09:01 ST
[UPCOMING EVENT] A strange bulletin...
You spot a strange pamphlet posted nearby:

How odd… maybe you should start packing up and plan to arrive at this Joquil Cavern by the requested date.

  • This event runs from April 7th at 00:01ST through April 21st at 23:59 ST, and is similar in design to previous Spring events.
  • More information about this upcoming event will be made available on April 7th!
Posted 04/03/19

I am super pumped 8)

Also no I will not keep out >:|!!!

Posted 04/03/19
Ooooohhhh will this be a clicky event?  *hopes =). I love the clicky types!
Posted 04/03/19
OregonCoast Indeed! :D
Posted 04/03/19
Ooooh a clicky event! This will be my first!
Posted 04/03/19
Oh my gosh! A clicky event? 8D *super excite*
Posted 04/03/19
I’m intrigued by the mysterious alphabet on the poster! Wish I wasn’t so busy with exams - I have a strong desire to parse it out so I know which symbol matches with each letter, haha.
Posted 04/03/19
*Screeches incoherently but happily.*
Posted 04/03/19

Myla  *holds hands in the air and runs about ... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. =D. I so LOVE clicky events!!! ....*pauses for dramatic affect…..
I live for dingy/clicky events! ^=^

Posted 04/03/19
Birthday event!!
Posted 04/03/19
Nyfeaena I’m almost certain it’s a direct translation of the message. They match in length and across the words the same symbols match the same letters.
Posted 04/03/19
Nobo Oh yeah, I assumed as much! I just want to see the alphabet all laid out pretty one-for-one. I’m always intrigued by people creating alternate symbols for letters. :) Like a quick glance at it shows that the “a” symbol looks like a fancy, squiggly A, which is neat! I want to write Secret Messages using this wonky alphabet.
Posted 04/03/19
*squints @ conlang transliteration*
Posted 04/03/19, edited 04/03/19
I would be very interested in a proper translation for this conlang.
Posted 04/03/19, edited 04/03/19

As mentioned above, this is a 1-to-1 mapping of letters to symbols. Although, given the complexity of the symbols, it seems more like something you’d find in a syllabary (think Japanese or Korean), as writing all of those little accents for every single letter would get extremely tedious extremely quickly. There doesn’t seem to be any differentiation between capitals and lowercase, and all of the letters seem to be of the same letter height (despite what it looks like in my drawings). Looking at the accents, there were a few of them, seeming to serve no purpose beyond aesthetic. There are the small discontinued lines, as seen in letters like D, K, N, and Q. There are the long straight lines, such as in R and L, and the occasional loop and curlicue. Occasionally, letters will have more than one of these. As I said above, these accents seem to serve no purpose, as with the exception of M and N, F and G, L and R, and possibly A and X, the letters are distinct enough that the accents are unnecessary and would likely have long since fallen away. (Note: this is not a criticism. I think the letters look pretty darn cool. I’m just looking at it as a linguist.)

Posted 04/04/19

Hyasynthetic My hero! <333 Should have known you’d be interested in the letters, my linguistic friend. Also, that’s a really interesting note about the accents! I’m loving that some look vaguely like the letter they’re based on (A, K, Q) but trying to guess would not work for most of them since the S letter looks more like an English P and so on. How fancy.

(Edit: callout to the Bone Monster, give us the mystery B letter. :‘D)

Posted 04/04/19, edited 04/04/19
*whispers* Nyfeaena there is a B. All letters are accounted for in the note

Also I’d just like to say….

Posted 04/04/19
Hina A beautiful rendition, my alphabet knowledge is complete. :O
Posted 04/04/19

Hina Thank you for pointing that out! Since I am clearly illiterate I’ll update the page as soon as I can.

Posted 04/04/19
Waiting for new surprises :)
Posted 04/04/19, edited 04/04/19

me at Joquil Cavern on April 4th

SIX backgrounds and all the items are so good…I’m so hyped for this

Posted 04/04/19, edited 04/04/19
Posted 04/04/19

Man I love the coats for this event!!! That DRAS is SO GOOD *-* I am also drooling over the backgroundsssss ovo

I am predicting I’m gonna have a really hard time getting everything I want though 8’D My work schedule is very packed the next few weeks. Here’s hoping the RNG gods are kind to me.

Posted 04/05/19, edited 04/05/19
thank you for the LOL Myla! Imagining my Mycenians scrabbling at the entrance to the cave had me grinning all day, haha.
Posted 04/05/19

That Dras. Oh, babey. Oh, I need one.
Waiting for the event to start is gonna be painful.

Posted 04/06/19
Just several more hours….
Posted 04/06/19