18:06 ST
New profile updates, and please welcome our new Mod!

Hi everyone

I hope you’re all having a great weekend! I have two updates to announce today.

First, please welcome Firkasa as our new moderator! She’ll be helping manage the forums and IRC chat. She’s also a lovely person in general, so you should say hi to her regardless :)

Second, as part of our ongoing “a name, not a number” initiative, default user profile URLs have changed:
is now:
The numeric profile URLs (i.e. what you’re used to) will continue to work forever, and are still the preferred way of “long-term” linking to a profile (as these do not need to be updated if the user changes their username), so you don’t need to rush off and change all your links. Also, the username part is not case sensitive, so glitch, Glitch, GLITCH and gLiTcH will all work. Hopefully this will also help you find profiles whose user IDs you may not be familiar with without having to search (which yes, we will have).

This url thing is experimental, but should work without any issues

Posted 07/07/13, edited 07/07/13
Welcome to the team, Firkasa!
Posted 07/07/13

:D glad to see you guys have some help! Thanks a lot for helping Firky!

And thanks or the update on the profile urls.
I think it’s neat that all of them work ouo

Posted 07/07/13

Looking forward to working with everyone! Feel free to echo me with any concerns or questions you might have. :3

That’s a nifty feature glitch! It’s nice to associate people with names more then numbers. :D

Now pardon me as I flutter away. Got a family wedding to attend. XD

Posted 07/07/13

Congrats on moderatorship, Firky! *throws a parade at 5x the speed of a regular parade* ^__^

Also, woo! I’m a name and not a number! 8D <33

Posted 07/07/13

Neat feature, glitch! I’m now a name AND a number >:3

Welcome, Firky :3 Looking forward to seeing you firking up the forums and IRC ;3.

Posted 07/07/13
Posted 07/07/13
Hooray for Firky! :D And thanks glitch for the URL stuff. :D That’s nifty~
Posted 07/07/13
Yay Firky! Congrats to you :D I like seeing our names in the url as well, that should prove helpful. Thanks glitch!
Posted 07/07/13
‘Sup Firky! Congrats on joining the team!
Posted 07/07/13
Congrats on joining the team, Firkasa! And cool, profile updates~
Posted 07/08/13
Hi Firky! :D
Posted 07/08/13

Congratulations, Firkasa! Glad to see you on the team~

Thank you for keeping us updated, Glitch!

Posted 07/08/13

Yay, Firky! Glad to see you as a mod on here :]

Also, updates on the URL is great news — like many others, I’m able to remember names over numbers anyway. Well, unless you change your name constantly, then I have to rely on pet or profile info xD

...Now to stare at the new pets on your profile some more, glitch >.>;

Posted 07/09/13