- Our forum activity star charting can be found here!
The event forum is here! Feel free to post any event-related threads here.
This little cavern is well-known among Mycenians for its state of eternal twilight, as well as its array of beautiful stars. A popular camping and stargazing destination, Twilight Nook sees an almost constant stream of visitors, and is an especially popular destination during the summer months, when several of its most well-known constellations can be seen glimmering in the sky.
Unfortunately, even this beautiful destination was not left entirely unscathed by the recent magical instability within the Cave’s core. Though since rectified, the rumbles and unnatural weather patterns that plagued the Cave over the past several months took their toll on this little cavern, apparently knocking several prominent stars from the sky itself.
Without these stars, many of our most popular constellations are unrecognizable! Visitor numbers have been dwindling as a result, and if things go on like this, Twilight Nook will be ruined!
This is a plea to any and all resourceful Mycenians — please help me save Twilight Nook! I know that if we work together, we can find the missing stars and fix our sky. Meet me at the Welcome Center on August 3rd if you’re interested in helping me save what’s left of the summer tourist season!Lightyear
Much like last summer’s Legend of the Lost Trove, this event will be comprised of several challenges aimed at helping Lightyear set the Twilight Nook sky back in order. This will be a play-at-your-own-pace event, with all of the challenges available from the start of the event to allow players to complete them at their leisure.
The Twilight Nook sky is full of constellations — and eight of them are missing vital stars. You can reach each of the challenges by clicking on the Constellation Cards displayed on the event hub page, and once completed, you will see the cards change to reflect your progress. Once you’ve collected all of the missing stars, it’s time to place them back into the sky where they belong with one final challenge!
This event will begin on August 3rd at 00:01 ST and end at the end of the day on August 17th. Lightyear’s amassed lots of fun goodies for anyone who helps him, but he’ll only be offering them until the end of the day on August 24th, when the prize shop will close for good.
There will be one forum activity running alongside the event, called Star Charting. This activity will award one participation item per player — an avatar frame. More details about the Star Charting activity will be made available at the start of the event.
Star Charting can be found here!
Like last year, the prize shop will be made available to you as soon as you complete the event. The prize shop will then open for everyone regardless of individual progress at the end of the event’s duration.
- Players will receive 2 points for every Constellation Challenge they complete, with the ability to earn a maximum of 16 event points.
- Players who complete all of this event’s challenges and unlock the prize shop before the end of the event will be awarded their choice of one of the event coats.
- There are a total of 2 event coats and 8 items available for purchase in the prize shop.
- The event coats are a Cat ineki and a River Kelph. They will be priced at 8 points each, and will be able to be purchased as a mushroom or pet.
- The items will be priced at 1 point each.
- Additionally, there will be one avatar frame item obtainable by participating in the Star Charting forum game.
Players who attain 100% completion for this event will be able to obtain one of everything, if they wish. Players who do not will be limited in their prize purchases by the number of challenges they’ve completed.
Posted 07/30/18, edited 08/26/18
YESSSSSSS I love space so much
Posted 07/30/18, edited 07/30/18
The items look amazing and I want them all, right now immediately. I’m so excited for this event, Legend was so much fun! Only this time I will do my best not to try and finish everything in one night. We’ll see how that plan goes.
Posted 07/30/18
For once I have time to do the event! Also, the items are amazing and I cannot wait to see the event coats! Right now, I am really looking forward to the event. :)
Posted 07/30/18
“Players will receive 2 points for every Constellation Challenge they complete, with the ability to earn a maximum of 16 event points.”
So max 16 points? Right?
“There are a total of 2 event coats and 8 items available for purchase in the prize shop.
The event coats are a Cat ineki and a River Kelph. They will be priced at 8 points each, and will be able to be purchased as a mushroom or pet.
The items will be priced at 1 point each.”
So this means if you wanted one of everything, it would be 24 points total… So even if you max out at 16 points your losing out on ALL the items or one coat? Did I read that wrong? D:
Posted 07/30/18, edited 07/30/18
YEEESSSS!!!! *,* I’ve eagerly awaited the return of a ‘starry’ event after missing the last one by a month or so when I joined. I can’t wait to get started on this adventure =D
Posted 07/30/18
“Players who complete all of this event’s challenges and unlock the prize shop before the end of the event will be awarded their choice of one of the event coats.”
Posted 07/30/18
Oh god ;;
My anxiety got the best of me and I missed that detail.
Thanks, friend <3
Posted 07/30/18, edited 07/30/18
no worries, glad to help! :D
Posted 07/30/18
I missed it as well lol. Thanks for bolding that, doragon! I’m really looking forward to this event! I looove the items so far. Can’t wait to see the rest and what activities await! *u*
Posted 07/30/18
Ooh can’t wait to see the coats! More space themes are so welcome <333
Posted 07/30/18
So much space, need to see it all.
(Also 100% completion challenge accepted!)
Posted 07/30/18

I’m looking forward to seeing what the challenges are this year~
Posted 07/30/18
Oh goodness!! My favorite theme!!
Posted 07/30/18
*sobs, but in a good way*
Posted 07/31/18

Posted 07/31/18
Hurray, a cool event about stars! You could not have planned this more perfectly to appeal to me if you had asked me ahead of time, this is wonderful!
I will try to take it easy and not rush things, but I can tell I will want to.
Posted 07/31/18
Starrrrlight.Yeah!Cant believe
my first event is star themed!Yaaaaaaaaaa
Posted 07/31/18
Looks like fun~ Can’t wait! :D
Posted 07/31/18
What better than star themed event on ones birthday month <3 I really look forward to this :D
Posted 07/31/18
Ah man, all the major events lately play to my favorite canon characters’ strengths really well. I’m going to have fun with this!
and obvs because space too >...>
Posted 07/31/18
Posted 08/01/18
2 great things! Space and play at your own pace!
(someone please write a haiku about this)
Posted 08/01/18
I am super excited about this one! I hope I have the time to complete it all!
Posted 08/01/18
I loved legend of the lost trove despite its flaws.
+ I love space themed characters <3, so I’m really excited!
Posted 08/01/18
hello it has come to my attention that I very much need all of these items for my dressup game please and thank you.

Posted 08/01/18, edited 08/01/18