My first thought on the babies/breedings suggestion was “This is an A-FREAKING-MAZING IDEA, OMGOMGOMG, DO THE THING, DO IT NOW!!! THE SITE NEEDS MORE BABIESSSS!!!” But then I thought about it a lot and just… Eer… Wouldn’t a system like that make the situation with CC hoarding worse? Because, like… With a system like that, I know _I_ would desperately want to FIND a way to curl up on enough CC to snag it if it procced for me. Q.Q And I’m pretty sure other people would feel the same? (Especially since it would be like the custom queue and take time to process, so RPers focused on only getting breedings after proper plot development would still have time to do that?) Although figuring out some way to implement breedings outside of raffles would be amazing! ... But using CC to purchase them might not be so great an idea, considering we’re wanting to cut down on ‘loose’ CC. (Though maybe allowing people to bid excess CC in an auction or as alternate raffle currency could work…) As awesome as it would be, implementing more things that players will STRONGLY desire like that with just CC/USD as the only means to achieve it, generally just puts even more of a stress on people wanting CC.
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
I like the idea of pre-made customs, I would definitely stalk them. x3 The birdie custom from the raffle was something I’d throw money at without thinking, so I’m quite sure such feature would make people want to spend their CC~ I would be definitely fine with using all of my CC when paying for a custom. I was going to do so anyway. And custom items are a nice idea! Though yeah, no limited quantities, I’d prefer if everyone had a chance to get them. ; v;
Posted 08/15/14
Non-raffle based breedings… -salivates-...-drags Hyo over to beg before the tree- Anyway…hehe, I think the paypal balance-like idea has a lot of merit. Would it be slightly annoying, well, yeah, the paypal balance thing kinda is for me, haha, but I think that will help to make custom credit slightly less desirable, which is probably a positive, as well as making a sort of force valve to get it out of circulation.
Posted 08/15/14
(I think I might have been the first person to find the changingshroom in the fungimental magic shop, purely by chance. It was about 45k nuggets if I remember…I’ve been checking the shop every day since then!) As much as I love the idea of breeding with CC…it probably would just increase the demand, yeah. It’s good that we are finding ways to spend the CC but that is a factor in it as well. The premade custom shop idea is nice because if it’s not a constantly available thing(ie: not always something in stock, first come first serve) then a user just gets it by being lucky and having the right amount at the right time. The downside of that could also be that someone might try to purchase CC to hold until one pops up, i guess? some of this stuff we cant really predict until it’s been implemented and things play out. the paypal balance idea is good, I like that. I know I’d rather spend something other than my own money for a custom anyway, haha.
Posted 08/15/14
I really really like the idea of custom items. What if there was something like this: Commission custom with custom credit. Price it starting at the same price as edits to customs (so like… $10 for something simple, $15 for full tail/wings, same as listed on the custom purchase page) and with that the item only fits on a single base. You could pay extra (something like $5) to get it fitted to bases up from there. You’re then given one copy of the item (maybe more, like 5 or something) to your account, but would have the ability to pay custom credit to get additional copies. I feel like this way custom items could be shared if users wanted, or could be private if they wanted too. Users could trade them and junk. Maybe I just really want custom items, but yeah. There’d be an approval process, just like customs. But it would take theoretically less work for the artists, and more bang for the users buck (since they get multiple copies). I agree with the others on the breedings for CC. As much as it sounds delightful, I don’t know that it’d actually help the situation. I hope that makes sense.
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
I actually kind of like the idea of adding a chance to buy breedings at the sacred tree, even a low random chance… Granted I probably wouldn’t be able to afford to buy one even if by some miracle I managed to activate it, but more babies around the site would be awesome and I think between something like that and as Glitch suggested a sort of mandatory use of custom credit on hand when purchasing a custom before paying cash (which would be annoying but would pretty much serve the purpose of making CC slightly less desire able) it would lower the amount in circulation. Plus there is always the (very low) possibility that I’d manage to get that at the same time I had an appropriate amount of disposable income.
