
New item!

Sky Background can be bought in Land’s Within!

Posted 05/14/18

Myla gASP!!!! O:!!!! O’8!!!!! what excellent timing..!!
also, is it okay to ask/if so, are all the recolors of the sky BGs going to be in the new shop? additionally, is there an eta on it? O:

Posted 05/14/18
Celestine The sky recolors will be a part of the stocking mechanic!  No ETA on its release other than I’m one away from reaching the minimum number of recolors I wanted to get done for it.. hooray! :D
Posted 05/14/18
Ohh!! I’m realllyyy looking forward to the new shop… I need all of these sky bgs and those lavender/teal puff and wings? To die for! ;o;
Posted 05/14/18
Updated Page!

Misc. Images has received a much needed update! Whoo-hoo!! I hope that you all find the new layout easier to use and that you find fun images to use on your profiles!

Posted 05/14/18
Myla Oh my goodness thank you so much!!! I don’t have to dig for images now!!!
Posted 05/14/18

Myla Ahh thank you!! Really excited to redecorate some pages now! 8)

edit: Not to be a nuisance buuut would it be possible to get the full size backgrounds added to the page in the future too? I know some have been posted in like the monthly announcements, but it’d be nice to have them all in one place. o:

Posted 05/14/18, edited 05/14/18

Myla loooool this is hilariously good timing, I’m glad there’s an item that looks like that beautiful, whimsical sky thumbnail though! Thanks<3 The recolors are gorgeous too *u*

Celestine thanks for the neat tip!! :D I had no idea there was a way to see stuff that had been uploaded, but not implemented yet… *peeking around nosily* Sometimes I notice new stuff in the Magic Puddle but this is obviously way easier to look at. :P

Posted 05/14/18
Posted 05/14/18
oooomg this is great!! thanks myla!!
Posted 05/16/18

<3 Glad you are enjoying!!

Corvani I added them in! Edit: Oops.. I added them in on my interface but glitch has to push it to the live page still!  He should hopefully be able to do that later today. 8D;;

Posted 05/16/18, edited 05/16/18
Myla Haha no worries. Thank you so much!! ❤
Posted 05/16/18
Having the backgrounds on display is lovely!! I never realized that the Fishing Rendezvous Background has a bridge in it! I’m excited to look at them all later when I have time. :D
Posted 05/16/18
New item!

More clouds.. whooo! Moonlit Clouds by priz can be bought in Land’s Within!

Posted 05/24/18
these are all so pretty!!!! y’all are Killin it!
Posted 05/24/18