15:36 ST
July news discussion
Welcome to July!

May it be as wonderful as a pie and as cool as a unicorn’s sigh


The Summer Event is soon.  Muy, muy soon.

glitch is going all tippy-typey late into the nights finishing up the code for an event dreamed up by Juney.  The mods have helped playtest and the artists have created many items and new coat colors that are just lurking in the darkness, awaiting release. I’ve been able to play/roll around in what has been coded so far and I can tell you one thing: those mining tools you received for our first birthday will definitely come in handy (though don’t worry if you didn’t get them—you won’t literally need them to participate).  For the cave is

Can you guess what we’ll be doing?  Sorry, but I can’t spell it out for you just yet!  I’m quite excited about what is in store and I hope you are as well (even if you aren’t quite sure what for yet)! Keep your eyes peeled because we will launch the event in the next day or two. 

Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
Perhaps a new area to venture into :o?
Posted 07/01/14

I was just reading the june news discussion.  How timely!

Mining tools?  I just now tried to go to the page and pick them up but the page is dead.  Am doomed?

Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
frieza DOOOMED FOREVER.  No, not really.  You’ll just need them figuratively.  Your ineki surely have the sharpest and strongest of claws.. right? :D??
Posted 07/01/14
She is named Crusher for a reason! :D
Posted 07/01/14

Too tired to think…. *keels over*

But sounds like fun. :D

Posted 07/01/14
Ooooh, are we going to mine for shiny things? I want shiny things. @u@ *Jumps areound excitedly.*
Posted 07/01/14, edited 07/01/14
Well consider me pumped! I had a ball with the last event, so I’m execting pretty great things from this one.
Posted 07/01/14
Oh, oh new colors? I want to seeeeeee
Posted 07/01/14

New event colors! New items!


This is going to be fun, I can tell!

Posted 07/01/14

A couple of updates that have taken place behind the curtains that might be interesting for you to know about :D

- Summer event shinies have been added to the Misc. Images page!
..For anyone that would like to use them :3

- Draccko can now also be equipped to Drasillis
- Bat Glider positioning has been fixed on F Drasillis

- My profile now says I’m official wheeee~

Posted 07/17/14, edited 07/17/14

As some of you may have noticed from my recent posts, I’m using formatting (e.g. lists, etc) not available in BBCode. We’re currently working on implementing [Markdown](/home/help/markdown), an alternative to BBCode. Once it’s ready, you’ll be able to select which formatting language you would like to use on a per-post/echo basis.

I encourage you to have a look at the syntax [here](/home/help/markdown) — I find it *far* less annoying than BBCode :)

Posted 07/19/14
*GASP* So THAT’s why my asterisks to indicate emotes has been going wonky from time to time! o.o I like it!!! The backslash star command with that will become my friend, but… Minor learning thing. Basic BBCode is fairly instinctive to me after so many years, but Markdown seems much more… I dunno, intuitive once one gets used to it? It’s cool. :3
Posted 07/19/14

Hmm is that why I’ve seen some odd things happen?

^ like this turning my words all big and bold

cool :D

Posted 07/19/14
Would we be able to use Markdown on pet/user profiles as well? Or would it just be limited to echos/posts?
Posted 07/20/14
Kiwi:  Yes, you’ll be able to use Markdown on pet and user profiles too. :)
Posted 07/20/14, edited 07/20/14

this is rather new to me so it’ll take some getting used to but I think I’ll love being able to do stuff I wasn’t able to with bbcode :>
I’ll…probably need a link to the guide under posts though because I still tend to need that with bbcode even though I’ve been using it for years and years.

question: has plain old html been considered as a possibility for forum posts and the like? I know that one best and I rarely need any guidance in using it, although there is more to type out than with bbcode or markdown.
I have to admit I’ve wondered why it isn’t used in forums all the time other than simplicity, does that have something to do with how it enables users to use stuff that isn’t always wanted in forum posts? (ie: some websites don’t want users to embed videos in their posts for various reasons)

another posting format thingie I like is on tumblr where the default is rich text, and I guess you just select from buttons and it implements the coding for you(you can also switch over to html to alter it further in one of these buttons)...by far the most user friendly but again I dunno if there are reasons why it is/isn’t used. Is it new or difficult to code?

I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes in coding this stuff so I always have questions regarding new features XD

Posted 07/20/14

- All five Espíritita can now also be equipped to Drasillis

- Additionally: The cave exchange and gem shop have been consolidated (and you can now buy arbitrary numbers of gems), and a lot of groundwork has been laid towards new and exciting shops!

Moarr updates :D

Posted 07/23/14, edited 07/23/14

## Some major updates!

A much requested feature has been implemented: you can now sell any number of a given item at once, instead of just one or all. Hopefully this should make selling all but one of your fish a lot more painless.

Next, we implemented ineki / dras icons for items that can only be equipped to one or the other. So far they only appear in shops but they’ll be making their way to your inventories too.

And speaking of shops…...

Our shops are getting a makeover! Not to mention about a bajillionty-eleven new items. Check out [Darcy’s Confection Perfection](https://www.mycenacave.com/shops/storefront/darcys-confection-perfection) and the [Leeetle Companions Shop](https://www.mycenacave.com/shops/storefront/leeetle-companions-shop). And why *yes*, that *is* a mushroom sitting on Darcy’s shelves.

\*collapses into a puddle of exhausted\* :)

Posted 07/28/14

‘melts into amazed puddle at your feet’


Whispers: You are god…

Posted 07/28/14

\*points to the artists\* they’re the ones that do the *really* cool stuff :)

**Edit:** and of course our writer Prose, who comes up with all the magical texty things!

Posted 07/28/14, edited 07/28/14

‘points at you’ Yes, but YOU are the one who makes the pretty shiny stuff available and user friendly to all us Mycenians x3

(I love Myla and the other artists, but you should never under-appreciate yourself~ <3)

Posted 07/28/14

Bajillionty-eleven new items, indeed.
Thank you team for all your hard work!
I can’t wait to collect em all oooo, ahh.

(Also, the inventory selling mechanism is really fabulous! I only keep x amount of an ingredient then sell the rest, so it was cumbersome at times. Thanks!)

Posted 07/28/14
Whoa this is awesome. I love the confections shop! Thanks for your hard work team!
Posted 07/28/14

A much requested feature has been implemented: you can now sell any number of a given item at once, instead of just one or all.

Thank you so much for this, glitch <3

And all of the new items look amazing, and I really need to start saving up for them. Time to start playing more Echolocation, haha. A lot, lot more Echolocation.

Posted 07/28/14