Now Seeking Communications Coordinator Role Description & Responsibilities A Mycena Cave coordinator serves as a liaison between the Mycena Cave community and staff team. Coordinators specialize in a variety of site tasks, including assisting with developing site announcements and guides, brainstorming new ideas to engage players, and developing ways of gaining and retaining new players. A communications coordinator specializes in utilizing Mycena Cave’s social media platforms to create buzz about the site and provides various technical and creative writing support as needed around the site. The communications coordinator role will be selected based upon the candidate’s writing ability and communication skills, related experience, knowledge of social media platforms, and on conduct and professionalism. A communications coordinator will contribute to the player experience on site, help grow and develop our brand, and provide support to the wider staff team on an array of available tasks and projects.
General Expectations & Requirements Listed below are our expectations for a Mycena Cave coordinator:
Responsibilities and Duties A site communications coordinator will have a wide range of responsibilities, including but not limited to:
An ideal candidate will be flexible and industrious, willing to collaborate with the team to meet goals and often balancing multiple projects at a time. Tasks related to seasonal events and announcements will have hard deadlines. Other tasks, such as the maintenance of official site texts, will be performed on an ongoing, year-round basis. Effective time management and organization will be vital skills in a potential candidate. Incentives & Drawbacks Before you apply, be sure to ask yourself why you want to be a part of the Mycena Cave team. While Mycena Cave is a fun hobby for many of you thinking about applying, it’s important to realize that joining the staff team would lead to a dramatic change in the way you interact with the site and community, making it much more like a job — and as with any job, there are both positives and negatives to consider. Incentives:
Potential Drawbacks:
Overview of the Application Process & Trial Period Our application and selection process is broken down into two stages:
Full communications coordinator: After the trial period has been completed, Myla and glitch will give the communications coordinator a final evaluation. If they meet all qualifications, then the communications coordinator will become a full member of the Mycena Cave staff. The Initial Application Please complete your application here. All applications must be received by the end of the day on Saturday, September 19th (23:59 Server Time). IMPORTANT: In order to keep the application process as fair as possible, please do not post or otherwise show off the contents of your application during the initial application period to community members or staff publicly or privately. Once we have posted that we’ve moved to the interview stage, submissions may be shared. You can review the content of the application below, but you will need to complete the application using the Google Form. Any applications received via other means will not be looked at.
Writing Prompts
Application Questions
Questions? Feel free to ask any questions you may have regarding our application process or expectations in this thread! You may also echo Myla with questions. FAQ Can a joint account apply / Can two potential communications coordinators file a joint application? We require that applicants apply as separate individuals. A player from a joint account may apply, but we do require that staff not have joint accounts and so the applicant would need to separate into their own account at the trial communications coordinator phase.
We expect that we’ll be selecting a trial communications coordinator in early to mid October. That gives applicants two weeks for the application stage and about a week for the interview stage with some extra time between for the selection process.
Yes, for the Coordinator role we are seeking a player who is already an active player on Mycena Cave.
We currently only have an active Facebook account, though it is rarely utilized. This is an area we are interested in developing further and would certainly be open to considering additional platforms so long as they are actively attended!
Posted 09/05/20, edited 09/21/20
Hi Chimerical, great question! We are actually essentially reworking the role such that all three positions fall under the greater bucket of “Coordinator,” but each has some degree of specialization. Crow, myself, and this new candidate will be working closely together and share a number of common responsibilities (general announcements / monthly news, assisting with sprout and coat text, etc) but will also have areas that our roles focus on more uniquely.
The three of us will continue to have overlap & support each other, but having the specializations in place also provides some additional direction for our longterm goals. :) I hope that helps clarify!
Posted 09/05/20
Chimerical We currently only have an active Facebook account, though it is rarely utilized. This is an area we are interested in developing further and would certainly be open to considering additional platforms so long as they are actively attended!
Posted 09/05/20, edited 09/05/20
I have a question regarding one of the application contents Create an additional, short advertisement (100 character maximum) to promote the release of the Inkling coat Am I correct in assuming that this refers to the blue banner that appears whenever a new announcement is posted, or is it something else?
Posted 09/05/20
Hi Hyasynthetic! This prompt is intended to emulate a brief social media posting, such as a Facebook or Twitter post! While there may be occasional need for longer postings, often the most attention grabbing and successful social media posts are quick and under 100 characters!
Posted 09/05/20
apiphily You do not need to make a connection to the Inktober event, nope! :) We selected the Inkling coat simply because it hasn’t had a previous “introduction” text so to speak. For the purpose of this prompt, you can have the coat be announced similarly to an OotS or any other type you can think of (event, sprout, etc). Get creative & have fun with it!
Posted 09/05/20
apiphily There is not currently an official list of all BoW items available! Your approach to this prompt is up to you — we anticipate that some prior knowledge and research will likely be necessary for best results. While accuracy of information is something we will be taking into consideration, you do not necessarily need to provide a full list for the purpose of this task.
Posted 09/05/20
Thank you for the link, Hyasynthetic! Another question for the powers that be, how many hours per week do the current coordinators feel that they are putting in to make sure things are running smoothly? This question comes with the assumption that eventing periods, periods of change, and periods of hiring new staffers will require more hours per week in order to keep logistics running smoothly.
Posted 09/06/20
Honestly, Hoax, this is a bit of a difficult question to answer! The typical monthly stuff takes us anywhere from 2-4 hours to put together - probably on the longer side, most of the time. Other than that, it really depends a lot on what’s going on. I guess it would probably be safe to say maybe 2-6 hours a week? Higher if there’s a lot going on or an event to work on, lower in between. Rarely is that work ever done in large chunks, as we tend to peck back and forth on things when our schedules don’t line up. The role we’re looking to fill would likely require a higher number of smaller chunks of work-time, while our current role is more periodically spaced but tends to be denser. Apologies for the long-winded response, but I hope that it’s helpful!
Posted 09/06/20
Yes! That is actually perfectly helpful! Am I correct in assuming that y’all are looking to fill the position with someone who is willing to step in and help on projects that may be technically outside of their role? Say, for instance, that a deadline is coming up and that a project needs an extra set of hands to go ahead and get it finished up and ready for publication? Or someone who is willing to take a look over announcements for a quick proofreading? Or step in quickly if an issue seems to be escalating to help deescalate and route people to the mods?
Posted 09/06/20, edited 09/06/20
Hoax Yes, while there will be specialization of core tasks, there will be a lot of collaboration and overlap as various tasks and projects come up. :)
Posted 09/06/20