08:44 ST
Happy Birthday, Mycena Cave! (activity, freebie, survey + more!)
Happy Birthday, Mycena Cave

Can you believe it’s been six years since Mycena Cave opened? Wow, time sure flies! We’ve got several fun festivities to celebrate this milestone with you all, so grab your paper hats and little noise maker thingies and let’s get this party started!

Balloons everywhere!

Someone apparently had a literal ton of balloons hanging around, and with a little help from Professor Sprocket, we’ve gotten enough of them inflated so that everyone can have some!

(He used some sort of contraption to inflate them, though we wouldn’t blame you for thinking he’s probably full of enough hot air to get the job done himself.)

Collect your balloons here!

A Community Activity!

Ambrose is enjoying the birthday festivities by asking visiting Mycenians for just a few minutes of their time. He’s collecting traditions from throughout the Cave, and would love to hear yours! In the spirit of community, he’s hoping to incorporate some far-flung traditions into future celebrations.

Oh, and he’s offering you a cool pair of contacts and a sticker for your time! You can take part in the A Mycenian Tradition forum activity through June 30th!

A Birthday Raffle!

We’ve gathered some very special prizes into a raffle for the community to enjoy! From individual Glowing Changingshroom Coat mushrooms to NPCs-turned-site coat to Cave Capsules, this one’s got something everyone will enjoy!

You can head over here to purchase your tickets, and the raffle will be pulled at 12:00 ST on June 30th!

Annual Item Survey!

Once again, our annual item survey is open! From now until July 5th, you can submit your item desires and vote on ideas submitted by other players. While there’s no guarantee anything specifically from this survey will be made in the future, we often refer to this data to get an idea of the types of items players want to see.

Some Familiar Faces!

Familiar, maybe, but not, like, identical. The Paper Rose and Trailblazer mushrooms are now available for purchase in Fungimental Magic! These mushrooms were inspired by the NPC coats that topped our recent poll, and will be available for purchase at a price of 60,000 nuggets from here on out.

Now you too can enjoy the company of Griselda and Tamshir in your own cavern! ...sort of.

Birthday, Carveday, Same Thing!

One particular item we have been entirely overdue for has now been put up for sale in Sullie’s Closet - the Stone Carvers’ Tools! Perfect for the adventurous Mycenian who may stumble across those yet to be carved during their journeys - and also for those more artsy types, we suppose.

Celebrating Pride!

In celebration of Pride Month, we have added a veritable rainbow of new avatar backgrounds to Lands Within! We hope that you enjoy the selection of pride flag backgrounds now permanently available!

Posted 06/21/19, edited 06/21/19
happy birthday MC! i’ll definitely be participating in the activity! also omg the pride backgrounds ;;w;; i’m cryinnnn’!! what a great idea! thanks so much! <3 <3 <3 happy pride and happy birthday, again!
Posted 06/21/19

So many things!! A huge thanks to all the artists and staff for another year at MC!

The pride flags are a lovely addition, I’m so happy to see they’ll be permanent!

Posted 06/21/19

Happy birthday, Mycena Cave! A huge thank-you to all the artists, coders, community managers, and other staff who make this site what it truly is. :D

And the pride flags are a fantastic addition! Thanks to the staff for your hard work, research, and consideration in creating them!

also I need a Trailblazer NOW *robs Fungimental Magic* lmaojkjk I wouldn’t do that to you Bruc.

Posted 06/21/19

glitch Hey, I’m not terribly good at maths, but these raffle probabilities don’t look right to me…

You currently have 2 tickets in the bowl.
There are a total of 1313 tickets in the bowl, belonging to 91 players
Your estimated probability of winning a prize is 44%

Or maybe it is right and I’m just bad at maths? Either way, could someone help me out?

Posted 06/21/19


I would assume this is because of the sheer number of prizes? o:

Posted 06/21/19
...Ooh might be. Maths!
Posted 06/21/19

Chimerical Each person in the bowl at that point, 91 people, can only earn one prize. So with each win, the probability of each other person winning changes because the pool of potential winning tickets for the next draw decreases. I don’t know the full math, but as each person wins and one prize is taken out of the pool, the pool of people and tickets that can win gets smaller too as the winner’s other tickets are removed from the pot. So it is telling you your overall chance of winning is 44% with 2 tickets out of 1313 total tickets because there are so many prizes and only 91 people.

Maybe that helps you visualize it?

Posted 06/21/19
Ooooh ok. :D The number of prizes is really messing with my sense of scale I think. xD Cheers for explaining!
Posted 06/21/19
I love the coats, and the balloons, and the flags! The raffle is really nice, that’s a lot of fantastic prizes and way more than I was expecting. Thank you!
Posted 06/21/19
I love everything about this but I’m particularly excited about the carver’s tool item (finally my carver can stop masacring Mycenians with a pickaxe)! The flags are also amazing. I appreciate the level of inclusivity that was strived for! <3
Posted 06/21/19
Lot of really great stuff this year!! I’m so excited by all the flags eeee and those redone npc coats are super cute! Thank you!! Can’t believe it’s already been six years. ;o;
Posted 06/21/19
Happy Birthday Emceeee! And Happy Pride too! Love those flags, feel like I gotta get ‘em all~~ :D
Posted 06/23/19

To clarify: what time does the raffle get pulled? The banner and this post say different times |D

Also, how many pets exactly are being raffled, and how many of the newer capsules? I don’t see a number there |D;;;;;

edit I think it’s just mobile Firefox being wonky? cleared my cache and all, still see this

Posted 06/30/19, edited 06/30/19


Ends in an hour! 12:59 ST, sorry for the mix up!

There’s 5x pets for the Paper Rose and Trailblazer. 5x for each Cave Capsule.

Posted 06/30/19
Congratulations to all the raffle winners! I hope that you enjoy your prizes.
Posted 06/30/19
Congrats everyone!!!!
Posted 06/30/19
Congrats all! 8D
Posted 06/30/19
Have the raffle prizes been distributed yet? I haven’t received anything and I should be getting a Changingshroom.
Posted 07/03/19

nope, nothing has been handed out yet. myla will post on this thread when shes done sorting through all the winners. :)

Posted 07/03/19

Congratulations to the raffle winners! Your prizes will be distributed today. have been distributed!

In the case of winners of Mycenians, you have a choice of which pose to receive. To keep things simple, you will receive the upright pose of the coat — if you would prefer the active pose, please send me an echo with the Mycenian’s ID (once you’ve received it) and I’ll get the pose swapped for you :)

Posted 07/04/19, edited 07/04/19
I’m just getting through the last of the pose swaps, but haven’t heard from some people yet. If you’d like your pet’s pose swapped, please let me know ASAP :)
Posted 07/09/19