09:20 ST
April News Discussion
April Sprinkles In!

This month’s OotS is April Showers, along with their Rainy Stroll and Rain on my Parade! This month’s coat and items were created by priz. You may purchase this set in the Out of the Shadows shop through the end of the month!

Spring Seasonal

Last month we introduced this year’s Spring Seasonal coat, the Hawkgriff. Originally, only its wings were toggleable, but thanks to some extra work from Hush, they have now been updated to include toggle options for their beak!

Now with approximately 10% more or less bird!

Meowcena Cafe

Like a flash in the pan, Meowcena Cafe closed almost as quickly as it opened. And while the Meowcenians may have shrugged off their extra fur and returned to their Mycenian forms, many portions of their pawtented Coffee to Go and Donut Dreams are still ready to be served up!

You can obtain these items by participating in the Food Photography and Menu Creation activities through April 15th!

A purrfect breakfast combo!

The Creative Collective

February’s Creative Collective has drawn to a close! Thank you to everyone who created a submission, engaged in a roleplay, or offered some feedback this past month. The raffle has been drawn and a new prompt has been posted!

Starting in May, we will be making some updates to the Creative Collective, reorganizing it and hopefully streamlining it a bit in doing so! We look forward to sharing our updates with you!

Adventure System Open Beta

The Feather Exchange is now open for anyone who participated in the Adventure System open beta!

Even if you didn’t have the time to take part during the open beta timeframe, we encourage everyone to check out some of the adventures that came out of it! While compiling data, Myla was kind enough to point out a few honorable mentions that particularly struck her. As usual, we are super impressed by our community’s creativity!

Upcoming Event

In the wee hours of the morning, when most Mycenians are still fast asleep, a distant whirring and grinding can sometimes be heard echoing through the Cave. Rumor has it that a strange, yet familiar fellow will soon be looking to hire some eager paws to help him build something magnificent…

Someone’s been leaving oil-stained footprints around town…

Posted 04/02/19
Ohh hoh, I see, a spring event!
Posted 04/02/19
Springs may or may not be involved.
Posted 04/02/19
Items Added to Shop!

The Meowcena Cafe cats can now be equipped to your pets! You can find them over at the Leetle Companions shop. :D Their clothes/accessories are toggleable.

Purrista | Pawtissier | Meownager

Posted 04/16/19, edited 04/16/19
8D!!!!! Thanks so much, I ADORE the kitties!!!
Posted 04/16/19, edited 04/16/19

don’t talk to me or my son or my brain ever again.

Thank you for these kitties.

Posted 04/16/19

My army of nakey cats is growing !!!!

Posted 04/16/19


I just finished making your recipe item suggestions from your Winter Watch raffle wins! You’ll all get a copy of your own item once we release them, but for now you can peek at them in the Magic Puddle (minus the avatar frame item). :D

Toggleables for each item:
Dancing Dandelions - seeds, flower
Tricorn Hat - feather
Pages Aflame - fire
Light from Outside the Cave frame - sparkles
Fancy Fish - clothes (includes hat)


Posted 04/29/19, edited 04/29/19
Myla YEEESSSS the fancy cap!!!! I hope there’ll be more opportunities in the future for user-designed items, that was so so so fun!
Posted 04/29/19
Myla Oh my goodness, it’s gorgeous! The other items look so spiffy, too. Thanks again for making these!
Posted 04/29/19
AAA I’m so excited, Myla!! They look awesome!! You did amazing, thank you so much!! :‘D
Posted 04/29/19

Oooooh Myla they look gorgeous! Congrats to you and those who made the wonderful suggestions for these items!

I absolutely love the Tricorn Hat and the Pages Aflame!

Posted 04/29/19, edited 04/29/19
I need that Tri-corn hat so much… Already started hoarding items. Myla will they be the proposed ingredients that were in the submission of something else?
Posted 04/30/19
Malis The ingredients for those recipes will be common/inexpensive, so we may need to tweak some of the recipe suggestions if they contained items that are harder to get!
Posted 04/30/19
New Item Added to the Bag of Wonders

Drifty Book of Beasts

Posted 04/30/19
New Item Added to Shop

Joquil Cavern Background was added to Lands Within! The foxes are toggleable. :D

Posted 04/30/19
Posted 04/30/19