15:30 ST
[RESULTS] Announcing the Oh Wow We Haven't Had A Raffle In A While raffle!


We have another raffle going on! We’re experimenting with a lower ticket price and higher ticket cap, so that those who might not want to shell out as many nuggets can still participate :) As usual, tickets can be purchased for nuggets only. Tickets are on sale from now until June 20th at 11:59 PM server time (i.e. 1 minute before our birthday starts :D)

Ticket price is 100 nuggets, and the ticket cap is 60 tickets. Head over here to buy your tickets.

We have a bunch of fun prizes, including a breeding! Good luck everyone!!

EDIT: really? I didn’t even manage to buy ticket #1 this time >> Yay ticket number… uh… 206


- ticket number 421 (owned by Kay Mentrae with 60 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 356 (owned by Shizuo with 60 tickets) wins a Breeding!
- ticket number 2101 (owned by Insigne with 60 tickets) wins a Changingshroom!
- ticket number 512 (owned by Morgan with 60 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 3466 (owned by Firkasa with 60 tickets) wins a Any 2014 Out of the Shadows pet!
- ticket number 3717 (owned by Aerith with 26 tickets) wins a 10 Gems!
- ticket number 4132 (owned by Wolf with 60 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 826 (owned by Blemy with 60 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 3919 (owned by Alice with 60 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 2776 (owned by Recursion with 60 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!
- ticket number 3429 (owned by liela-dragon-rayne1 with 35 tickets) wins a 5 Gems!

Congratulations to the winners! prizes have been handed out. And to everyone, thanks for participating!

Firkasa, which 2014 Out of the Shadows would you like? And Shizuo, an artist will be in touch with you shortly :)

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/21/14
I was just thinking that it’s been a while since our last raffle…
Posted 06/14/14
It certainly has been a while! :o But oh wow 60 is a hiiigh cap… Such temptation…
Posted 06/14/14

If my math is correct, that’s 6k for max tickets right?

Edit: Also, glitch, seriously. You’re SURPRISED by the fact that mycenaeans can hit things early and hard? Do you remember the events? DO YOU REMEMBER?

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14
Shima you are correct :>
Posted 06/14/14

Ohh, I missed raffles! ...and selling all my fish because I was too lazy to play games to earn nuggets again… whoops…

But I got my tickets so I’m happy!

Posted 06/14/14

Speaking of breedings, did anyone else notice these at the sacred tree?

Excited for the raffle & the possibility of a breeding myself! /crosses fingers

Posted 06/14/14

There’s a typo in the thread title.

Just bought 60 tickets for 60 consecutive ticket numbers :D

Ally yes I noticed those as well.

Posted 06/14/14, edited 06/14/14
Kris, I mentioned it on the June Discussion Thread but no one responded to me ;;
Posted 06/14/14
Whoopsie, thanks Solstice! ^^
Posted 06/14/14
I love the name of this raffle.
Posted 06/14/14
Hey the 20th is my birthday, maybe that will give me some luck!
Posted 06/14/14

Who are those beautiful flowers 0.0?!

60 tickets bought @_@ -squeezes K in good hopes-

Edit: Ha. My first guess whose those flowers are was right xD (Before ..you know, actually checking them, on their page >>)

Posted 06/15/14, edited 06/15/14

Hmm I wonder whose flowers those are! :O *doesn’t want to look to keep is a surprise*

And oops, I went broke again getting 16 tickets haha ;;

Posted 06/15/14, edited 06/15/14

Wow those flowers are lovely.  I mean all of them are but they never cease to impress me.  ;-;

So this is kinda… A dumb question, but why is it never a possibility to win a custom through a raffle?  I’d really really like the possibility to get one but could probably never pay for one so… I dunno a custom every once in a while through a raffle for those of us who can’t manage to pay or couldn’t justify paying for pixels… Would be super nice.  Just my two cents.

Posted 06/15/14
Hawkins That’s not a dumb question, I didn’t even think of that but having a custom option rather than a breeding every so often would be cool :o None of my pets are in a karass/duprass(I haven’t had a good reason to put them in one) so I kind of have to ignore the breeding option every time. The custom could be limited to a certain amount of edits or something if a fully customized one seems too big a prize to offer…hmm.
Posted 06/15/14

I also think it would be cool to have that option! Maybe someday? 8D MC did do one raffle where a custom was offered as the top prize! And Meesh won a “all the works” custom. c:

If there was a custom option added, it could actually be less work on the artist’s end, I think. No stages. With the babies, you have to do the flower art, the baby art, and the adult art, for two people if it’s a karass with two users. For a custom, it’s just the one adult stage, meaning just one piece of art would have to be made instead of 3/6. Even if you get minor/heavy edits, I still think it could be less work depending on what the edits are. *EDIT* It would also be less coding as well!

I’m 100% positive there will be more custom raffles in the future! Perhaps the custom raffles are considered more rare, as the user has more of a say in what’s made, y’know? Gender, colors, patterns, edits, all that jazz. With babies, you don’t know what you’re gonna get! 8D

Posted 06/15/14, edited 06/15/14

I guess I thought there wasn’t a raffle at the end of May because of the Summer Event.
I mean, I’m sure that’s partially due to it, but I’m glad to see another one!~
/ maxes out

And from those coat names alone, I KNOW those flowers are for Myly and glitch ;P

Posted 06/16/14, edited 06/16/14
Whelp, I bought tickets. I’m going to kick myself if I win grand prize because Iiii don’t have any mated pets.
Posted 06/20/14

Wheee winners have been drawn and prizes handed out.

