21:49 ST
It's Productivi-Day again! (00:01 - 23:59 ST Dec 31st)

I entered this into the creative collective as well, but would I be able to put this here?

Ancient writings on a stone wall (and my first attempt at pixel art)

Posted 12/31/19, edited 12/31/19

I just got my Starburst Firework and decided to maybe revamp an old character to celebrate the end of the decade (this being a character from the beginning of it!) I not 100% convinced she’s who I’m keeping on the firework, but well, we’ll see. So here’s my first start on revamping her!

Posted 12/31/19
Finished up the personality and history section for Maiumi. :)
Posted 12/31/19

Did my Canvas Circle entry today!

Art that is Definitely Not Silas…

Posted 12/31/19

I did a little drawing for Seven and Eleven!

Posted 12/31/19

I did both my canvas circle entry and my scribe circle entry today!

Plus I finished a profile for the profile drive <3

Posted 12/31/19, edited 12/31/19
Fleshed out the scraps I’d started for the written sections on Hetia‘s profile, which is now complete(ish?) #procrastination lol x__x
Posted 12/31/19
I did Ameri’s bio and some RP posts over here! :D
Posted 12/31/19
Completed Siggorah‘s profile for the profile drive:
Posted 12/31/19

I would have participated in this, but kinda got distracted by a stream + midnight and firework + setting my new playstation on + making food + cleaning. ^^,’
I was curious about the ’ Forever coat’, how it looks, but none to be found in the magic puddle, so with that said I am waiting till next productivi-day.. which I am very happy doesnt hit along with a LARP xD

Happy new year everyone, come safely into it.

Posted 12/31/19

Forever coats are the three basic/fodder pets you choose from for your first pet when you join MC, and can always buy for 7g.

You can see the three current forever coats here:

Posted 12/31/19

whew!  I didn’t think I’d get this done since i needed to be asleep 30 min ago but family is being LOUD :/

Heres talca’s profile!  except for his blurb at the bottom its all completely new. Please don’t read if experiments squick you out. Its only mentioned in a semi-vague way but thought i’d warn anyways.


edit: in the interest of making things efficient (as i might not be on the next few days,i’m starting to catch a cold) If i’m pulled for the raffle my preferences are 50k, forever coat either stance( i have mushrooms for both). and then a changing shroom.

Posted 12/31/19, edited 12/31/19
Finished up my canvas circle entry!!
Posted 12/31/19
finished this profile for the drive!
Posted 12/31/19
Made a profile for the profile drive Here!
Posted 12/31/19
Finished my canvas circle here! It’s awful but it took me forever because I couldn’t get anything out. :’)
Posted 12/31/19
Did a sketchy mockup for a new custom idea! Also worked on Elix’s Profile for the Profile Drive.
Posted 12/31/19

Skirting in just at the end since I spent all night working on fleshing these out. I worked on all the written segments. All but one were done tonight. Curse my schedule but also bless the productivi-day falling on new years eve. :o

1. Niemand/Catrina
2. Allein/Eike
3. Neu/Anika

Posted 12/31/19
squeaks in at the end with something i did at the new years party i just left LOL
Posted 12/31/19, edited 12/31/19
This activity has ended! Compilation of entries will be done ASAP!
Posted 01/01/20
Participation for this activity has been compiled!

We had a total of 41 participants this Productividay—an awesome showing! We hope you had fun ending 2019 with a blast of creativity, and that going forward, you continue to hop into future Productividay activities! Our next one is scheduled for January 15th, and hopefully we will have a sticker ready for that date!

The Raffle
  • 50,000 nuggets - Kiwi
  • 50,000 nuggets - Firkasa
  • A Changingshroom - Marina
  • A Changingshroom - Unicamel
  • A Forever Coat (of winner’s preferred pose) - Gabriel
  • A Forever Coat (of winner’s preferred pose) - Dash

And, since we had two staff winners this month, we will raffle off a second copy of each of those prizes:

If you are the proud new owner of one of the Forever Coat prizes, please let us know what pose you prefer! All other prizes will be distributed ASAP.

See you on January 15th!
Posted 01/02/20

Oh yay! Grats everyone~
Crow I’d like an upright! Thanks so much!

Posted 01/02/20, edited 01/02/20
Crow i’d like an active, please! Congratulations everyone! <3
Posted 01/02/20
Thanks so much <3
Posted 01/02/20

Crow Upright, please. Thanks so much :)

Congrats to all the other winners!

Posted 01/02/20
Congrats to the winners!  And thank you so much for this Crow and Dove <3
Posted 01/03/20