15:34 ST
Happy Cave Opening Day!!


Can you believe it’s been a year since the Cave flung open its doors? A whole year! Thank you so much for joining up with us and making this community what it is :) Oh and you should totally head over here to pick up a party bag with some presents in it!

*throws confetti everywhere, flips on the music and dances*





Note: the presents can be collected by any user who activated their account before noon server time on the 21st of June, 2014. They can be collected through the end of June

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14

Oh my god it’s the silly-glitch-dance-through-the-cave again. /averts eyes


Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14

Happy birthday Mycena!! Glad I’ve been able to be a part of this from the beginning!!

-does dance-

-throws confetti-


Posted 06/21/14


Oh my goodness, what are the male Ineki doing with that birthday cake… I cannot stop laughing…

Edit: Love all the items, they’re too cute!!

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14

Ah happy birthday to my favorite caves. ^^ So glad I’ve been able to enjoy the ride.

The items are adorable! Thanks so much guys!

Posted 06/21/14

What adorable items!
I wasn’t expecting so many :D
My little chubby Lycia has been waiting for sweets to appear~

Thanks for an amazing year everyone — both staff and users!
I’ve been having a blast. Here’s to another year!!

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14

Happy Birthday, Mycena Cave! I can’t believe it’s already been a year! The time has flown by so fast, and I’m so happy I got to be here from the beginning to watch this place grow. I can’t help but get emotional, which is kinda silly, I know. But this place really is like a second home for me. The people are so wonderful, and I feel so blessed to be part of this community. You’ve grown so much in this past year, and I’m looking forward to the year to come!

NOW LET’S GET WAAAASTED.  Celebrate in a most dapper fashion. *adjusts monocle and top hat*

Posted 06/21/14

Happy Cake Birthday Day Mycena! :D Here’s to another year. :)

*Sets up a video recorder to record the elusive glitch dance*

Posted 06/21/14

mwahahahaha yessss…
More apparel items for me to horde and love
I love the little pick ;0;

But wow I can’t believe it’s been a year already!  Thank you so much, glitch and Myla and Daffu and daemon and everyone else <3 <3

Posted 06/21/14
Happy birthday, Mycena! Thank you all for an amazing year, and here’s to another great one :)
Posted 06/21/14
Happy Birthday, Mycena Cave! XD
Posted 06/21/14

Party?? PARTY!!

Can I just say I love the items? The pick and the hat especially! Now, who should I put it on, hm…

I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Time sure flies fast! Here’s to many happy years in the future~

Posted 06/21/14
Posted 06/21/14

I have captured the glitch’s elusive dance on tape, and will now share it with you all.

(( aka, this is the best artwork I’ve ever made and I hope you like it. XD ))

Posted 06/21/14
Did someone say CAKE??!! XD Happy Birthday Mycena! Here’s a toast to one of the most wonderful online communities I have ever joined, Now to put on my little mine hat, grab some cake, and join in the dancing! TO A WONDERFUL YEAR AND MANY MORE TO COME!!! ^-^
Posted 06/21/14

I’ve actually started playing right before the spring event, which wasn’t that long ago. And yet I feel so attached to this place. There aren’t many sites like that. >w<
Everything here is wonderful - the art, the staff and the community, it’s great to be a small part of it. :3 And I’m sure the upcoming year is going to be at least as pleasant as this one was. ^^

Thank you so much for everything! <3
*Cheerfully noms on the cake.*

Posted 06/21/14

Huzzah! *shoots confetti and glitter everywhere* Can’t believe it’s been a whole year of our crazy antics fun!

*wonders if that’s the dork dance or the nerd dance*

Posted 06/21/14, edited 06/21/14



Posted 06/21/14
Woo! Cake and mining helmets! (Is there a cake-mine somewhere in these caverns? Please say yes.)
Posted 06/21/14

It’s been a year already? Damn time goes by quickly. Happy Birthday Mycena Cave!

I’m so glad to have been a part of this site in it’s first year. I’ve enjoyed watching the site grow, as well as seeing the ways that I have grown in the time I’ve spent here. I just wish that I had been more active in the last few months. Life has gotten stressful, and sometimes I forget that I should stop by here, but, I’m gonna make more of an effort to get active again. ;v;

[I’m thinking that I’m gonna be changing my username here in the next few weeks, so, if people stop seeing the name Ellisanderia, and start seeing something along the lines of Jaimie Kittenpaws, JaimieKitty, or Sir Fluffington, then it’ll be me.]

Here’s to many more wonderful years on Mycena Cave though!

Posted 06/21/14

Yay! I love the items :3

Happy Cave Opening Day!! :D

Posted 06/21/14
That mushroom candle is so cute. XD
Posted 06/21/14
Happy cave opening day everyone!!!!
Posted 06/21/14
Yes! Cake! Cake is always the best option. And the pickaxe and mining helmet are really pretty!
Posted 06/21/14
Isn’t it amazing how fast time goes by o.o! Hurray for party bags 8D! Cake and, ooo we should totally have a pinata next year!
Posted 06/21/14
Loved the items! I’m super excited for the event o3o
Posted 06/22/14
Happy birthday Mycena Cave! :D Time sure passes by fast.
Posted 06/22/14, edited 06/22/14
I forgot to post yesterday, but I wanted to say Happy Birthday and that I hope for many more to come.
Posted 06/22/14
Didn’t have time to hop on yesterday but Happy Birthday, Mycena ^w^ Love the cake and mining pick!
Posted 06/22/14
Happy birthday Mycena. You’ve survived a year let’s see another.
Posted 06/22/14