Out of curiosity, I wonder what people prefer: higher priced tickets with lower caps, or lower priced tickets with higher caps? I’m starting to lean towards the latter, since the barrier to entry is smaller and you have finer grained control over just how much you want to enter for. But maybe high caps are even more daunting than higher priced tickets? What are your thoughts between 50 nugget tickets with a 100 ticket cap vs 250 nugget tickets with a 20 ticket cap?

Posted 06/21/14

Thanks for the raffle!

I find that having a higher amount to buy for a cheaper price is a lot better. It does give a nice control especially if you don’t want to spend that much.

I find that 50 nugget tickets are a lot nicer to buy and it seems more appealing to consider than staring at the 250 nugget tickets and a 20 ticket cap.

People don’t look at the amount of ticket cap first they look at the price.

Posted 06/21/14
Posted 06/21/14

Congrats to the winners! Can’t wait to see the babies!~ <33 But, hmmm…. I think there’s been a mistake with the results, because I’m not in them. *brick’d* ...I’m prolly gonna make that joke EVERY time there’s a raffle. >w>;;

As for the question, I don’t really think about what the price/cap is. I’m likely to cap out for every raffle regardless of those things. XD Tbh, I like raffles where you just get one ticket and that’s it, and I’d be willing to pay 2000+ nuggets for that one ticket, so it would still be an effective money sink. And it equalizes the playing field. But I can see why they’re not held that way, because 2000 nuggets is a lot of coinage to some people.

If I had to choose, I’d say I prefer cheaper tickets and a higher cap, because that gives Mycenians with less money more of a chance to win, because they can buy more tickets with less money. c’: It only takes one ticket to win, but still, y’know? :3 The more you buy, the better your odds are. ^^

Posted 06/21/14


And I’m fine with either. I don’t really notice much of a difference.

Though as a note, if you’re going to make the ticket cap higher, please put some bigger options for us to buy tickets. I didn’t even max out the tickets and it was tedious.

Posted 06/21/14


I’d prefer either like what Tama said where the tickets were cheaper (I’m part of that less than 10,000 nuggets percentage) or if we had bigger options. Like, a drasillis custom or something crazy like that. o-o

Posted 06/21/14

Congrats to the winners!

I’d prefer cheaper tickets with more of them so people that don’t have a lot to spend still have a chance :3

Also, concerning prizes, I’d really love to see Torches and Wild Cenotes given out directly, since we only had one Torch as a prize in the very first raffle.

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14

Gratz’ Winnerererers!

As for the cap thingie. I’m surely in the minority, but I prefer the higher price/lower cap. I’m not sure I can explain why, though. I’ve been thinking about it, and I just would rather have fewer overall tickets. Plus with the higher price, I feel as if people would take the raffle more seriously. I mean, a breeding is a pretty awesome thing, that’s like getting 2 free customs. But if the raffle tickets have a super low price, it makes the whole thing feel less valuable. Clicking the 10x tix button 6 times was also a bit tedious, even if it doesn’t influence my opinion on the matter. A drop down ticket selector or even a “buy max” button would be nice. I max out every time either way. But in general, I prefer the higher price and fewer overall tickets. I don’t see anything wrong with having a higher price on the tickets. The raffles aren’t meant to be a free-for-all, anyways.

I do have the idea(and I’m taking so long writing this, this has probably already been suggested) of having the occasional “low price” raffle, alternating prizes around. I mean, if you have no karasses, then the breeding is useless. And outside of the changing shrooms, the prizes weren’t that interesting to me this round. I made a duprass and entered, but even that I did at the last minute because “why not? bbys are fun”. But other prizes would be nice. Maybe some things that are raffle-only; colorations and equippable items, even a raffle-only recipe. Right now all we have are fishing, oots and event stuff. That makes the raffle-prize pool kind of small unless you pump customs/breedings in there.

So, to sum up, I prefer higher prices/lower cap. Various raffles(with various caps/prices) might be fun, varying the prizes more. Maybe even some raffle only special things could be made! :D;;

Posted 06/21/14

Congrats to the winners!  Can’t wait to see the new breeding!! c:

I agree about the lower price/higher cap thing.  We end up spending the same if we max out but it doesn’t feel like it’s the same amount.  -shrug-

And I 100% agree about needing different prizes.  I mean the prizes we have are good ones but… They’re like always the same?  I already said I’d love to see a custom or two every once in a while.  And there are some colorations that are virtually impossible to get at this point, like Lycan pointed out with the Cenote and Torch.  Or a shroom that gives you a random event color.  I’d even like the random 2013 capsule (or whatever it’s called)! :o

Posted 06/21/14

Congratulations to the winners!

I prefer the higher cap with lower ticket prices, but that’s only because right now I’m not actively after any of the prizes, which means I’ve just been buying one or two tickets for fun. I think overall, though, the lower cap with higher ticket prices would be a better option. It does feel as if each ticket is worth a bit more in that case.

Posted 06/21/14

Ohhhhhh so many gems *o* I am so happy, thank you very much! Congratulations to all the other winners, and Shizuo especially - can’t wait to see the baby! :D

As far as the ticket price/cap is concerned I don’t have a strong preference, though I’d lean towards lower price/bigger cap to give more users the chance. The more the merrier, right? I’d also like to see more varied prizes, as it’s been mentioned already. While I would love to win a breeding myself, I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea… and I always enjoy variety, haha. Event-only colorations sound fun, too! return of the Torch, anyone?

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14