17:59 ST
June news discussion!

Lilael, I completely agree with you that there seems to be a focus on USD currency because of players asking for it in the trade forums, but it has been that way on many pet sites, and has been fairly balanced, for a long time. The fire gets rekindled whenever one user is willing to pay a large amount of real money for an object in a game. Consequently, more users ask for custom credit. That doesn’t mean, however, that everybody else selling that item asking for USD currency will actually get it. I think the crux in your story is your emphasis on ‘when you can easily get USD custom credit’ and ‘a trade/market dealing in primarily cash’ because that is not necessarily true. People ask for USD, but they hardly ever get it.

So far there have always been more people selling things than people buying them with USD, and thus eventually the market will even out and healthy trade should surface. From my personal perspective, the spring event made good progress in the Mycena market, but that’s where the newness of the site comes in :) I hope the next game & event will stimulate the market even more.

The feature itself wasn’t added to emphasise custom credit or USD currency at all, although I do see your point — it was made to take work out of glitch’s hands so he can focus on fun things :) With the current games & events you can already get a very long way!

Tamako Ahh, I understand you now :3 I feel the same way with my separate hidey hole bank account, the only tiny stash of money I ever use to buy myself non-essential-for-survival things xD (It paid for my two transferred-from-Digis-customs, in particular, eheheh~) Thank you!

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14

You didn’t mention it Juney so I thought I should add on, since this is what helped me understand.

About the Sudoku difficulties: I had a conversation with glitch about this a while ago when the game first appeared. The game gives you ONLY the numbers you need to solve the puzzle. The difficulty comes in with the ways you use to solve the puzzle. (Some are more roundabout than others and thus will take some clever logicing.) Easy Sudoku puzzles in books and on websites give you MORE than the numbers you need to solve it. Thus making it, well, easy. So that’s where the discrepancy comes in.

Edit: ..if I remember the conversation right.

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14

….Juney? Like that?
Edit: Yup. Like that. Huh.
A notification system would be quite neat, since the highlighting thing only works if you’re checking the thread, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who tends to forget that I’ve posted in things. Hopefully. But obviously that’s a fuuuuuture thingy. Like most other future thingies. Yup.

Now that you’ve given difficulty numbers, I think I can safely say why I can’t seem to finish a game, aaaand resign myself to the unlikelihood of ever doing so. I can barely do a ‘3’ (on a very good day) in a book, so a ‘4’ is prooobably beyond me. Looks like I need to practice some!
Would I be right in assuming that ‘Solvers’ are people who use code or some other cheat to finish these puzzles? If so, I can definitely see why you’d want to keep the payout’s down right now. No one likes cheats, after all. Still, here’s hoping that a solution of sorts might come up in the future. After all of the more important coding and such are in place, of course :3

Shima, that makes the difficulty discrepancy even clearer, thanks. I guess I just assumed that puzzle book type Sudoku’s only gave you what you needed, but then I never did have much of a head for that sort of thing XD

Posted 06/14/14

KeeperGreymuzzles Solvers are tools on websites where you just fill in your numbers & it poops out the completed sudoku for you. That way, sudoku can be completed in <2 minutes. But, cheaters are sadly quite smart & they’re hard to pick out :(

And yes, what Shima said is right ^^ I considered adding that detail, but it’s teetering on the edge of being spoiler-y with regards to the way sudoku work & I couldn’t seem to phrase it without being very technical. Shima did a much better job than what I considered writing & decided to leave out, without going into the logic at all xD

ps. Also I lurk on the recent posts, seeing the usernames is pretty useful there :D

