Adventuring Open Beta We are ready for our site-wide beta test of a new feature called the Adventure System! This system has been in the works for over a year now and we’re excited for you all to start to poking at it and giving us feedback. Run dates Our open beta will run from 00:01 February 10th until 24:59 March 10th. What to expect The beta will be structured into different tasks with a focus on teaching testers how to use the interface and eliciting tester feedback along the way. Testers will try out introduction tutorials, explore the interface through a series of tasks, create a tiny adventure, and roleplay through a tiny adventure. Tokens of Appreciation For taking the time to learn the Adventure System interface and for giving us feedback, we are giving out some items and nuggets as a way of giving our thanks. Testers will get Windblown Feathers for completing the various components of the beta. Feathers can be exchanged for nuggets or open beta specific items. ![]()
Questions? If you have questions, feel free to ask below! Details about the different components and the tokens will be released with the start of the open beta on the 10th. FAQ
Will we be able to roleplay test with partners? Is it required to do certain components?
Posted 02/04/19, edited 02/04/19
I’M SO EXCITED!!! This has been in the works for EVER, and has benefited immensely from both the alpha feedback and from the guidance and bug-hunting efforts of our closed beta. This thing is so much more than it was when we made the Quest for the Icy Soul, as far as I can tell is wholly unique on the Internet, and I can’t wait to see what people do with it. February 10th can’t come soon enough :) Edit: heh — I watched Myla post this thread and immediately started typing but didn’t even manage to get the first response :D Edit 2: I should probably answer your question Losty. You’ll decide whether to group up or go solo :)
Posted 02/04/19, edited 02/04/19
glitch Thanks for letting me know!! Now I just need to contain myself til then, which admittedly isn’t gonna be easy.
Posted 02/04/19
Now I just need to contain myself til then, which admittedly isn’t gonna be easy.Losty You and me both.
Posted 02/04/19
I’m so excited!!! Hoping I’ll have time in the coming weeks to dip my toes into some new adventures~ WeyrLeader If I read right, you don’t have to apply for this round! Anyone can join~
Posted 02/04/19
Sweet! A chance to push buttons, poke things and try to break others ^=^. I’m looking forward to this stage! Do we get to pick and chose, or will we absolutely have to create a mini adventure? I seriously hope you give us a tutorial for that, as I’ve never crafted an adventure. I loved the Quest for the Icy Soul last year, and revelled in the choices of going solo and/or proper roleplay with others. I’ve never seen anything remotely like it on the internet, and feel it’s going to be the shining star that sets Mycena Cave completely apart from all others c=
Posted 02/04/19
OregonCoast There will be a suggested order to the testing process. For example, it is helpful to do the tutorials about how to make adventures and to do some smaller interface-related tasks before attempting to craft an adventure. The adventures we ask testers to craft will also be fairly basic since you will all just be getting the hang of the interface. Roleplaying a small adventure is last suggested task of the process since we need testers to create the majority of the adventures to roleplay-test. You’ll be in the same boat as the vast majority of other players in that none of you have actually made an adventure before or seen the interface apart from screenshots. The goal of the beta is to guide testers through the process so that it’s not too overwhelming, and to get thorough feedback about how we can make learning the interface easier for the final release! :D Tamako The feathers can be exchanged for the items or for nuggets (an option we’re putting in for greater flexibility if the items don’t interest testers). The nuggets and items are a thank you and don’t count toward any sort of cap.
Posted 02/04/19
Malis The main way to getting them will be through beta testing, though there will be avenues to get them in the future, e.g. the gift capsule!
Posted 02/04/19
glitch Myla Well, break anything in the system that is likely to break with anything close to normal use anyway, so that it can be fixed before the official launch. Please correct me if I’m wrong on that?
Posted 02/04/19