08:57 ST
[POLL] Which NPC coat do you want turned into a site coat? (over, totals posted!)
Results posted here!

Following the generally positive reception to releasing the Simulacrum coat while also keeping Professor Sprocket somewhat unique as an NPC, we have decided to take a vote as to which other NPC coats you all would like to see released as site coats! For now, we have selected five to choose from, in order to keep the spread of votes a bit more narrow.

Much like the Simulacrum, these coats will likely have their edits either pared down or tweaked slightly to maintain the feel of their NPC counterpart being somewhat unique. Our current plan is to release 1-2 of the most popular coats sometime in the coming months - with possibly more to follow down the road.

Voting closes at the end of the day on June 1st!

Posted 05/18/19, edited 06/02/19

Let it be known I could only vote for one but two are in my heart ;o; (though they’re all cute).

Really excited to maybe see some of the NPC coats released with the mild differences, I always thought the Calcite was really cool in that regard <3

Posted 05/18/19
I also wish we could vote for two. Maybe next time, Pathfinder. xD
Posted 05/18/19
Voted! I really like three of these coats, and I can’t wait to see these and some of the other NPC coats be released to the site.
Posted 05/18/19
I voted for pathfinder, but Mountaintop was a close second.
Posted 05/18/19


I’d make a button if i could

Posted 05/18/19
I’d love all of them ;o; Mountaintop was barely first, but I would absolutely treasure having all of these!
Posted 05/18/19
Oh boy this was hard. I had to choose Pathfinder, but Mountaintop was equally perfect in my mind. Hope they both get chosen!
Posted 05/18/19

Uwaahhh so many good options! *o*

Though ngl, I’ve always been in love with Kerric’s colors. uwu

I do hope more site coats will be released in the future tho~

Posted 05/18/19


Ambrose is super cute! Very dapper! Life affirming even!!! 8))

Even YOU!!!! have time to change your mind!! VOTE AMBROSE FOR PRESIDENT 2019!!!

For real I want him so bad haha

Posted 05/18/19
But…antique rose is a stone guys. We can’t even go admire the coat on the Bone monster’s profile…. vote Antique Rose
Posted 05/18/19
Why only one voooooote? ._. Would vote for Mountaintop and Pathfinder if she could.
Posted 05/19/19

Antique Rose is so beautifully detailed, she claimed my vote before I even knew there would be a vote.

But if we were allowed more than one vote, mine would definitely be ‘yes’.

Posted 05/19/19
Im so torn between Antique Rose and Pathfinder ;w;’’
Posted 05/19/19
I’d kill for Bruc, he’s my all time favorite NPC. ;3 I voted Carol, I love me some kitties. Wondering/hopeful that these coats would have toggeable edits like seasonals?
Posted 05/19/19
I don’t know how many years back I posted hoping that Carol would be released as a coat but my dream is finally (possibly) coming trueeeeee
Posted 05/19/19
Exciting stuff! I voted for Ambrose since I love natural-colored coats, but I would be happy to get any of these coats added.
Posted 05/19/19
Antique Rose has been unfrozen on Bone Monster’s profile! Feast your eyes on those details and vote for her please ; v; u know u want to
Posted 05/19/19, edited 05/19/19
I voted Pathfinder, but I would love to have literally any (or all) of these coats on the site!
Posted 05/19/19

Where’s my girl Jessamyn!? ; 0 ; *heart shattered*

Okay tho, these NPCs are all lovely tho, too. I had a hard time choosing between a couple, but I finally picked Pathfinder. We don’t have a lot of fun and funky designs like that, I feel. c’: That’s why I chose them!

Posted 05/19/19

While I did a tiny bit of eenie meenie minee moe between Carol and Griselda (Antique Rose), Carol was my first impulse.  I’ve seen her day in day out since first joining and have always admired her coat ^=^.

You have selected:
Striped Sum

Posted 05/20/19
i would die for Carol
Posted 05/21/19
Pathfinder has my vote! (with Antique Rose as my second!)
Posted 05/24/19
Being down to the last week, we’re making the in-progress tallies visible to everyone :) They’re at the bottom of the linked-to page, and are visible after you have indicated your own preference (though of course you can change your preference at any time until June 1st)
Posted 05/26/19

i might be misunderstanding, but are there supposed to be numbers and stuff down there? i just see an empty table :‘D

Posted 05/26/19
If it helps at all, I’m getting the empty table too. Brave browser on Windows 10, no extensions (at least, not to my knowledge). I tried disabling shields for the site for a second, but it didn’t seem to do anything. I also tried to resubmit my preference to see if that would make the table show up, but no dice.
Posted 05/26/19
I’m not seeing it either
Posted 05/26/19
Thanks for the heads up, and sorry about that! The results should now be visible.
Posted 05/26/19
Will this be turned into an event, like with Professor McSprocketpants? Or is the release of this coat going to be more along the lines of a shop purchasable mushroom/pet? Just curious to know the intention, that’s all!
Posted 05/27/19
Reggi Release of site versions of old NPC coats likely won’t be put into our major events since those tend to have specific themes, but rather through the shops or smaller forum activities/special events! We’re hoping to be able to release the first one(s) next month at some point.. we have an idea as to how, but we’re still finalizing the details! :D
Posted 05/27/19