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14
Yes, I did remember it right! Awesome! : D I’m a big sudoku fan myself, but I just don’t have the patience for the harder ones.
Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14
Lilael: that is actually a concern I was thinking about last night as well. I don’t think it’s a matter of too many “features” relating to real money, but rather a matter of presentation: currently 3/10 of the links in the “Shops” menu are exclusively real-money-only things. In my opinion, 30% is way too big for a site which calls itself “free”. While the custom credits feature is just a simplification of a process that happens already, I do recognize that the real-money stuff needs reorganization to bring its “in-your-face"ness down. Ideally, if you’re looking for where to spend real money you’ll know where to go, and if you aren’t then you don’t need a third of the links you see in the shop menu pointing you to it. I hope I can get something to that effect done soon :)
Posted 06/14/14
Also, I’m gonna throw this here because I haven’t seen it in any threads and I’m too lazy to make a full thread. Is anyone aware that there are new babies? Or am I just dumb and everyone knew and I only found out yesterday.
Posted 06/14/14

Big congrats to Juney! I know you’re the stats master :3
Also to Fey-dragon! Can’t wait to see your arts.

In reply to the thirty minute cave in people being crazy, I’m one of the people that could do it consistently in 30 or less if I’m not multitasking. Could even do 25 if I was really on a roll. Haven’t played since the nerf, though.

One thing for glitch and Juney, though: When you were looking at the average, did you consider that the average would be skewed to the faster users, since they would be more likely to complete more games? And because users that take the time to max out every day would wind up becoming faster.

Posted 06/14/14
Jingles: yeah I mentioned that (briefly) in my post earlier — the statistics are separated per user for precisely that reason :) There’s that and a bunch of other things we do to ensure that we’re getting a good picture.
Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14

Awesome :D Sorry I missed that. You guys really keep on top of things :3

I’m surprised that’s the real average, though o_o I knew there were other zippy people, but whenever I talked about it in chat people were like “Oh my god, I got 100 once!” and I felt too bad to keep talking >_>

Posted 06/14/14

Another thing!

We now have a karass breaking item: a Lone Mushroom. You can find it in the Out of the Shadows shop with the petrified mushroom and blushroom.

Posted 06/14/14
Ooh, a Karass breaker! *looks at item art* OMG, it look so sad. ; A ; *hugs Lone Mushroom* </3
Posted 06/14/14

When I first saw it, I thought it was a smiling mouth drooling. Now I see it’s an eye crying.

I was very confused.

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14

a lone mushroom
>___> /immature giggling/

Posted 06/14/14

Juney, I seeee. Thanks for the explanation :3

Shima, I noticed those recently, too. I’m pretty sure they’ve only been around a few days…assuming you’re talking about those two flowers :3

Posted 06/15/14, edited 06/16/14

.......................................That lone mushroom. ;; How SAAAAD. *cries with it*

Must…add…to collection but…so….sad. ;O; Why so saaaad.

Posted 06/15/14

You can now link directly to individual forum posts! See the little ‘#’ links at the top-right of posts? Those are links to the individual post :)

So this is me linking to my previous post in this thread.

Posted 06/23/14, edited 06/23/14
heck yeah!! thatll be useful :>
Posted 06/23/14

This is absolutely amazing! I shall abuse this!

Posted 06/23/14

Yeesss! I’ve been needing something like that for my cavern. ;3;

Thank you, Glitch!

Posted 06/23/14
You the man glitch. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much you have no idea how great this is. <3
Posted 06/23/14
Thank you, Glitch! This is brilliant! 8D
Posted 06/24/14
Summer event information

Hi everyone!! We’re getting pretty close to finishing up getting the Summer Event ready! Expect to see it in the next day or two :D

Posted 06/29/14

-excited wiggling-

Posted 06/29/14
-FLAILS- I am ready. I’ve been stocking up on sleep lately for this thing. MUWAHAHA
Posted 06/29/14
Hnnnnnnnghhhhh! -Dies from excitement-
Posted 06/29/14
I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready!
Posted 06/29/14
So excited! Can’t wait.
Posted 06/29/14

Summer event? Summer event! I am ready, bring it on!!

:D :D :D can’t wait!

Posted 06/29/14

Kinda knew it’d be while I was out of town- had a feeling but eeeee~

Posted 06/29/14