Posted 08/15/14
Yeah, the idea of limited quantities on pre-made custom items seemed like a bad idea to me after I thought it over. Hence why I stroke it out. >v>; I also like Kris’ idea on making them worth more if they’e fitted onto multiple bases. It makes sense to me. I just like the idea of a ‘special’ pre-made area so CC can be spent on things. And extra idea for items is do slight color edits so it can appease the interest of more people. I’ve seen this done on various other websites so maybe it might work out here~? Sadly, in my opinion, the idea making customs items for a user specifically probably wouldn’t help the situation, either. Sorry.I also feel like if we’re doing less-expensive things it’s going to be a huge demand and then I can just… See so many people wanting just items and people pile up CC hoards just for those. @_@ Not that i’m saying they’re a bad thing. But given the current situation… Ehh….. I can get behind the idea of breedings if they’re expensive. Like ‘$100 or above’ kind of expensive. A lot of users will have to save up A LOT to get there. Though would you all make it a one-sided payment or can both(or more) parties pitch in? I think everything would depend on the people who purchase breeding slots and the price. If a single person owned two (or more) pets in a duprass/karass then they’d do some major thinking about it because they’d likely only get one pet out of the process. If two people had pets in a duprass/karass then they’d have to think it over on who pays (unless splitting is allowed)? It’d be cruel to have a single person pay one side but you never know~ Someone might be dedicated enough for it. *rambles*
Posted 08/15/14
I suggested ways to limit custom orders because I saw the worry over being “40 slots deep” as an expression of worrying about a flood of custom orders staff can’t fill in a timely manner. Other than that, I don’t understand why one would worry about being 40 slots deep in the first place. Adding the ability to use custom credit, then pay out of pocket for customs sounds like a great idea. I love that kind of feature myself when it comes to Steam because while I may have some money in my Steam account, it may not be enough for a game I want, but I can still pay the rest with my credit card after having the funds in my account used. Regarding breedings, keep in mind if you allow breedings to be purchasable by CC (and cash), it will make CC even more desirable on the market. It will also continue to make a divide between those who have excess income to spend and those who do not, which was stated a current problem making it hard for non-paying users to get things on the market compared to those who had excess money to spend. There appears to be a large interest in custom items and such for CC. What if you were allowed to use CC to pay for edits or items for currently existing pets on your account, just like you can pick them for editing existing customs? I’m not aware of how much time or resources it would take for an artist, but I’m assuming editing or adding one item would use up less resources than making a whole custom. I’d also like to again bring up allowing CC to turn into gems through an NPC (or whatever site function as long as it’s not exchanging between users) because there’s such a big interest in using CC for miniscule things such as items. If someone has a low amount of CC, say $10, and they can’t use it for a custom, turning it into 10 gems and getting that monthly coloration you suddenly saw and really want would both get rid of the CC and allow someone low on gems/cash to get what they want from the shop.
Posted 08/15/14
General: I thought you had to use your CC first before you could add in additional money already. o-o So, I think that would be a very necessary thing to implement! I also think that being able to turn CC into gems (but not the other way around) could be a good way to get rid of excess CC. I can’t think of why it would cause any problems, but if necessary, maybe the service could be limited to the last two and first two days of each month. That way people can buy either last minute OotS items/pets they want or the new OotS items/pets that they’ve been excited to get after seeing the preview. Limiting/Slots: I don’t think limiting custom purchases would in any way help get out excess CC. The only thing it would be useful for would be trying to give people with less customs a higher probability. I think that would be fair, but people who collect customs would hate it for sure. So… *shrug* Breedings: Like others have said, this just makes CC more desirable and people may hoard it in hopes of that random chance of babies. A CC raffle for babies might be a better idea. People could use x amount of CC for each raffle ticket (perhaps in intervals of 5CC). It would get rid of excess CC and (hopefully) not encourage the hoarding of CC because you only need small amounts to enter, instead of saving up $40+ for a custom slot. If breedings were purchasable, they would have to be very expensive for the amount of effort that goes into them- they are three times more art than a custom, after all. Pre-made customs shop: I think this would be a wonderful idea because the artists can just make whatever they want and hopefully have more fun with it. It might lessen the stress of the massive queue of customs that have to be “just so” and give them some refreshing creative freedom. The only issue might be that, as someone mentioned, a single person might try to buy them all up. I would hope that someone wouldn’t be so greedy and have the kindness to give others a chance… But to circumvent this possible issue, perhaps there would be a limit to how many premades you can purchase (one everyone X months?), at least to test the waters and see how it goes. It can always be changed up to see what works best. Custom Items: I dislike the idea of private items. Items are different from pets because a