![]() Cavern Noir One of the largest settlements in the known Cave, Cavern Noir is about as close to a modern city as most Mycenians will ever experience. It runs off of a carefully constructed grid of magic, and boasts bustling streets, glowing streetlights, and tall buildings. A large crystal hangs from the ceiling above, which produces light and warmth in a similar cycle to the Outside’s sun. The Incident It’s late in the night, and most of the city is asleep. There is a low rumble—nothing stirs—followed by a loud, echoing CRASH. A few lights turn on and some curious faces peer out from their windows. When all appears well enough to their groggy eyes, they slowly retreat, one by one, back to the warmth of their beds. The next morning, dawn never comes. The city is suspended in a gloomy twilight, dimly lit by streetlights and signs. Mycenians of all coats and shades awaken to find the very color drained from their world—what was once a vibrant rainbow of a city is now a shadowy, moody monochrome, all shades of grey and black and white. Far above, where the sun-crystal once shone, sits an empty crater. The sun has gone missing—and it’s all anyone can talk about. Somewhere within Cavern Noir’s tangle of buildings, a familiar ineki paces in her office. She’s called this city home for many years now, and the fact that somebody would steal its very heart... Well, she simply won’t stand for it. There’s a mystery to be solved, and a sun to return to its rightful place. But, Aliza figures, she should probably call for a bit of help. —— The letter arrives swiftly, carried by magic rather than messenger: Meet me at my office in Cavern Noir, ASAP. Need your help with a case. - Detective Aliza Montaigne Event Information
Posted 01/28/21, edited 01/30/21
The Case of the Stolen Sun event has now begun!
Posted 01/30/21
Thanks for the update Crow I was looking for Day’s 2 clues.. Looks like a ‘soon, but not yet’ scenario.
Posted 01/31/21
man, i’ve gone over everything for hours and i legitimately am at a loss as to whodunnit. looking over notes (others’ and ones i’ve taken), the evidence, the interviews (including ones from others to make sure i have everything), and just… everything, it’s impossible to properly reach a conclusion right now. my head is spinning rofl. ;; is there anything that i may have possibly missed? any hints at all?
Posted 02/02/21
The event shop is now open, for those who would like to purchase extra prize items! You can find it here! The shop will close after February 13th, when the event concludes.
Posted 02/02/21
Dawning please send me an echo with a hint? I’m twisted in knots and afraid I’ll mess it up completely at this point xD
Posted 02/03/21
Dawning VERY much appreciate the extra help and hint! <3 this has been a fun event overall =)
Posted 02/03/21
Today is the last day of the event!
Hurry and solve the case if you haven’t already done so—the event ends at noon today! :D The shop for buying extra prizes closes tonight at 23:59.
Posted 02/13/21, edited 02/13/21
Askdgfrgh. I forgot things ended at noon most of the time, and was going to try to finish this afternoon when I had time because having inventory at work screwed me this past week. Oh well. *sighs wistfully* Glad for the people that finished it. Outside of the shop is there any sort of ‘well I tried’ sticker for doing stuff at least, out of curiosity?
Posted 02/13/21