The message arrives in a bottle. The paper has seen better days, but at least it doesn’t crumble as you shake it out of its little seafaring container. A whiff of smoke rises up when you unroll it, but what really catches your attention is the massive “SOS” scrawled across the top of the sheet.
Help needed at Saltrock Cove. We’re besieged. The monsters came out of the sea over the summer and we can’t drive them back. Supplies low, not enough hands. The clifftop is still safe but that won’t last long.
I don’t like to ask for help, but these are drastic times. We need ships and ammo badly but we’ll take any assistance. Hurry.
- Doc
Doc’s S.O.S
The event will begin at 12:00 ST on October 4th and run through October 18th at 12:00 ST.
This event will be similar in premise to previous years’ collection events, though we are trying some new things with this one!
We are very excited to share more, and will provide details at event launch!