[ACTIVITY] Wintersfeast: Cozy Cavern Cooking (Dec 13 - Jan 17)
Take a well-earned rest from the Drawntlet and wind down with seasonal treats, sweets, and holiday feasts!
The Drawntlet has drawn to a close, and Mycenians throughout the Cave are taking deep breaths and putting their pens and pencils down. As the burst of creative energy settles, thoughts turn to the holidays. It’s almost time for end of the year celebrations and festivities of all kinds — and a warm drink and favorite cozy meal sounds good right about now!
Darcy seems to be thinking the same thing — the very next day, she passes you an invitation. It’s written plainly, and there’s a smudge of flour on the corner. It reads:
You are invited to Mycena Cave’s Wintersfeast!
Please join Darcy in making and sharing food this holiday season! Your help and attendance is requested to make this potluck a success — bring a dish, share recipes, and try some new foods!
Join us from December 13, 2020, 00:00 ST to January 17, 2021, 23:59 ST.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s creations!
- Darcy
- This event runs from December 13, 2020, 00:00 ST to January 17, 2021, 23:59 ST.
- This event is similar to 2019’s Meowcena Cafe event, with one portion of the event involving making food in real life and another portion involving drawing and/or writing. This time, we’ve added an additional challenge!
Any good potluck has lots of good food! Darcy is in need of some talented chefs to whip up some cozy food and drink. This activity involves making your entry in real life. Entries should include a photograph with your username included and documentation of the recipe and steps! (Recipe Making submissions are here!)
Darcy is also interested in learning about any new kinds of cozy cuisine — and she is more than happy to see your drawing or writing about it! This activity involves drawing or writing about your chosen food and/or drink. (Creative Cuisine submissions are here!)
Potlucks are for sharing food and drink, and Darcy’s taken it a step further — recipe sharing! She would like to see your version of someone else’s entry (provided that they agree to it, of course), and hear your thoughts on it! Some chefs like things a little sweeter or a little saltier — did you make any alterations or substitutions? This challenge can be created in real life or drawn/written about. (Recipe Reinvention submissions are here!)
- Participation in any activity once earns you a sticker made by Myla.
- Gingerbread Snowflakes, made by Myla, can be earned twice: once through the real-life recipe making activity and once through the drawing/writing creative activity.
- The Marshmallow Snowman, made by Eluii, can be earned twice: once per different user’s recipe that you make your own version of (up to two). You can make, write about, or draw either entry - for example, you can make both entries in real life or you can write about/draw both of them. We encourage you to try one of each!
- We will be tallying the scores manually - no submission form needed for this activity!
Posted 12/06/20, edited 12/06/20
Oh this is so cool! I’m so excited to participate and to see what everyone else does 8D
Posted 12/06/20
Wow, I can’t wait for a week to pass so I can participate!
Posted 12/06/20
i love this!!!
maybe i will make banana bread!!! looking forward to it!
Posted 12/06/20
D= but I need a million of each item! Seriously these are cute!
Posted 12/06/20
Ooh, I’ll have a bigger kitchen available by the time the event starts, so I’ll be able to make some more interesting stuff! Can’t wait!
Posted 12/06/20
Haha dang I can’t be cooking at this place (I’m couch surfing kinda at my sister’s home and her hubby is a cook so there are always foods lol) We’ll see what I can do online though :P
Posted 12/08/20
Posted 12/13/20
soeh for written entires do we write about a mycena item that already exist or do we write recipes on irl stuff?
sam goes for drawins: do it have to be drawing of something that exist irl or shall it be mycena related?
and yes im VERY uneducated.. had to google what potluck is
Posted 12/14/20
TeaTales You can write about or draw any food or drink as long as it’s cozy or seasonal. It can be something IRL, it can be something that exists on Mycena, or it can be something that you completely make up! :D
Posted 12/14/20, edited 12/14/20
@Myla Guess its time to introduce the mycenians to a irl local x-mas threat ;) I’ll see if I can get up with it.
Posted 12/15/20
Several people thought the deadline was today, but it’s a month from now—we wanted to make this a relaxing activity with plenty of time! <3
Posted 12/17/20, edited 12/17/20
Friendly heads up because it totally slipped my mind until just now that this ends tomorrow!
Posted 01/16/21
A bit belatedly, the feast has wound down! What an amazing spread! We’ll be working on checking participation and distributing prizes shortly!
Prizes have been sent out - I was getting hungry looking over everyone’s dishes! Please let me know if I missed anything!
Posted 01/18/21, edited 01/18/21
Gently whispers.
I don’t think I got a sticker?
<3 Thanks for passing out prizes!! The other things came through just fine for me, it seems!!
Posted 01/18/21
My apologies!! Stickers are coming in just a bit, I had a bit of a tech snafu on my end. :‘D
Posted 01/18/21
No worries at all!! <333 Just figured I’d mention it!
Posted 01/18/21
Alright, stickers should be sent as well!! Thanks for mentioning it, and sorry for the delay!
Posted 01/18/21