15:53 ST
[ACTIVITY] Bin-GO RP: Scene by Scene
Bin-GO RP: Scene by Scene

Bingo cards are making their return as a long-term roleplaying incentive! Bin-GO RP: Scene by Scene is an ongoing activity that offers incentives and ideas for roleplaying. Bingo cards will be assigned to players who request one and will feature a mix of character interaction tropes and general benchmarks. Earn a bingo by completing all of the squares in a row, column, or diagonal…or if you’re feeling particularly inspired, work your way up to a full blackout bingo for a special prize!

Card sign-ups will begin on February 1st. But first: the tropes!

Before we can start distributing cards, we need to collect character interaction tropes for them. This is where we need your help! We’re bringing back the trope suggestion dory, and we’re opening it up for suggestions and votes through 11:59pm ST on January 14th.

Please keep in mind that character interaction tropes should be small, simple goals that players can work towards in their roleplays. These are not overarching plots. Instead, they’ll most likely be little moments—for example, sharing an umbrella with someone or buying someone a cup of coffee.

For more information on how Bin-GO RP: Scene by Scene works, head on over to the new bingo forum. Most of the details can be found in the general information post.

Note: Since this is a new type of long-term activity, we’ll check in after a few months, most likely with a feedback survey. We may make some tweaks and adjustments as we go, so please bear with us.

Posted 01/01/21, edited 01/01/21
Please keep in mind that the dory is for character interaction tropes, not for plot tropes! Right now the dory page itself is titled ‘Plot Tropes,’ which is a mistake and will be fixed soon. Sorry about the confusion! If you’re not sure about the difference between character interactions and plots, please let me know, and I’ll do my best to clarify.
Posted 01/01/21
Will you also be reusing the prompts from last round of bingo?
Posted 01/01/21
polygone No, this will be a fresh start! If there were any interaction tropes you especially liked from the cards last round, please do add them into the dory.
Posted 01/01/21
Can we use a currently ongoing RP threads for this activity? (Such as ones from the previous BINGO game, but with new cards.)
Posted 01/01/21, edited 01/01/21

You can, so long as the posts referencing the square you’re crossing off were made after you got the card.

Posted 01/01/21

If we have more than ten little RP moments to offer up for the bingo cards, could we drop those somewhere for consideration? :o

+Thanks for answering my questions! ^^

Posted 01/01/21, edited 01/01/21
polygone If you have more tropes to offer, please go ahead and echo Crow and me with your list. We’ll be prioritizing the ideas in the dory so that everyone gets a chance to input suggestions, but we can keep these on hand in case we end up needing extras :)
Posted 01/01/21
This is a reminder that the trope dory will be closing at 23:59 ST tonight. Get those votes in!
Posted 01/14/21

Sign-ups and card distribution will begin on February 1st, but you are welcome to create your personal Bingo tracking thread whenever you like. And, as always, if you have any questions or would like some clarification on anything you come across in the threads, please don’t hesitate to let us know!

Posted 01/26/21