16:47 ST
[OPEN BETA] Adventuring - Information and Discussion - Feathers Distributed!
I’ll hop in and say I would appreciate an extension as well. It’s been an, uh, interesting month, and with as exhausted as I have been these past few weeks, the buildup to this next week (last week of the beta) means I cannot progress anymore in the beta, and I would love to be able to finish things out. It’s just been a bad month and a half irl for, well, most anything creative.
Posted 03/06/19
i too would love an extension haha i wasnt gonna say anything bcus my failure to initiate tasks is my own issue, but if you’re gauging interest; count me too!!
Posted 03/06/19
I’d also like to chuck my support in for an extension. It’s been a hectic month, and even with me spending all my spare time on adventuring, I doubt I’m gonna finish what I’m working on before the tenth.
Posted 03/06/19
Another voice of support for an extension—I got hit hard by the flu and missed 3 days of work, so I may have to spend this weekend working instead of adventuring RIP 8);;
Posted 03/06/19

Thanks for the replies! <3 I will write up a more official post and get the information changed tomorrow, but I wanted to post quick before I sleep that we’ll be extending the open beta until the 24th (so two extra weeks). I hope that’ll be helpful for everyone!

Miku The order is just a suggested order—you can do just parts 1 and 4 and get credit for both. As an aside, if testers are only interested in the roleplaying component, they can get just over a full set of items from just roleplaying (30 points from section IV and 60 from the extras section).. though testers would need to do quite a bit of roleplaying if they went that route, haha.

Posted 03/07/19

Thanks so much, Myla!
I appreciate you <333

Posted 03/07/19
:D Thanks Myla ^-^ <3
Posted 03/07/19
Thank you, Myla! o((*^▽^*))o
Posted 03/07/19

I missed the discussion but I wanted to say I appreciate the extension too. Between work and dissertationing, I only get to really play with this stuff on weekends, and I’m glad I get a bit more time to work through some of it. :)

Is there info on what happens after beta closes? Will we still be able to work on our things, or will the whole adventure portion be closing to process/incorporate feedback?

Posted 03/07/19
Thanks a TON for the extension, Myla and glitch! I super appreciate it ;A;
Posted 03/07/19

Aw, you’re welcome! We’ll only end up with a better Adventuring System if we give more players a chance to give us feedback. :D

Jacq We’ll likely keep it open while working on it and just keep a log of what glitch changes and if it is a change that will break any mechanics—it worked pretty well to do it that way during the closed beta! That way if you have a complex Adventure you’ve been working on and want to keep going on it, there won’t be a big time time gap where you forget what you’ve been working on or lose steam due to waiting.

Posted 03/07/19
I’ve locked the submission threads so that I can start going through the feedback today! Feel free to keep playing around with the system since we are keeping it up—informal feedback or discussion can go here or you can post a thread in the open beta forum since I’ll keep that unlocked until we do the official release. We will still see the feedback, it just won’t be included in my analysis that I’ll be working on! <3 Thanks for helping us get this puppy ready!! :D
Posted 03/25/19
Myla I unfortunately have been working OT consistently for the past month or so which meant when I finally got home I just didn’t have the mental capacity for trying to deal with code. I haven’t had a chance to look at the formal feedback thread yet but would there be a possibly repository of templates that could be available for people who can’t code to save their life? I attempted to go through the walk through but whenever I got to a part where it said “copy this section and paste it into this other section” I would have to do it all from scratch a few times before it would stop giving me sintax errors (because of a missed punctuation or something). It got rather frustrating at the begining whuch made it difficult to pick back up again on the few times I did have a couple of hours avaliable.
Posted 03/25/19
Malis Yep! The tentative plan is to have a mechanics library and and an enemy library with a way to import to your Adventure to make that aspect easier. We’d also ideally like to get rid of the json coding field entirely at some point and make it all guided interface since it’s super easy to make syntax errors when you’re typing freely.. I haven’t started going through feedback to see how much of a pain this was, but I predict it gave a lot of testers headaches!
Posted 03/25/19, edited 03/25/19
Myla Does that mean we’re allowed to keep working on adventures we already published? I realize that could be problematic if done before you’ve given out prizes, since you’d have to figure out if it originally met the criteria for Tiny Adventures or Extra Testing Opportunities or if it only meets them because of edits made after the deadline.
Posted 03/25/19
Nyfeaena You can keep working on them! I’m going to try my best to get everything recorded today for scoring prize-related purposes so that I don’t need to try and figure that out :‘D
Posted 03/25/19

I feel bad. I was stoked for the extra time but then uh, terrible things happened here and I just haven’t been able.

