Glaive We haven’t had any reports of issues with the memory game in the Hidden Door marker besides this one. The card should flip over when you click on it! I will bring it up with glitch to see if he has any ideas about what could be going on. If you have extensions installed, it may be worth disabling them temporarily to see if one of them could be interacting strangely with the game.
Posted 07/21/20
Myla Oof, thanks Myla. I didn’t know which extension was interfering so I turned all of them off. It worked after I did that and refreshed the page.
Posted 07/21/20
Also as a note for anyone who has submitted something, but had it rejected: For Set for Adventure: Almost every case is because of a broken image link or a link directly to the puddle (which just shows me a blank forever coat). For Trapped! the adventure, almost every case is because the three sentence requirement wasn’t met (players submit the finished adventure with blank posts or one sentence posts). You can resubmit links after you’ve fixed the issue, and if you have questions about why it was rejected, feel free to reach out to Crow, Dove, or me!
Posted 07/21/20
Note about the Whodunnit challenge: One of the statements in the logic puzzle is incorrect: “The canvas backpack does not contain the blue lunchbox.”
Edit: Whodunnit has been updated
Posted 07/21/20, edited 07/21/20
The City of Mirage You have reached your destination! Below is some additional information about this event. Event currency Myla note: This is a test run of offering a limited amount of event currency through gems. We are trying this out for a couple of reasons: one is that we consistently get feedback from players that they weren’t able to get as many prizes as they wanted because of a lack of time and/or interest in a particular event style. We would like to see if this addition helps that group of players. The other reason we’re giving this a try is in the hopes of raising event-related revenue: currently running a large event like this one results in an overall net loss of between $1500 and $2000, and in particular given the current situation we’re hoping to offset some of this. We are hoping that this addition will be a win-win in terms of boosting accessibility to event prizes, and supporting our large events. We kept our usual calibration methods for determining the amount of prize currency you can earn through playing the event, so any prize currency bought through gems are extra on top of what is normally available. We will be doing a feedback form after this event to see how this affects player satisfaction, market prices, among other metrics to see if we should continue doing this in the future, and if we need to change anything about the method. Activities Credits and Thank Yous It takes a lot of time and energy to put these events together, and our staff team’s willingness to invest themselves into these events again and again is invaluable.
Posted 07/22/20, edited 07/22/20
I think after the third time playing an adventure-style event, I can confidently say this has surpassed my enjoyment of all other event types! I think it balances lore, puzzle challenges, and creativity in an engaging way. It was weird to admit to myself that I enjoy it more than click events, but maybe it’s because I find I’d rather grind in a video game than a pet site. Open World and RPGs get my attention in that regard, and overall I come back here to push myself to expand my art or writing skills over collecting everything like I originally did years ago. A heartfelt thanks to staff that continues to pour love into the site. Your care for the evolution of the website and community always shows! ♥
Posted 07/22/20, edited 07/22/20
Posted 07/23/20
ComicLudwig Hello ^^ you can see the version of Dunewalker with all its toggles off here. I hope that helps :)
Posted 07/23/20
I really liked this event! I have to begrudgingly admit I enjoyed the semi-play at your own pace speed a lot more than I thought I would. The activities released in a day seemed (for the most part) like a good amount of activities - enough to get me through the day feeling like I’d accomplished something, not enough to make me feel overwhelmed, and leaving me very excited for the next day’s tasks. The only time I felt differently was on the first day when we only had the one, fairly quick activity to do; that was too few for my tastes. My favorite activity was the Echoing Oasis one; that was a super fun game and I was kind of sad we could only participate once! I very much enjoyed the clue scavenger hunt, too, until I got to the last big riddle and I had to start banging my (dense) head against it. I am perpetually in the group of people who’s unhappy with how many event items I can get over the course of these events where points are more scarce, because I like having one of every item and then usually one or more of the coats, and then there’s always been one or more items I wanted to get several copies of. Being able to buy scarabs directly with gems will help this feeling for me and I like it as a change, especially since the event point prices mean I can still get most of the things I want with what I’ve earned! Thank you so much to everyone on staff who helped put this together; this has been one of my favorite events ever! I wanted to write up my thoughts now while they’re fresh in my mind so I don’t forget them by the time the feedback form goes up :D;;;
Posted 07/23/20
I planned to write a description, but I think there’s absolutely no opportunity to do so? Opportunities was always being occupied? Almost every time I saw someone posting “claimed” in the threads to post written descriptions (tho at the start I’m far too inconsiderate that I didn’t claim cuz I’ve no idea how to describe that art in thread B). Myla here’s a suggestion: post a/some new thread(s). But I think that it’s better anyway. Thx. Thx Crow!
Posted 07/24/20, edited 07/28/20
|’s a guess: there’s a news page in the community dropdown menu that might be it?
Posted 07/24/20
Purr I’m so mad, I’d looked there but I scrolled down after you linked and squinted really close to my phone and spotted it, so thank you! Ahaha it was driving me mad
Posted 07/24/20
Seems like much of the suggestions came from this thread: New Site Games Maybe. It’ll be great if the games can be regulated.
Posted 07/25/20
I mentioned in passing that I had had a ton of fun solving my Safe Passage clues using only the information directly referenced by the challenge. Here’s how I did it :)
The challenge references Professor Sprocket. His profile looks like this: I also used a website called OneLook which lets you do wildcard dictionary searches, e.g. searching for
My clues were: I started by inferring that the sign on Sprocket’s lab door says “KEEP OUT!” based on the repeated second and third letter, and based on what one might expect to see on Sprocket’s lab door. From there, I could decode it this far: Step 1 ???e ?o??? ??o? t?e ?o??e?e?? t??t ?o?? o? ??? ?o?? ??e??t ??e?e ??e??t ?? ?ue tu????? o? t?e ?e??o?? e?t?? e?t?? ?e?? ??? ??out ?t So far so good, lets start making up names for these letters to help keep track of them, then do some searches.
Now lets try to use some of those.
So now we’ve learned:
Lets use them! Step 2 ?i?e ?o??? ??o? the ?o??e?e?? that ?o?? o? ?i? ?o?? ??e?it ?he?e ??e?it i? ?ue tu??i?? o? the ?ea?o?? e?t?a e?t?a ?ea? a?? about it sweaty-4 feels like a good next target. Lets see what we can find: Fifth clue, third word is four letters: sweaty-4, E, A, b-with-a-dot. We know sweaty-4 is (f, k, n, r, x) and b-with-a-dot is (c, d). There aren’t that many combinations, so lets just write them out and see what we get: The only reasonable word here is “read”, so we learn:
Not bad progress! Lets plug them in and see where we are. Step 3 ?i?e ?ord? ?ro? the ?or?ere?? that ?ord or ?i? ?ord ?redit ?here ?redit i? due tur?i?? o? the ?ea?o?? e?tra e?tra read a?? about it Lets see what else we can find now.
Ahhh that “DIS” word was basically a play on “Discord”. Well, we have some good progress here. We learned:
Lets plug them in! Step 4 ?ise ?ords fro? the sorceress that cord or dis cord credit ?here credit is due tur?i?? of the seaso?s extra extra read a?? about it At this point, it becomes pretty easy to fill in a few blanks:
And there we have it! Wise words from the sorceress that cord or dis cord credit where credit is due turning of the seasons extra extra read all about it
Posted 07/25/20, edited 07/25/20
Hi, I need some event help please! -Discovery Dig
-Is there a good guide for Mastermind? -Safe Passage
Posted 07/27/20
Okay, thank you, it looks now like this, but it didn`t say it is solved, so there must be tile left? Or do I need to click anything to finish?
Posted 07/27/20