pet is someone’s character- it’s meant to be very personal and special. It’s specific and, even if it may be really pretty, no one else really has the right to have one just like it because it’s that person’s *character*. With items, they tend not to be as personal. If someone orders an exclusive cowboy hat, then no one else on the site can have a generic item that shouldn’t be limited to one person’s ownership. I know it *is* possible to make a super personal, specific item as well, but I could see it causing more issues than anything (Lilael brought up some good points). I wouldn’t be opposed to people ordering custom items if they became available to everyone (via the normal shops, or even a new shop for custom items only). That way, people could get items that they really want, but it wouldn’t be so restricted. And if someone is hoping to get their super personal item, they could order a generic version of it so they can at least represent that item (a basic sword to represent a jewel encrusted sword with intricate carvings specific to that character). I mean, that’s pretty much what we do with the limited items we have anyway, right? I equipped a dinner bell to a pet to represent the silver jewelry she wears. xD
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
I agree that the idea of making breedings available via CC would just make CC more valuable. And people would have to sit on even more of it for a longer period of time if they’re expensive enough to match the worth of a breeding (presumably it should be at least twice as valuable as a basic custom so we’re talking $100-$160 right off the bat, because breedings involve two babies generally, and they’re almost always edited so that adds value…). Also, on an unrelated note, it’s just another kick in the teeth to someone without any access to CC. >> People who can’t get CC for themselves either have to slave over making nuggets and not buy any items/colorations they want or sell everything they have of value to trade for CC. Or there are people who resign themselves to the fact that they’ll never have it unless they win it in a raffle (which has only been an option once I think?). Add to that that they can only get breedings from the occasional raffle while people with tons of CC get the possibility to win one and there’ll be even more negative feelings. People already feel like the site prefers people with irl cash to burn, from what I understand. And there’re already bad feelings brewing over how the trading/sales threads are full of people preferring CC over nuggets/gems, and this would make it for valuable and more widely sought after, making nuggets and gems worth less in a sale and… Yes. I do not like this idea at all. It seems very counter-productive and like it’d hurt some feelings. xD
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
Definitely agreeing with Pooka and Dakota Riley on pretty much everything they’ve said. I can’t spend money on this site even if I wanted to so I lose out on trading in the general market AND I have to just hope the opportunity to trade for CC comes up when I am able to. o~o Actually the only thing I’ve really bought here with nuggets/gems has been art. Everything else I’ve traded currency from another site altogether.
Posted 08/15/14
After sleeping on it, I guess right now I’m just slightly confused. If the goal is to devalue CC, disperse floating funds, and lower the custom queue… I guess I don’t understand how making more things available for CC would help - especially stuff that people really want like babies or pre-made customs or custom items “unique” to their characters. I think pre-made customs in a shop would just devolve into a case of only a small handful of people buying out the shop when it restocks or it just making CC more desirable to have on hand and place even more value on because “What if the shop has something super pretty next time it restocks?” In addition to hurt feelings, jealousy, etc. that goes along with only selling one or two copies of a unique pet - it could cause conflict if User A buys the pre-made first, but users B through Z also wanted it because they had a super cool character idea. At least with raffles there is a certain expectation of failure, but that’s not the case with shops - people expect that the item they want will always be available in a shop, or at least that there is enough to go around (as is a set standard of Out of the Shadows). I could see it turning into a case of people trying to sell stuff exclusively for CC (even more than they already are right now) to get premades, items, customs, etc, which means people who don’t have expendable income wouldn’t be able to compete in the economy. And others have pointed out the issue with allowing custom items. Unless you made it 100% crystal clear that Mycena owns all rights to the item and can recreate and redistribute it at will, there would be some toxic feelings of entitlement if say for example: I want a custom sword made, but a person ahead of me in queue also wants a sword of a similar style and color. When I get my sword the person ahead of me now feels like they were cheated and ripped off because their sword is no longer unique. To the opposite if you refused to recreate someone else’s custom item, I would feel ripped off and cheated because I wanted a sword for my character, but the person ahead of me got to it first. In addition to the issue of whether or not to let people resell/redistribute “copies” of the item… I can imagine that people would want to resell them exclusively for CC since it’s what they paid for it with. Both ideas are cool in theory but in the long run I see it causing a whole slew of new issues and/or making existing issues worse. Also in offering more things for custom credit… I guess I’m having icky feelings and horror mental images of the economy turning into an even more “Pay to Win” system if anyone wants to compete in trades.
