22:26 ST
Reworking Mycena Cave image generation
Hi, my Crystal Catalyst is suddenly blue instead of pink, what is going on?
Posted 01/19/20, edited 01/19/20

Based on your description, it sounds like pets that aren’t drifted but still have a hue shift might not be passing that shift along. I’ll look into it later today :)

Marina your catalyst flower’s color has been restored :)

Posted 01/19/20, edited 01/20/20

Yo I had to look up CIEHLC. xD Wow and I thought CIE calculations were nuts. If you have any references on CIEHLC transformations, I’d love to see them.

I did a lot with colorimetry for my master’s and /god/ I love color science, it’s better than drugs. Even the professors in the department, who were freaking experts, often got stuff mixed up. I don’t have much of a math background, and going through the 1931 CIE transformations made me wonder what the original mathematicians were smoking.

Posted 01/19/20

Okay, I hope this can be fixed, interestingly my Essence of Love pet appears unaffected.

Edit: I took a look at the Crystal Catalyst pet search, and all the Crystal Catalysts that are still flowers are blue now!
( I believe not all were blue before today c: )

Posted 01/19/20, edited 01/19/20
Chimerical Interestingly, as best as I can tell, Photoshop / GIMP / ImageMagick actually do ordinary hue shifts “wrong”. That is, they neglect to take gamma correction (i.e. the difference between linear RGB and and perceptual RGB) into account. In order to emulate old drifts, I basically had to write the following procedure:
  1. Get the perceptual RGB source image
  2. Pretend it’s linear RGB (it’s not)
  3. Convert to HSL
  4. Perform the hue shift using standard formulae
  5. Convert to linear RGB
  6. Pretend it’s perceptual RGB (it’s not)

The results are quite difference in practice. Until trying it that way occurred to me, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to emulate existing drifts.

I’m not surprised to hear how commonly these sorts of things get mixed up in practice — it’s shockingly easy in most programming languages like PHP, Python, etc. because the loose type systems basically just say a pixel is a pixel is a pixel, each pixel is a set of four numbers from 0-255 (maybe [R, G, B, A], or [H, S, L, A], how you choose to interpret them is up to you), and converting colorspaces basically just means transforming a set of four numbers into a different set of four numbers. Partly to help ease that pain, I used a strongly typed programming language (Rust) for this project. This let me define my own types, making it so that an RGBA -> HSLA transformation formula could not be applied to an sRGBA pixel, helping enormously in keeping track of things. Amusingly, to account for the silly procedure above I had to include a bit that would basically let me pretend an sRGBA pixel was RGBA and vice versa.

Marina That’s interesting! Don’t worry though, the Crystal Catalyst colors are safe. I just need some time later this evening to sort out where in the pipeline the value is getting discarded :)

Posted 01/19/20
glitch Gotta love what the human retina and brain does to light. I love that as hard as we try, we still can’t quite measure color perception to 100% accuracy, because brains do what brains do lol. Anyway kudos on you for figuring out how to make this work :D I’m surprised that you can get the speed so high with having to account for all those factors. Thanks for typing it out for me, it’s super interesting :DD
Posted 01/19/20
Oooohh!! I always thought it was just my internet but now that this change has been made the site suddenly feels so much less sluggish I love it *v*
Posted 01/19/20

I’m looking forward to this big time cause I’m one of the weirdos that actually put the time in to make a huge(probably overly complicated) wishlist of things which involved looking at everything. and i noticed how janky a few of them look. most memorably was some of herbal hex’s..Some of them are really amazing though so i hope we can have the option to choose which drift version is used? (i’m particularly fond of the blue and red autumnal guardian for example)

I have concerns though that whatever is decided with how the ‘magic drift’ option is distributed that it may end up just as rare as driftshrooms which are astonishingly rare.. I agree you shouldn’t be able to pick them up off the street like a forgotten penny but I’ve been here(actively) since last march/april’s sprocket event and i’ve found a single driftshroom,no left boot,no pondshroom( i bought all of mine), Honestly I thought people had made up that you could get driftshrooms,pondshrooms and left boots from fishing until i actually fished one up myself!

Posted 01/19/20

I downloaded GIMP just to play with the closest thing to the new Magic slider… will there be an option to convert some of our already drifty pets to the Magic system?  Because oh man. Some of my drifts are super good but would be even better if I caught that same hue in the Magic slider instead.

EDIT: Alternatively, maybe a way to pull the driftshrooms and gloomshrooms out of pets?

Like, for example I have this pet that has gloom + drift added bc that xmasy drift on an Eden is pretty eye-searing normally… buuuuut the Magic aesthetic (at least, from what GIMP is showing me) has that intended effect I was looking for but WAY better.  But to replace this pet without “wasting” any past purchases I would need to get another Eden shroom (117k), fodder pet (7k or winning CC raffle), and Magic (however much that costs)... then I would have to decide what to do with a gloom+drifty eden, usually meaning I’d have to give up or ignore one of those elements.  But if I could get a driftshroom and gloomshroom back from this pet, and apply the new Magic effect, I can now move the driftiness and gloominess to other pets.

Posted 01/19/20, edited 01/19/20

Lala Chicken Occasionally-mysteriously-wrong-avatar-background issue has been fixed :)

Marina Got to the bottom of your blue catalyst — in a nutshell, flowers don’t drift. I expect I should be able to get that sorted out within the next day or two.

Kippie We haven’t yet decided how we will be releasing the new color effects.

Posted 01/20/20, edited 01/20/20


I just noticed, but since the change my background priority(??) on this pet has now flipped. Beforehand, the pets own background would overlay over the item background. In the layer list, it also shows the pets bg should be layered on top.

