14:55 ST
Price change for "Forever" ineki: 10 gems => 7 gems

Hey everyone,

We’ve dropped the price of Forever ineki (Sunbeam, Cave Shadows, Cave Painting) down from 10 gems to 7 gems. This is to make it a little easier to actually *use* mushrooms that you get through shops, events or trading. To anyone who’s bought a Forever ineki in the last two weeks (after 00:00 server time on August 1), send me an echo and I’ll refund you the difference :)

**Edit:** If you bought a monthly coat since Aug 1 that was fed a mushroom within 48 hours of buying it, then that counts too :D

Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14

-pops in-

I like this announcement very much. xD

-goes off to send glitch an Echo-

Posted 08/15/14

here, here!
-also sends an echo-

Posted 08/15/14

Ooh! This will help a lot of people’s issues with getting mushroom fodder pets~! <3 So lovely and nice! Thank you~! <3

(Also, let you know in private, or on here? ^.^;; ‘cuz I bought a Sunbeam last night, actually. I was anon-gifted a pancake ‘shroom that I just omgHADTOUSE. *snuggles pancake pet* o.o And I dunno about others, but I can never bear to mushroom over the actual monthly colors. Q.Q It breaks my heart ‘cuz the monthly colors are extra special.)

Edit: Apparently etiquette is to echo you, sooo… *pounces to do that*

Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14

I like this announcement… Now I only need another 6 gems to make my Raven Twins instead of another twelve. :D

Edit: Make that 3 gems because Glitch is secretly a super hero/villain with techno-kinetic powers awesomely fast. :)

Posted 08/15/14, edited 08/15/14

-glances at 4 billion shrooms in inventory-
you are a beautiful person

Posted 08/15/14

-stares off into the distance because she always bought OotS pets to mushroom over so oopsthen- >_>; ahaha

That’s super awesome though! Thank you~ ^_^

Posted 08/15/14
This rocks!  So ridiculously helpful : D
Posted 08/15/14

> -stares off into the distance because she always bought OotS pets to mushroom over so oopsthen- >_>; ahaha

You and a bunch of people, apparently… see my edit ^^

Posted 08/15/14
Hooray! Maybe I’ll actually be able to use my shrooms some day QuQ
Posted 08/15/14
I was like 4 days too late with one pet and 2 days too late with two other ones… v.v
Posted 08/15/14
YAY 8D!!! This makes saving up so much, easier xD! Yes someday I can now use mushrooms too.
Posted 08/15/14

Dragon Lord Nyx:  I’m sorry to hear that D:

I do need to make a hard-cutoff somewhere, but I feel your pain (\*curses Steam Sales for the exact same reason\*)

Posted 08/15/14
Woohoo! I have a handful of mushrooms. Maybe I can finally start using them :P
Posted 08/15/14
Wow! Thanks so much for the price change! It’ll definitely make it easier to use the shrooms now! =D
Posted 08/15/14
Sweet jesus, this is a godsend (no pun intended 8’D)
Posted 08/15/14

I like this change very much~  :D
Makes it much easier to obtain mushroom fodder!  :D

*skips off to echo*

Posted 08/15/14
Sweet! :D Thanks guys!
Posted 08/15/14
Yay, thank you! I love this update. o3o Now I should be able to make my pearly and the monthly this month!
Posted 08/15/14
pfft <,<  and me having just spent my gems ;/ but this will be greatly helpful in the future when i decide how to use my mushies >> terribly indesicive of me still trying to decide if i wanna use or sell my calcite
Posted 08/15/14
I feel bad saying it but I’m so glad for this change x.x I can get like 5 maybe 6 gems easily. after that it becomes a challenge ><
Posted 08/15/14
thank you for this change!! this will make events a lot easier.
Posted 08/15/14

Glitch you are so amazing, I swear today you become a hero to Mycenians everywhere, you have saved our lives!
No, better yet, you have saved our sanity, all hail to thee XD

Posted 08/16/14
I’m so glad to see this change! It’s perfect. x3
Posted 08/16/14

I bought so much fodder during the event… -shakes fist-.

Haha, but I’m really happy to see this change! This will make using my Monarch shroom and my soon to be (Yeah only 30K more need hahaha -sweats-) Pancake shroom a lot easier! And I do have one ineki I’ve bought since the cut off point anyway, so yay refunds! :D

Posted 08/16/14
Oh thank goodness. This’ll make it easier to mushroom pets for sure. Now I just… need to do it haha.
Posted 08/16/14

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of angels singing at this announcement.

Seriously though, thank you so much for this!! I have like 3 mushrooms to use but I’ve been putting away buying the actually mushroom fodder because 10 gems is so much. Even a seemingly small reduction in price is going to do wonders!! Thank you very much again.

Posted 08/16/14
Definitely a welcome update. XD I had to use a tribal coat for my spring sprouts, and I remember thinking it was such a waste. Actually wound up not bothering to get the other event coats because I hated the thought of paying full price for a coat to make use of a mushroom I’d paid for. xD Having the forever coats less expensive makes a lot more sense.
Posted 08/16/14