Ye Olde Midsummer Faire Feedback Survey We would love to hear your thoughts about this event! We use these feedback surveys to get an idea of the community’s thoughts in order to make adjustments to future events. Thank you in advance if you choose to help us out! For every 20 survey submissions we receive, we will be raffling off 1 random prize shop item from the event! In order to be eligible for the raffle, please be sure to include your username on your survey form. Of course, you are more than welcome to remain anonymous if that is your preference. This survey will remain open until the prize shop closes at 23:59 ST on September 14th, and the results will be compiled and summarized shortly thereafter, with the raffle soon to follow. Activity Information We are manually compiling the forum activity information—there is no submission form for the forum activities.
Posted 09/01/19, edited 09/20/19
ok i need to take this second to absolutely gas this event up because it was GLORIOUS and BEAUTIFUL!!!! there was SO MUCH ART!!! so much beautiful art! the event hub page had a gorgeous drawing where you could click on the different activities!!!! i LOVE that!!! maps are one of my favorite things about petsites and i would loooove for mycena to have some permanent maps of the town with little shops to click on and stuff! it just really helps me get immersed in the world you know? i dunno but yeah, the event hub page was really beautiful. also all the art in the adventure!! oh my god. the dragons were so cute!!! their little nest cavern was so BEAUTIFUL i just ugh im sorry it was all so PRETTY and i really, really appreciated all that extra work that im sure went into that ok even though i didnt get to do everything for this event that i wanted i think this is my favorite event now!!
Posted 09/01/19
...stands up and dusts off my skirts…. this was loads of fun!!! I loved the theme, am looking forward to the prizes and may I say ~ a UNICORN?!?! I’m still hyperventilating =D I had a lot of fun, tried my hand via crayons this time as my old laptop and MS paint died, so my artwort is best under spoiler tags xD seriously though, I thoroughly enjoyed the balance of art, writing, battling, games and ...well it was an amazing balance of a little of everything, just like you’d meet at a real Renn Fest <3 there must’ve been tons of work that went on behind the scenes, so to all involved, a hearty “Thank you!!!!” =) ....done with the survey and I’m looking forward to the adorable Sticker for the sticker album. Such a lovely souvenir.
Posted 09/01/19, edited 09/01/19
I absolutely wish I could have participatd better in this event but unfortunately it happend while I had a busy couple weeks X_X’ Only things I got the time to do ( and screenshot but forgot the what the name of the page you can upload photos to for free is called ) was the cave in and potion quests.. i think they were… Would have loved for there to be a place you can find someone to partner up wth forthe adventures ( the ones where you had to be 2 or more to go out in some sort of text based roleplay ) Drawing and coloring things.., I could have done now, when my energy is more stable and not completely need-to-sleep-asap ( despite being up till 4 am because of a larp last night ) , and when I know where the laptop is that I can do the art stuff on. but alas too late. so didnt get any event points or anything but its great you other guys had fun.
Posted 09/01/19
I had a lot of fun this time around! That dress up game was great! I really liked reading people’s descriptions for their creations. I don’t quiet have a grasp on how adventurers work, so I avoided them. But they looked like fun! All around, this was really nice. Thank you for setting it up!!
Posted 09/01/19
WindyFox Huh, well now it says I have 14 tickets for Battle Brawl, so just ignore me, I know nothing, lol. *edit* Oh, here’s what the issue was! It looks like the BattleBrawl scoreboard never updated with the last day (because technically the event was over). The issue has been fixed, so day 14 results are now available. That also means that if you participated in the day 14 brawl, you have another ticket that wasn’t counted before :)glitch
Posted 09/01/19, edited 09/01/19
I always TLDR on those forms and worry I get caught up on the details but I really enjoyed this event, despite having very little time for it until near the end. (And if someone wants to start a new version of the goofy animal thread, please do <.< ) brb burying myself in turkey legs
Posted 09/02/19
This was an error on my part - I forgot that I had noted it will remain open for longer. I’ve updated the first post here to display the correct information: The adventure has a submission thread here which will close at the end of the day on September 4th. Tickets will be compiled manually after that date, so be sure to get your adventures submitted! If you’ve already echoed your adventure link(s) to Myla, you can post them instead, if you want! We will reference Myla’s list either way, but there’s always less chance of error when everything’s in the same place. Sorry about the confusion! Also, I finished tallying everything except the adventures yesterday. :) The information is now in glitch’s hands, and tickets will go out as soon as he is able! We’ll keep you all posted!
Posted 09/02/19
Tickets (mostly) Awarded!
With the exception of the Adventures, all Faire tickets have now been awarded. The remaining tickets will be distributed over the next few days. Thanks again for attending Ye Olde Midsummer Faire, I hope you had as much fun as we did! Glitch also posted some bonus ticket awards!
Posted 09/02/19
Reminder: The adventure submission thread closes at the end of today! Be sure to link your complete and incomplete event adventures if you want your tickets awarded!
Posted 09/04/19
All tickets have now been awarded If you earned at least one ticket in this event, you also got a fancy pink sticker to play with. Your adventure threads have also been moved to the Cave Adventures forum and unlocked, so if you were mid-adventure you can now continue adventuring :)
Posted 09/06/19, edited 09/06/19
If anyone’s missing tickets, please reach out to Crow. -Bat, you’ll receive an echo shortly.
Posted 09/06/19
Ye Olde Feedback Survey Results Overview In total we had 123 responses to the feedback survey for this event.
Common Comments
The variety of activities available for this event was enjoyed Most commonly, the RNG-based activities, art-based activities, and activities where an image had to be uploaded were the least enjoyed Luck-based quests were frustrating because not everyone could complete them. One start/ending time for everything would have made activities easier to track. Ticket amounts could have used some tweaking Players were divided on the art and theme Tracking ticket number was difficult Making it easier to connect with players would make some of the activities easier for newer players The Adventure was awesome! This was useful feedback, and we will use this information to make changes to future events. We really appreciate the time you take to give us your input. <3 Thanks again, everyone! Feedback Raffle The feedback raffle will be held on September 20th, once Myla is back at her home computer! Ye Olde Smithy Winners! Two entries were chosen via random drawing to be made into site items, which will eventually be obtainable through the Bag of Wonders. Congratulations to Jacq and Sheppard! We have not 100% decided which of your entries will be created, but once the items are made, you will each receive a copy of your contribution - as well as credit in the item’s description. Additionally, you will each receive a Bag of Wonders!
Posted 09/20/19