I’ve tried re-equipping the bg to see if that would change anything but it didn’t work haha.

Posted 01/20/20
Just out of curiosity, is the slider in the magic puddle supposed to be locked to about only 10 possible outcome options for the glooms and drifts? It used to act like a full on slider where I could go wherever I wanted to on it, but now it just locks into certain spots every time. Just wondering if this is just my computer or something else!
Posted 01/20/20

Oxton Ah yes. So, technically Mycena Cave does not (yet) support ordering of multiple backgrounds. Previous behavior was arbitrary — if you had multiple backgrounds equipped, their order would mostly stay the same, but could change for “no reason” as items were equipped or removed. The new behavior is to at least standardizes the ordering so it’s always the same (it seems I also need to go standardize it in the layer list).

There’s no reason why we can’t implement background layer ordering, it’s just something that has not yet been implemented.

Dracogryph Everyone sees that :) It’s intentional for the time being.

Posted 01/20/20


Ah, I see! That’s good to know, thank you for explaining :D

Posted 01/20/20
Ah, good. Thanks for the prompt reply, I just wanted to be sure my computer wasn’t doing something else stupid to me like it has been lately!
Posted 01/20/20


Wonderful, thanks so much for fixing it <3

Posted 01/20/20

glitch It seems all or most of my drifters (all of which have not been drifted by me during this period of change) have redrifted, oddly enough. This includes my EoLs, which are not drifty (they’re normally as they were upon delivery, same as the Crystal Catalysts). I’m assuming my cache is responsible for my front page drifters showing in their small front page images their normal drifts (clicking on their profile shows the normal image as a new drift), and it seems as though the dates of drifts are as they should be, from what I can tell from the recent drift dates on a couple new ones on my front page tab.

I know there’s a lot going on right now behind the scenes, but can we assume the original drifts will come back, going off of what you said about the Crystal Catalyst hues in a previous comment? I have quite a few drifters, and there’s no way I’ll remember each one’s individual drift if I’ll need to try to find it again each day. If not, I’ll go digging in my saved pics I guess, haha. ^^;; That might make letting go of the retro drift of each easier if I’ve lost my drifts already.

Posted 01/21/20

raus Yep! Sorry about that.

Could you please point me to one of your drifters that changed color? It would be particularly helpful if you had one where you have two pictures of the same pet that don’t match, but barring that I can make do with any old example.

Edit: Looks like Astrophel, last drifted on 2016-08-17, is a good example. I assume the pink is “correct”?

Posted 01/21/20, edited 01/21/20

it looks like i’m having a similar issue!

tris’s intended drift

the far less attractive colors he’s decided to turn!

Posted 01/21/20
Thanks doragon! I suppose the pink is the correct in this case too?
Posted 01/21/20, edited 01/21/20

glitch Yes, the pink-purple is correct. I can upload these elsewhere if needed, if they’re not showing as I see them on my device.

This is a light purple drift.

Not sure if this is acting as drifted because of the base green, and because the other drifter in this geness is also green, where it was previously magenta.

Edit: Like Oxton said, the geness image for those two in the above spoiler is “correct.”

Posted 01/21/20, edited 01/21/20


My Sabine has drifted randomly too, and you can see she’s actually remained her old drift in her geness image.

Random Drift

Drift Visible in Geness (Far Right)

Posted 01/21/20
yeah glitch, the intended drift is pink tail tips and purple-blue paw pads.
Posted 01/21/20

Aha, I think I see what’s going on :) hang tight!

Edit: aaaand we’re back. Thanks for your patience, and for the examples, they were very helpful!

Posted 01/21/20, edited 01/21/20
Looks like they’re fixed! Good to know. Thank you!
Posted 01/21/20
thanks glitch, glad it was a quick fix!
Posted 01/21/20

Soooooooooo, I actually had two questions:
1. Since all the gloomshroom things say “chroma” now, does that mean the gloomshroom system was changed?
2. Does the gloomshroom chroma system work like the drift system does where it moves a certain value a day for all the pets on the account?

Posted 01/22/20
Lala No, the original mechanics have been kept intact. The messaging has changed because chroma and saturation mean very similar things and having two different terms made the upcoming interface needlessly confusing.
Posted 01/22/20
The new effects have been released!

The Driftshroom and Gloomshroom effects have been upgraded to allow you to select which color shifting method you would like to use, by way of the “Use old color shifts” toggle. What’s more, the new color shift is available to all color-shifted Mycenians, including those that aren’t drifted or gloomed (e.g. Essence of Love, Crystal Catalyst).

The effect also be previewed in the Magic Puddle. Select which method you would like to use by way of a similar toggle under the sliders. Note that the Magic Puddle can only preview drifting and glooming effects in steps of 10.


Your Driftshrooms and Gloomshrooms have been supercharged,

As of now, the Driftshroom and Gloomshroom effects are no longer randomized. You can choose the precise drift or gloom you would like to use by way of sliders on the Mycenian’s management page. That said, if you want to relive the glory days of the random drifts, a “Randomize” button has been created. There are no more limits on how often you can drift or gloom to new colors each day.


As a courtesy…

This is a very significant change to the items, and may have a strong effect on its desirability across the playerbase. In particular, players who had previously been trying to sell a Driftshroom or Gloomshroom may no longer wish to do so. If you were in the process of negotiating the purchase of a Driftshroom or Gloomshroom from another player, please be understanding of the fact that the seller may wish to change their mind (or their price). To that end, all Driftshrooms and Gloomshrooms currently for sale in players’ Market Stalls have been removed. If you had one for sale, feel free to re-list it if you would like to.


And as always…

This is quite a large change. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

Posted 01/22/20
Posted 01/22/20