Feedback Survey Results Overview In total, we had 122 responses to our character maker feedback survey.
Charts were copy/pasted from Google Forms unless otherwise stated. Repeated Comments
Many found the price as a positive Conversely, respondents also indicated price was a negative Many thought customisibility was appealing Some respondents are hesitant because of the potential impact on integrity of the site Some thought this would be a positive for the artists Some thought this would be a negative for the artists and/or the team Comments about items/edits/patterns Comments about converting site coats Comments about limiting or not limiting features of this mechanic Positive comments about user-made content Hesitations/mixed feelings about user-made content New base feedback The most common specific request was a griffon-like creature and a bird-like creature.There were quite a few suggestions for different types of rodenty creatures, rabbits being the most common request. Dragony/dinosaury-specific requests were also common. A few other common comments in this category was that if a new base was created, using it for more than this feature would be nice to help it feel not so disconnected. Others didn’t care what it was, as long as it was something that wasn’t already close to what we had, and that it was highly adaptable
After reading the feedback, there are a few points on which I can give immediate comments and clarification: Priority of other features - There were some comments worried about the status of other WIP features. This is very early stage development—we’re testing the waters for feasibility and you’re helping us make some big design decisions if we do proceed. We have a lot that is prioritized before our coding power goes to this, including marketplace updates and release of the recolors. This is a feature that will require quite a bit of work before it gets to the coding stage which is why we’re starting some initial planning now. Priority of the economy - Although I already mentioned it here, it’s worth repeating that we hear you when you say this feature would be stressful because you already feel like you have too much you’re trying to save for. We do plan to prioritize some of your ideas for better balancing the economy even if we don’t move forward with this feature. Site coats - There were a few concerns that site coat creation would go away or be phased out in favor of this feature. We aren’t planning on phasing out our site coats—this would be an addition to our regular releases. Thank you all so much for taking the time to give us your thoughts about this potential feature. There were a lot of thoughtful responses about a wide variety of topics which is helpful in painting an overall picture of how this would fit into our site. You’ve given us a lot to think about and have given us a more solid grasp on what you’re most excited about as well as most hesitant about. This gives us a much better idea about what the risks are and how to potentially mitigate them. Given the response, we think it is worthwhile to continue to do a more in-depth exploration into the feasibility by working out more specifics and if we think we can successfully navigate some of the potential issues that were brought up successfully enough for this to be a well-received feature. Our next task will be for staff to discuss the results of the feedback survey and utilize them to shape how the feature might work. This is likely to be worked on slowly in the background for awhile while we prioritize other projects, but when we get to points where there is enough information to release or get feedback on, we’ll keep the community updated! A special thanks goes to Hyasynthetic for helping to do an in-depth analysis of the results!
Golden Ticket Raffle 50 winners were chosen via random number generator, and are as follows: odin Heather Nyfeaena -Sid Lobomon Marina Cien Loliqua Lord Puppy Chickpea Avis doragon Swan baekhesten Prey ClearBright polygone Losty Blossomfall Hyasynthetic raus Gatorade Zero Lahruka Ally Meesh Airadea Jacq Azurrys Vely WhisperWillow1980 firewyrm2018 Corvani Cruellinnet OnyxMalvolio Crow Arintol MafiaVamp UnseenRangerGal Hoax ComicLudwig Meru Pink Chocolate Asher feyers Solminol caerulean Devon Hecate Paradoxical
I’ll get those out to you shortly!
