11:45 ST
[FORUM ACTIVITY] MycenaDeck Hub (All done!)

=O they look WONDERFUL all put together as decks!!! <3 I love this idea and everyone’s contributions look amazing together =)  I love thumbing through the community deck especially. 

Posted 07/14/18
The deck looks amazing!!!! Everyone did such an amazing jobs with their submissions ;o;
Posted 07/14/18

Participation prizes have been distributed!

The raffle will occur live at 15:30 ST today — watch it here!

Prizes are:

  • 4x Glowing Changingshroom
  • 7x Bag of Wonder
  • 10x Inner Peace background
  • 10x Rainbow
Posted 07/15/18, edited 07/15/18
glitch They could be used as collectibles… And possibly bookmarks?
Posted 07/15/18

Please echo me if you didn’t receive a participation prize but should have (or if you notice any other error)! :D

As a note, for the glowing changingshroom grand prize, if any staff are drawn, then an additional non-staff ticket will be drawn.  The rest of the prizes will be drawn normally!

Posted 07/15/18, edited 07/15/18

Hey, Myla! It looks like I won a rainbow from the raffle, but I didn’t receive it! o3o Unless I didn’t receive credit for one of my card entries? Tama doesn’t know, haha! ouo;;

*EDIT* waiiit, I think they haven’t been handed out yet. ^^;; Misread, sorry!

Posted 07/15/18, edited 07/15/18


Oh my gosh a glowing changingshroom!! I can’t believe it!

Posted 07/16/18
Congratulations to the winners!!!!  ^,^  I can’t wait to see what the GCS oats will be c=
Posted 07/16/18
I was out at a friend’s house last night so I missed the drawing oops - congrats to all winners! <3
Posted 07/16/18
Congratulations to the winners!

Your prizes will be sent out shortly Your prizes have been distributed :)

Posted 07/16/18, edited 07/16/18

Oh nice :0
Haven’t won a raffle in a while

Posted 07/16/18
Awesome, thank you for the prize!
Posted 07/17/18
Whooo! Now I get to find out what is in the bag!
Posted 07/17/18

Awesome!!! Nice to win a raffle, but more importantly the decks both look fantastic all put together. Great to see how creative everyone is~

Also echoing the idea that these cards would make great bookmarks, or possibly stickers.

Posted 07/17/18

just throwing this out there, and if everyone was cool with it, itd be super neat to see these some parts of these decks used as part of a new game or the adventure system if they fit the bill.

wishful thinking im sure, but thinking about how fun it’d be wont leave me alone ahahaha:D


Posted 07/17/18
Thank you for the extra rainbow! <3
Posted 07/22/18