15:34 ST
[Seasonal Shop] Warm Winter Wonders is open!
Warm Winter Wonders is now (partially) thawed and open for business!

Ever since the first heavy snowfall, Mycenians have reported hearing a very quiet drip drop off in the distance. It turns out that a certain magpie has been hard at work melting down a wall of ice. She’s made enough of a gap to reveal a cavern full of treasures behind it, and now Cho is sharing out the hoard with those who might make better use of it than she would.

Cho’s Warm Winter Wonders is only open through 23:59ST on January 4th, after which the little bird will likely retire for a much-needed break and a cup of extremely hot cocoa.

Note: We have an unusual item for sale in this shop, the Permadrift Ice Shard Dragon. Each Permadrift Ice Shard Dragon is hue shifted permanently to a random color similar to the Mabel item—you may get a hue completely different than the original color (regular Ice Shard Dragon), or a hue that is nearly identical. You can view a few of the Permadrift Ice Shard Dragons here. If you don’t want to take chance on the color, you can buy the original Ice Shard Dragon which will not be hue shifted!

Posted 12/21/20
soo many beautiful and floofy and soft items i love it!!!! happy winter gang!! also the permadrift dragon is SO interesting im excited to see which one i get and excited at the lil gacha flavor to it if u wanna try for a specific hue, very cool idea gang
Posted 12/21/20
oh this is all so pretty
Posted 12/21/20
all the goooodness. decided not to buy third prima donna wig so I can hoard all the winter items xD
Posted 12/21/20

Oh no I love the permadrift dragons. I could spend all my nuggs on them. *needs to exhibit self control. XD*
I’ll just buy one for everyone. xD

Posted 12/21/20, edited 12/21/20
There go all my nuggets… love this new shop!
Posted 12/21/20
Question: If we get multiple of the Permadrift Ice Shard Dragon, how do we see which different colors it comes in? Or is it one color style per account? Because I have two of them, but can only put one per pet, and it seems that it stays the same color even if you have multiples. Do I have to equip the first one I bought to someone else to see the second one’s color?
Posted 12/21/20


Each one is a different color, but unfortunately, we can’t pick which instance of the item we’re equipping. So yes, you need to equip them to different pets to see what you get, otherwise I assume it will pick the same one from your inventory each time.

Posted 12/21/20

Myla the eartips display incorrectly in the item preview for kelph! It’s only on one ear! :>

(The winter ear tips item if that wasn’t clear)

Posted 12/21/20, edited 12/21/20
Vely Hmm. Because I’ve got two equipped and they look identical to me…
Posted 12/22/20, edited 12/22/20

Chicken Thanks for the heads up! I haven’t been able to figure out why it’s doing that, but hopefully I’ll have it sorted soon.

Coronae Confirming that the permadrifts are randomly set per dragon and not per account, so you may have just gotten unlucky and gotten two that are very similar!

Posted 12/22/20, edited 12/22/20
Myla Thank you for confirming that. Luckily, I’ve got extra nuggets!
Posted 12/23/20
Reminder that today is the last day to stock up on winter wonders until next year!
Posted 01/04/21