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
I think the goal overall should make customs less desirable (which won’t happen) and other currencies more useful. Stuff like the pancake mushroom, where people now want to save nuggets for it. However there’s still the possibility of that same item being traded in the market for CC as well. Plus I don’t know a way to do this on a larger scale so there’s more flow of nuggets and/or gems instead of CC. Just one item like a mushroom (that’s always available anyway so no rush to hoard your nuggets for it) doesn’t seem like it’d be doing much.
But then there’s STILL the problem of buying nuggets with CC… If there’s no cap on how much CC/when you can buy CC it just goes to something that makes CC more wanted (plus capping it may not change anything anyway), or it still being a way for users to obtain what they want. Sure, more people wanting to buy nuggets with CC gives users a chance to get that CC but then there’s that mention of said users having to slave away hoarding nuggets and buying nothing else just so they get the CC needed for a custom…
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
i’m strongly inclined to agree with everything Roan said in their post. it already feels very pay-to-win here, in terms of “custom credit is absolutely the most desired currency and if you can’t purchase custom credit good luck getting the things you want”. considering i’m a brand new player (so, no old event items i can sell off for an income), and a poor college student, it’s a frustrating state of affairs. :c i’ve already mostly resigned myself to the fact that i’ll never be able to get customs, ah haha…
Posted 08/15/14
An option is to lower Custom prices so that the CC gets used more often instead of stagnating, and so that more gets flushed out of the system more often and there is less demand for ridiculously high amounts of credit in trade. Also, more desirable items and coats for nuggets and gems… People can’t sell or trade a custom, a custom has one purpose only, but items and normal ineki for nuggets and gems are multipurpose. Items and colors gain value over time, they can be equipped, traded, stored, hoarded, RP’ed, and what have you. Bringing out more desirable items for nuggets and gems would at least make people expend more energy towards getting those than accumulating CC. Like have a unique ineki available in the OotS shop for 2-3 months that costs 25 gems instead of 10. If it were cool enough then people would buy 2, 3, or more of that pet for personal use and trading in the future. It seems like customs and custom credit is the problem, as so much money floating around can cause legal problems, bulk custom orders put strain on artists, etc, yet it would be unfair to completely get rid of the credit… Maybe instead implement the Sacred Tree baby idea for gems AND custom credit since they’re 1:1. Hell, maybe even do custom items for gems AND custom credit. Like 100 gems/credit for a breeding and 50 gems/credit for a custom item. It would give people without expendable income a fighting chance without needing to trade for CC and people with expendable income would still keep buying gems and customs outright, in addition to giving people with spare CC a reason to spend it (the amounts I listed were just an example, I think custom items should, like custom ineki, be priced according to what goes into it). It would boost nuggets and gems that much higher in terms of desirability. Also, make CC 100% tradeable… For example if I have $100 in custom credit, but the custom I want turns out to only cost $70, that’s $30 worth of credit I don’t need that just sits there gathering dust. It has no other purpose and I can’t get rid of it unless I buy another custom, which has the same problem as the original scenario. So make custom credit a 100% tradeable currency so people who get it and don’t need it can trade it to people who will use it and do need it. (Edit: Sorry for my multiple posts of walls of text. D: I just keep having ideas occur to me that seem like they should be viewed separately from my previous suggestions [especially since a couple are contradictory])
Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14
I like the idea of custom items I’m confused why one of the arguments is “but what if someone wants a similar item” is kinda…the exact same as a custom pet? I don’t understand how that is a problem. At all. It’s the same problem, and no one complains about this? To clarify. Say I want Item X to get made; I pay 15$ for it to get made. I agree to have it put into circulation (which means admins can put it in raffles, etc. along with the CC shop.) Users then can use their CC to buy it for higher than what I paid but..prolly not much possibly 20$ for Y amount of copies. That sort of setup. Isolating the problem here is that CC needs a goldsink. There needs to be reasons to SPEND it and that aren’t too taxing on the artists. Recolors of items that are special, Custom Items, and possibly just Partial customs all come to mind. Customs do need to be changed somehow. Specifically more breedings and more fancy site colors in the shops/offered. There shouldn’t be the idea of getting the custom as the first go-to to get your character on the site. It should be something special.
