15:10 ST
An improved Echo (PM) system

Hi everyone!

As those who’ve talked about it with me know, our echos have been in need of a bit of an overhaul. We’ve been working on it for a while now, and today we’re finally ready to release it :)

Head over to your echos, and you’ll notice a couple of things. First of all, your echos are paginated now, so those of you with many echoes will find the page loads much faster now. Checkboxes have appeared next to the echos, a couple of weird buttons have plopped themselves unceremoniously at the top. Hover your mouse over them to see what they do — one archives selected echo threads, and the other removes you from them.

The general idea is this: **once you’ve dealt with an echo, archive it and it “goes away”**. If you or anyone else uses the echo again, it automatically un-archives it for everyone. Basically, the idea behind archiving a message is that you’re putting it away while you aren’t using it, but can get to it easily again if you need to.

To see all of the threads that you’ve archived, simply click the “archive” link under the Inbox heading (and from there, you can unarchive selected threads to put them back in your inbox).

**To get rid of an echo more permanently, you can use the “Remove yourself permanently from selected echos” button**. Like it says, it literally removes you from the list of people the echo is shared with. It will ask you to confirm your decision before actually removing you. Be careful, since there is no way for you to undo this action: once you’ve removed yourself, the echo is just like any other echo that you are not part of.

Finally, **you can add other users to echo threads**. To do so, click into the “Reply” area of a thread, and you’ll see under the list of participants there’s a new link called “Add a new participant”. This pops open a little box for you to type a user’s account number or full username. It will ask you to confirm your decision before actually adding the person. Again, be careful, since there is no way for you to undo this action: once you’ve added someone, the echo is just like any other that includes that person. Note that:

1. any person that you add to an echo thread can see the *entire* echo thread, including messages that were posted before he or she was added, and
2. any user in any echo thread can add any other user to the thread at any time

That’s it! I hope you find the changes useful :)

Posted 08/08/14, edited 08/08/14
THANK YOU. <3 FROM ALL OF US. *sobs and rushes off to echos to tidy up*
Posted 08/08/14
Hooray! *too lazy to tidy echoes but celebrates anyways*
Posted 08/08/14

Thank you, glitch :D I most likely won’t make use of much of this until a giant group echo annoys me again, but I really appreciate it for when that inevitably happens :D

EDIT: I lied. I just archived my old giant group echos so they wouldn’t be there >_> Thank you again!

Posted 08/08/14, edited 08/08/14
Thank you! I’ll be sure to archive my old echoes tomorrow.
Posted 08/08/14
Mass archivation is upon us.
Posted 08/08/14

Though the pagination is sorta “Meh” on my list. I like being able to do Ctrl+F just once instead of multiple times if I’m looking for something. The archives should in theory be able to help with this though. =\

Posted 08/08/14


‘snuggles to death’

Posted 08/08/14

I deleted nearly everything. Ahhh, feels so good for it to be clean. ~ u ~

Question! If you remove yourself from an echo, and someone else echos you using the echo you were part in (I’m assuming that they can keep an echo while you remove yourself from it), will you pop back into it? o’: How’s that work, exactly?

...Does what I’m asking make sense? >>;;

Posted 08/08/14
Wheeeeee! *Cleans up all the echoes* :)
Posted 08/08/14
Tamako: To my understanding, unless someone still in that echo adds you back in, once removed, you should no longer receive any further messages from that echo. No one should be able to message you again through that particular echo unless they’ve manually added you back in. You can think of it as unsubscribing from a mailing list! :)
Posted 08/08/14
*nod* Okay, that’s understandable. But what if it’s just two people in the echo? Would they be in an echo with themselves? XD
Posted 08/08/14
Eluii is correct - once you remove yourself, your access to that echo thread becomes exactly as though you had never been included in it in the first place. If there were only two people in the echo, yes, it becomes a one-person echo. (you can also just make one-person echos if you want to by simply listing your own user ID in the “to” field)
Posted 08/08/14, edited 08/08/14

Okay! Thanks. :3 That’s actually pretty cool. I can like, keep a private journal here if I wanted to! 8D

So.. What about the messages themselves IN the echo? Do they delete/go away when I leave, or do they stay there? Sorry asking so many questions! Tama is fulla curiosity! XD

Posted 08/08/14

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank yoouuu!!
I have six pages of Echos. SIX PAGES.

I got so excited over this that the moment I saw the update I officially couldn’t sleep. XD
Time to organize~ :D

Posted 08/08/14

Compleeeetely unrelated, but.. LOL, Yuni. Beatrice looks hilarious right now. XDD

Okies, sorry! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. 8’D *brick’d*

Posted 08/08/14
Ooh! Nifty update. :> While I myself barely have any Echos, let alone humongous conversations, obviously a lot of other members benefitted from this improvement. So thanks for keeping me, us, up to date!
Posted 08/08/14

I was waiting patiently for this update.
Thank for the hard work, guys!
A small thing like this really helps organized folks feel good about having “clean” inboxes :D

Posted 08/08/14
Sounds like a good update! Time to clean up my old echos!
Posted 08/08/14
oooooh, i should go through my echos when i get home and do some cleaning. thank you for this update!!
Posted 08/08/14
Thank goodness for cleeeeeean in boxes!
Posted 08/08/14
Thank you so much glitch!  These fixes will certainly come in handy. 
Posted 08/08/14
Thank you for this! It’ll be nice to have a clean inbox :)
Posted 08/08/14
Posted 08/08/14
Thank you team.  I literally only have one echo but looking ahead I love the ability to keep my list organized.
Posted 08/08/14
Posted 08/08/14
Found a glitch with the new echo system. If you go and look at your archive then click a page number it links to your inbox; not to that page in the archive. =)
Posted 08/09/14

Laaaate to the party but thank you glitch! :D;
Love being able to keep myself a little more organized now!

Posted 08/10/14