03:26 ST
[EVENT] The Siege of Saltrock Cove (Oct 4th - Oct 18th)
Myla That’s great! I meant like the monster-hunting battleship element on it’s own would be nice to have as a game on the tabs like Mycelium though? Where it might not award any nuggets but available to play. On that note, I’d really like to see the return of some of the other games that had been part of the last pirate event there too. The dice one was really pretty, even if it doesn’t serve much of a function. I would also really love to see the Echolocation game keep the event reskins as a toggle option. I personally really loath wasps, especially since they’re in the area here, and would rather play that game not looking at them.
Posted 10/06/20

Hi, I am unable to load my weapon when out to sea.
It says there is an error?

Posted 10/07/20
anyone wanna semi-exclusively exchange booty? i kinda play alone and don’t really have anyone to send stuff to x: would love to like send one person most of mine and get some back, esp if anyone is interested in pairing up for future events too!
Posted 10/07/20
Can you complete the Great Mog Challenge?

Come try your hand!

Posted 10/07/20
Was it just me or did the recipes change from last night? Iirc, the 11 point items were only 6 total ingredients. Feeling a bit defeated but the now 20 ingredients needed… were people getting too many points too fast?
Posted 10/09/20

They haven’t changed! You only need one of each ingredient on the weapons lists. All weapons only require 4 ingredients, with the exception of the cacklefruit which needs 5. The little numbers in parentheses on the weapon component lists indicate how many you of an ingredient you currently have on hand, and the ones crossed off the list are ingredients you’re missing.

Hope that helps clear it up!

Posted 10/09/20, edited 10/09/20
Meru oh my goodness, what a huge relief!  On second thought, glitch and myla are always really good about letting us know about any readjustment and there weren’t any. TGIF Thank you for explaining!
Posted 10/09/20

Myla I noticed when you apply High Sea Fashion it removes the hair and when you click off the bandanna pieces, the hair does not come back.

Posted 10/25/20
At the end of the event the left over points were supposed to turn into 100 nuggets each? My point s are gone how long until the nuggets are distributed
Posted 10/26/20

oooh for some reason real life kept me buyenough to miss the first 2 days of this event….  lets see if i can remember it in between hospital appointments..

seems like the lets go Kraken link is broken.. unless i isunderstood something ( might have am sitill waking up ^^; )

Posted 10/26/21

TeaTales Hi!

Um.. Well for one thing, you seem to be in the wrong event forum.. This is the link to the current event info: Echoes of Nautalis

Posted 10/26/21
@crycket: oh..oh!  Lol my morning brain had completley overlooked the date.  and defnilty missed siege of saltrock event if that truly was in the game til oct 18th this year
Posted 10/26/21