Posted 01/22/21, edited 01/22/21
This is well written and easy to read! Thanks y’all, for the thoughtful feedback on the results. And thanks Hya, for making the data points and discussion topics accessible without comments being linked to individuals in the community. I’m glad to see you doing well with your new position. =D
Posted 01/22/21
What a wonderful breakdown of the results! I’m intrigued by the splits in the species voting in particular. It’s all very interesting and the charts are great visual aids. I also greatly appreciate the time that went into crafting the survey in the first place! MC is the only site I know of that consistently seeks user feedback. I have mixed feelings about the concept of a character maker, but it’s nice to know that everyone’s views are considered, and it’s much easier to express those views in a survey than on the forums. <3
Posted 01/22/21
Nyfeaena The biggest surprise for me was the percentage of players who were flexible about whether we do a new base or stick with an old base. It was something I’ve been very undecided about because there are big pros/cons to each. I was semi-hoping surveying players would lead to a large push in one direction or the other, haha. It’s nice that a large portion of our players feel flexible about the route we go (rather than if there were a lot of strong but opposite opinions about which way we should go). It certainly did give us more things to think about when considering the possibilities!
Posted 01/22/21
Thanks for the in depth write-up, I appreciate it a lot! My thoughts are percolating and I want to think about this (and leer at the charts) a little bit more. Something I think would be interesting to see is the relative rankings - for example, if someone ranks “dragony” first, how likely are they to rank “other mythical” second (or just higher in general compared to the more mundane animals). Or something like maybe a user that ranks “hoofy” highly is also more likely to rank and “swimmy” and “other mythical” highly, indicating a kind of “hippocampus-want” lol, or maybe users likely to rank hoofy as the least desirable are treated kelph as filling that niche (evidenced maybe by ranking of “we’ve already got it” shapes like feline/canid/etc lower). I would also expect a super high correlation between whether a peson chose “use a new base” or “use the old bases” and the actual types of bases they picked in the later question (IE people that wanted the old bases used might be more likely to pick canid/feline/dragon. Also a question because I can’t remember: Is 1 always the negative/no/never response and 5 always the positive/yes/always response in the Likert scales? The only top-of-mind comment I want to add right now is, I think, relevant/adjacent to the talk of “converting site coats”, though I’m not sure. It’s specifically involving expression edits. I mentioned in my form, too, but I think it would be really sad if expression edits were locked behind a semi-custom paywall, and I know other people mentioned something similar both in the thread and just in general conversation. I also know it’s been a difficulty with the original bases, but I think it might be worth considering expression edits as something separate from other types of conversions.
Posted 01/23/21
Myla I did have an opinion about that, so I was surprised by those results too! It certainly placed the onus for the decision more heavily on the staff again, with “old bases” winning out in the minority of users who did choose one or the other, but by a very tiny amount that likely isn’t statistically significant. It could have so easily been a clean split had a few more people thrown their votes in (it’s, what, a difference of about 6 users? I didn’t expect it to be so close!). Luckily, that does mean that most people will be pleased no matter what the staff ends up choosing! I hope that means you can make the choice that will be less work (and more fun?) for all the staff involved. <3
Posted 01/23/21
Jacq 1 is “strongly disagree” and 5 is “strongly agree” for the Likert scale questions! Our current templates are designed in a way that makes it a time consuming and manual process to offer different expression edits. It’s difficult to get a grasp on what we mean without visuals or having worked with our templates. Our Castaway coat color is a good example of a pet we offer toggleable expression edits for, so I can show you a break down of how we make that possible: To make a e.g. frown available to all current coats, it would need to be individually colored for each site coat and would need to have the ability to be placed over the current expression, making open-mouthed mycenians especially difficult (e.g. we usually swap out the entire head when a custom goes through the edit queue to get an open mouth converted to a closed mouth). That is a significant amount of work, and just for one expression. The hope for the new system is to build something from the ground up with the specific goal of having easily interchangeable expression edits in a way that is currently not possible—if we use a base we already have, it will require an overhaul of the template and the way every component of the template currently works. It will almost certainly not be feasible to convert old pets to the new system because if we do use old templates, they’ll be significantly different (or an entirely new template in the case where we’d create a new base). Thus I think it’s highly unlikely we could convert site coats without a huge amount of work for each coat, but it’s not something we are purposefully leaving out or not considering for the sake of exclusivity of expression changes. If it does turn out that it is possible to convert site coats without a huge amount of work, this is something we would love as well!
Posted 01/23/21