14:56 ST
Update to the Magic Puddle + More info on Glowing Changingshroom

A few of you have noticed we have updated the Magic Puddle.  You can now use the magic puddle to view and dress up your customs, any offspring from breedings, and any special coat colors that you have!  Note that you cannot view other people’s customs/offspring/special coat colors from the Magic Puddle.

There were also some inquires into the Glowing Changingshroom and how they work, so here is some additional information: 

“Glowing Changingshroooms select from a separate “hidden” list of coats, which (currently) cannot be obtained in any other way. They don’t show up in any official lists, except for in the Magic Pool (if you already have one). The idea behind this is that every time you munch on one, you have the chance of getting something nobody’s ever seen before.”

We encourage you to catalogue them in the Wiki, and/or make a list of them on the forums as they are discovered! :)

Posted 08/12/14
Ooh shiny!!! I can’t wait to see more of the Glowing Changingshroom results! <3 I hope we get to see more of them a littttleee more commonly now that they’ve been ‘discovered’... It’s a bit sad to think they’ll still probably be super uber insanely rare, since those colors are A-FREAKING-MAZING!
Posted 08/12/14
Ooh! That bit about the Glowing Changinshroom sounds awesome! I can’t wait to see more results from them.
Posted 08/12/14
Great update to the magic puddle. I’m glad it’s finally been alphabetized, so new users won’t have trouble finding things and such. (: Also, I love the concept of the glowing changeshroom. I can’t wait to see more of them.
Posted 08/12/14

Ummmm, I’ve been keeping an updated guide to all the coat colorations on site in the Help forum and I wanted to know if I can’t find the male and female images of the Prismatic Tiger, do I just go steal screenshots from Blemy?


Also, just had to say that these are SO amazing, I want one so intensly XD

Posted 08/12/14, edited 08/12/14
Kay Mentrae Yes, I’d just take the screen shots from blemy (if she doesn’t mind, I think she has them linked from her photobucket).  You could even mush ‘em together like a composite if you wanted. <3
Posted 08/12/14
I’ll probably try for that, thank you so much Myla :3
Posted 08/12/14


Posted 08/12/14
Where do you get the glowing changing shrooms again?
Posted 08/12/14
Nine one glowing changingshroom was raffled off in this last raffle, so I assume there will be more raffles with glowing changingshrooms as prizes.
Posted 08/12/14, edited 08/12/14
URGH hopefully I’ll nab one ONE DAY Q-Q
Posted 08/12/14

That looks great, Blemy!

Nine: Red Kite is correct; right now you can get Glowing Changingshrooms through raffles.

Posted 08/12/14

Oh my gosh, thank you so much Blemy! <3
‘snuggles’ It’s perfect :3

Posted 08/12/14