Thanks for keeping them open.

Posted 03/25/19
Myla Hooray! Thanks! That’s great to know.
Posted 03/25/19
a guided interface would be awesome!! but if possible, maybe a choice between that and the json interface? i definitely made a lot of careless syntax errors, BUT i also really liked the flexibility and freedom of being able to type the code directly! for people much more skilled than i with code, i think that would be a benefit
Posted 03/25/19
Okay so I was an Adventuring Failure (my brain could not wrap around the first step, but real life was happening , so I don’t blame MC for my blank mindedness at all).  The thing is, I should have 1 feather *so proud ^=^ from the part I did complete, but I’m such a numpty, I can’t figure out how to send feedback/register my Adventure-Building Tutorial to get my silly feather even.  Can someone please point me the right direction?
Posted 03/25/19
OregonCoast I noticed you did it by looking in your post history and just forgot to link to it in your feedback form, so I already have you down for those 5 points. :)
Posted 03/25/19
Myla. ^,^  Thank you so much Myla!!! <3
Posted 03/25/19
Myla Oooh does this mean that even though I was a dunce and also forgot to put in feedback I can still get my lonely 5 feathers? I didn’t quite complete the second thing as I got stalled around Step 7 or 8 of the Adventure Creation Quickstart Guide so I don’t think it would count.
Posted 03/26/19

Well, I got one section completed…. I think. Hopefully it will be enough to get an item. Real life kind beat me over the head since about the middle of February. I’ve been in the hospital for the last week and a half and have been sick since just a few days after the beta started. Between that and difficulty with understanding code in general (it neither makes neat symmetrical lines, nor easily read English sentences) Adventure Building was a bit beyond me through no fault of Mycena Cave.

I’m honestly hoping that either some people will have earned enough feathers to snag some extra items they decide to sell later, or the items will be available elsewhere somehow later on… Because I really adore those items and I know I did not earn enough feathers for more than one (maybe).

Posted 03/26/19
As an update, I’ve recorded scores for I, II, part of III, IV, and none of the extra section so far! I’m going to work on it some more tonight, probably mostly looking over tester’s tiny adventure mechanics which I imagine will take awhile, and hopefully finish the scoring tomorrow or thursday so that we can get feathers distributed before the week is over. We have a lot of other tight deadlines right now though, so I’ll update everyone if it will end up taking longer!

Malis The only mistakes I’m able to readily catch are those who submitted feedback/submission posts containing urls that aren’t correct or missing. I have a short list of testers I need to echo because I’m pretty sure they did a component but I can’t find the adventure.

If a tester didn’t post a submission/feedback thread at all but did some of the components, I don’t have their feathers recorded since it would take too long to go through forums looking for discrepancies. However, if you did finish something before the submission deadline but did not post a thread, I’m happy to add it to my spreadsheet so just send me an echo with what section and part it belongs to along with the link. Once I’ve recorded it, I’ll send a confirmation echo.

Nephele For Section I, I have you down as earning 15 feathers which is 1 item. :D

Posted 03/26/19, edited 03/27/19
Small Updates

Whoo.. I finished inputting everyone’s feathers into my spreadsheet last night (thanks to the help of Prose and glitch who helped me with the extras section)! Going through everyone’s Tiny Adventures ended up taking way longer than I thought because there were a good number of testers who created REALLY BIG ELABORATE TINY ADVENTURES?!?!? I couldn’t pull myself away from them and am seriously impressed and excited! :‘D

We still need to actually give out the feathers and create our little feather shop which will hopefully happen at some point this weekend. The end of the month is always hectic so if it ends up needing to be pushed back a bit, we’ll let you know!