Posted 08/15/14
With the way the discussion was, I didn’t even think of the other issue, which Roan and others just brought up. Since the site is so new, there aren’t a lot of high priced nugget items to entice players. If you’ve been a user since the beginning, or even in the first year, it’s extremely possible to already have at least one of each pet and item (except maybe a Halloween pet or two, and the torch/cenote). After that, there’s nothing left but to buy customs. That’s pretty much where I’m at at this point. I don’t have much of anything onsite I need, so I just save for customs… Just ‘cause I don’t have anything else to save for! I generally like Sapphy’s idea for custom items, if they even get implemented. Perhaps the copies could be unlimited, but only there for a certain period of time? Though I think the items should be sold for nuggets or gems, going off of the above post. The person who commissioned the item is paying for the privilege of getting an item made to their specifications, so I think that’s fair. I would love to make custom items; much more than customs even. But… I dunno, maybe it should only be a raffle prize or something seeing that it -would- just give more incentive to have CC. @__@ Also, another thing occurred to me- CC was implemented to reduce the confusion of multiple people contributing towards a single custom. Technically, wouldn’t stopping the sale of CC just start that confusing process up again? Unless you don’t allow people to do that anymore.
Posted 08/15/14
Pooka- Ishy was the one who initially proposed the Custom Item idea because it was the most bang for user’s CC buck and one of the least Artist intensive ideas that have been proposed. And while it would give more incentive to have it, it would give more incentive to spend it. Which is where the problem is. They want people to spend it not to hoard it and potentially cause problems later when they decided to spend their hoard of it. I don’t like the idea of rules but one comes to mind that.. Could solve it? That you submit a custom but it doesn’t actually go into the queue until there is enough CC to back it. ((Incase Multiple users are backing the same custom and covers the possibility of one user just slowly saving for a big ticket custom.)) This also allows artists to budget and know where the CC is going for. 2k can easily be just 10 heavy edit Dras customs as much as the 40 simple Ineki. =\
Posted 08/16/14
oooh, Ishy and Sapphy do you mean “backing” as in like, crowd-funding a custom? like say a bunch of users have a bit of CC on their accounts leftover from whatever, and their friend wants to get a custom but only has like…30 CC. then maybe there can be a page for that user’s custom to get funded(ooh, and what if you could do that anonymously too…). could be a way to help get rid of CC without making it directly tradeable for other stuff…then again, the user could also just send them the stuff afterwards anyway.
Posted 08/16/14
The idea for CC initially was to make it easier for multiple people to pay for the same custom. That’s…the entire point of it. Though the idea of a page (Being able to be seen by users or just the artists/admins) for what was currently being funded/saved up for etc. was my idea. A page for donating to customs people are saving for with CC would be cool. o-o
Posted 08/16/14
I summarised everything mentioned in the topic for my own sake, and figured I’d post the initial conclusions (sans suggestions) just in case anyone finds them useful. Purpose of CC: Issues: Underlying economical issue: In the case of customs, (when matching it exactly to the event ideology) this means enough customs should be made with CC to counter the ones made with direct USD purchases. This is not an idea, this is not a suggestion, this is only a meta-level ideological matching. Solutions There are quite a few suggestions I really like (and also a few that I really dislike), but I’ll give glitch a nudge & request insight into the current state of people that own CC. Much like Lilael mentioned, getting a grip on the quantity and spread of the quoted $2000 is essential to coming a good solution.