I wanted to give a shout out to some of the more extensive Tiny Adventures I looked at. Note that this doesn’t include the other sections (there was some really interesting stuff in the Extras section), and I emphasize that every one of the Tiny Adventures was seriously awesome, and these are a few that went WAY beyond the minimum requirements in some way (complex mechanics and/or complex story or world):

Small Friends by Dawning
UM I was practically crying with joy when I went through this adventure! The story was SUPER CUTE and flowed well, and the mechanics were also well-balanced. It is also a VERY BIG tiny adventure. I can’t imagine how many hours went into this and I can’t believe something so refined could be made in this amount of time?!? I also absolutely loved how they tied in all of the little creature items from the open beta into this.

Hide and Seek by FlyingSquirrely
This is another REALLY BIG tiny adventure with excellent writing, story, and mechanics. I was definitely laughing during parts of it (fighting with old lunch…) and I loved the concept of playing a game of hide and seek with your friends.

Help Wanted: Little Feathers Courier by doragon
I really got drawn into this adventure—the writing was beautiful and I wished I could actually jump in and be there; it gave me a very nostalgic feeling. This seems like a great adventure to do with a friend and just go rp for hours in the cute garden. I also liked that I could make mushroom bundles, teehehehee.

The Gambler by polygone
Polygone is a master of doing unique things with mechanics, and this here demonstrates their skill! It’s a fun little gambling game with some complex mechanics. For those of you interested in seeing how you can push the mechanics, peeking at their adventures is a must!

Riddle Me This by Nyfeaena
This is another one that had me jaw-dropping at the size (19!!! nodes) and the amount of excellent writing it contained. This had a lot of great characters (with images included which was a cool touch) and fun riddles to solve as you explore the ocean!

Recurring Dreams by Adaris
The vivid, intricate writing and hub-style adventure really captivated me!! There were also humorous moments (regret damage and weevil killing.. yesssss :‘D) mixed in which was A+.

The Green Chalice by leopardskin4
This was a BIG maze-style adventure with a TIMER… talk about pressure and a cool mechanic!! I really loved going through this one and feeling the sense of urgency to try and find that chalice!

Rescue the Polar Bear Cub by Unicamel
I loved this adventure! It is a very intricate and adorable adventure about, as the title says, rescuing a (picky) baby polar bear!! This one is a big adventure and fun to puzzle out!

Locked Room by Rhyme
THIS IS AN ESCAPE ROOM AND INCLUDES ART. This is such a fun idea and I love escape rooms so this immediately appealed to me. Having the art as a visual aid was super helpful!

If anyone else has other Tiny Adventures they’d like to talk about, please do post.. I really just skimmed the surface here!! <3

Posted 03/30/19
Oh, I’m so glad that Small Friends got a mention, I loved that adventure (and it was way bigger than I planned, and I used it for my roleplay testing one). I agree, it’s a really cute story and definitely deserved attention! <3 I’ll have to take a peek at some of those other ones though, they sound fun!
Posted 03/30/19, edited 03/30/19

Wow, you are so kind, thank you both very much!  I’m delighted other people liked my transparent effort to claim all of the beta prizes. 

Everyone had such amazing adventures!  I liked the one with spells in the library. 

I was super, super excited about this…overexcited, possibly.  I wanted to finish one as fast as possible to give people time to play it! 

Looking back, I kind of wanted to do a full second draft rewrite now that I’m not so low on sleep but I’m afraid I’d spoil the fun.  It’s not very well described in some places but that works for a fast pace.  Also, now that we’re out of beta, no one else can get the pets, so maybe I should move on…

Posted 03/30/19

All the adventures I had a chance to look at were awesome. Am excited to see what else folk come up with now that we’re no longer on a time limit! :3

Also ahhh now I want to play Small Friends even more, I didn’t have time during beta but it looked cute. Excite. xD

Posted 03/31/19

Ahh, I’m flattered to see my adventure mentioned!! ♥ I feel like I didn’t quite put enough effort into the doodles, but maybe next time I try something like this it will be more polished. 8)

I’d also played through Small Friends and Riddle Me This and I agree that they were both so big and fun! +V+

Posted 03/31/19