Posted 08/16/14, edited 08/16/14
I don’t think that the point is to devalue the custom credit, but to get some of it out of the system. I understand Glitch’s concern of having 2k of it floating around. I don’t support the idea of having any private items— I see private items as being the ones people add to their customs. I think having it released as staff sees fit would be a win-win for all. Users could have their items/ideas made, while staff could use them for events, monthlies, placed in one of the existing shops, used as a freebie, etcetera. Having the items used in multi-purpose ways would cause less stress on artists. I don’t like the idea of having them private because a lot of people would like to have those awesome items that us users come up with. Not only that, but if they’re sold in the shops they can also serve as sinks to get money out of the economy. Doragon, I don’t think I’ve played any site where I was able to afford expensive items/pets while still being new to the site :P. I’m sorry that you feel discouraged, but if you plan on sticking around for the long haul, I’m sure you’ll eventually be able to. During the events, if you decide not to keep them, people will buy them. If you play the games, buy OOTS items to sell later, & collect your bank interest I’m sure you’ll be just fine. :) I’m also a broke college student, when MC just launched, I was struggling to get $20 to recreate Gloria & Miel. Needless to say, I don’t donate to MC because I don’t have the extra funds, so I’ve come up with other ways to make money onsite.
Posted 08/16/14
In response to post. Focusing on releasing more for nuggets and gems will (1) just cause CC sellers to sell more CC for nuggets and (2) they’ll just spend their excess income on buying gems to get the item/color, then continue to sell CC if they still have excess income because customs are always going to be desired even if an interesting coloration is offered for a limited time or (3) CC sellers could buy the item/coloration from people for CC. This doesn’t really address the problem of CC for the long term and maybe not at all. Implementing breedings buyable for gems AND custom credit would still create a rift between those with disposable income and none (a current problem with CC) as well as make CC continuously preferred, if not more desireable because now you can buy breedings with it. Making CC 100% tradable still leaves it at desireable and maybe even more desireable since it’d be a 100% tradeable currency, which as far as I am aware was never the intention to turn it into a free flowing currency. This seems like a really bad idea. Making it tradable does not get rid of it, it just moves it to another person where it still may or may not get used up in the first place. From what I understand, we’re trying to make CC less of the #1 dominating thing on the market and give it a way to be used so it doesn’t sit stagnant, but I don’t think these ideas quite hit the mark as they only encourage its purchase and exchange without insuring its decrease in build up. - - - And I don’t know where removing CC entirely came up, but that seems like it would be quite a headache. - - - I don’t know if I already said this as well, but another thing that might be good to look at is who is purchasing the CC. Not the specific person, but I mean is it a small number of users spending a lot to sell on the market or is it a lot of people purchasing small amounts. How it’s spreading, ya know? If it appears that it’s due to a smaller amount of people purchasing a significant amount of CC to sell/trade on the market compared to the typical CC buyer, then maybe you would want to consider limits on how much you can purchase to try to counteract those big impact occurrences.
Posted 08/17/14
Ooo lots to read through :) Quick point I want to make first though: > I suggested ways to limit custom orders because I saw the worry over being “40 slots deep” as an expression of worrying about a flood of custom orders staff can’t fill in a timely manner. Other than that, I don’t understand why one would worry about being 40 slots deep in the first place. Ah I think I may have been unclear in my original post: my reference to slots wasn’t to the number of custom orders that are in the queue, but to the amount of custom credit on site divided by a vaguely-averageish price of a custom. The artists can’t actually see the length of the queue, so it’s not about them feeling overwhelmed. You can think of custom credit as a sort of “debt” that the site is in, that is spiraling out of control. So it’s not so much the size of the custom queue, but the speed at which credit is being bought being so very much faster than the speed at which it’s being spent, that’s making us uncomfortable. To illustrate the problem, there’s about 7-8 customs’ worth more credit floating around on the site than there was one week ago — and this is after the subtraction of any credit spent. Of course it grew faster than usual this last week, presumably because of this announcement, but you get the idea. —— Anyway, I will read through all the posts carefully and then maybe have some more to say :)
Posted 08/20/14, edited 08/20/14